Thank you for all the reviews! I love them so much!

GardevoirLove4ever: Flavor of the stars. lol. A powery, dead cat flavor. er… okay.

Fluttersong: LOL! the second one made me laugh!

Whitestar17: Can't wait for the story to start!

MyrtleFalls: pickle pop? that sounds… cough. does it taste good?

(no name): sure! but since you didn't sign your name, i'll have to make it anonymous.

Thanks for all the reviews! unfortunately this will be the last chapter in Lime's Journey, but you can read more of Frisk and Sissy in The Rise of Hollystar! Thanks! And here we go with the final chapter!

Chapter 11: Dream

It was green leaf. The sun was beaming down on the four cats heads, burning their long fur. They were drenched in sweat, the journey was tiring.

"Momma. We have to stop. It's… too hot!" Sissy panted. Snow shook her head. The queen looked at her suffering kits with agony. Her gaze rested on Lime who's paw had been sprained from the climb over Moonstone. Her green eyes were dull with tiredness.

"We can't stop right here dears. There is no shade. We could die in this heat." Snow huffed. Frisk and Lime wailed.

"Please Momma! Can we just rest for a moment?" Frisk begged, his paws trembling. Lime looked drowsily at Snow.

"Yes, we have been walking all day! Besides, we're starving!" Snow glared at them, trying to control her temper.

"Dears, the faster we walk, the sooner the shade will be found." Lime looked around desperately. There wasn't any trees, or bushes or anything. Just the zig zags of big ThunderPaths that always had monsters on them.

"Can't we shelter under some twoleg nests?" Sissy mewled looking wistfully at the nests on the far side of the ThunderPath. Snow tensed her shoulders, her fur bristling.

"After seeing what they did to the old forest, I wouldn't go near a twoleg in my life!" she snapped. Frisk whined softly and started to slow down. Lime perked her ears and limped to his side slowly.

"Frisk what's wrong?" she rasped. Frisk shook his head.

"It's all right, Lime. It's just really hot. I'll manage." he meowed quickly. Lime licked his burning fur, hoping to cool him down. And they continued their journey.

Soon, they reached a large span of trees! Lime, Frisk and Sissy cheered and raced for the nearest tree, hoping for shade. Lime grinned and limped slowly behind. Frisk and Sissy curled into tiny balls, savoring the coolness of the shade. She collapsed on the ground, her heartbeat racing. Her lime green eyes closed in bliss. Snow frowned as she watched her kits settle.

"Kits, we need to go into the forest. It's cooler in there." Snow peered into the darkness of the woods. Sissy shivered.

"Momma it's dark out here! Can we go back?" Frisk demanded.

"Yeah! Can we Momma?" squeaked Sissy, lifting her head from the grass. Snow looked astonished at their suggestions, then shook her head.

"No kits, It's not safe there anymore. We have to leave so that we won't be hurt." Snow whispered. Lime's eyes narrowed. We were getting hurt out here.

"But what about Jayfrost?" Frisk protested. "He could protect us!" I squished closer to Frisk. I felt him flinch at my hot pelt.

"Sorry." I murmured. Snow looked at her paws then at us.

"No, Jayfrost can't be with us. He needs to be with Lia. She is expecting her own kits." All three pairs of eyes bugged out. Lime's lip wobbled and she rested her head on her paws. Jayfrost truly was gone. He didn't belong to Snow, Frisk, Sissy or her anymore. He never did.

"Follow me kits." Snow ordered. Lime stood up shakily and leaned on Frisk. Sissy flanked her. She looked straight ahead, staring at the great beyond. Black spots covered her vision, and the blood in her head pumped quickly. The heat engulfed me, swallowing me into a fire so hot…

"MOMMA!" Frisk screeched. Lime felt claws shaking her. Sissy stared at her in horror. Lime couldn't see anything. All she could sense was a fire. Bright flames flickering at her. She had to put the fire out!

"Water…" she croaked reaching. Her claw extended as if she could just feel the cool water just at her clawtips.

A rough paw felt her forehead. Lime winced at the touch. It was even hotter than the fire.

"Sissy, get me water in moss!" Snow cried. I gasped for breath. Please, Sissy, hurry!

"Momma, where's the moss?" wailed my little sister. I struggled to open my eyes. Once they were even a little bit open, I saw those familiar faces. Snow, Frisk, Sissy. All staring at me with frantically. I looked past them at another cat who stared at me.

Dagger? I thought. Her former mentor winked with his one eye and gestured for her to follow. She smiled faintly.

"Hot… so…" she rasped. Dagger gave her a sympathetic glance.

"Follow…" the dark tabby tom whispered. Dagger waited.

"Momma." she croaked. The white and gray dappled she cat spun to look at her. Lime smiled. "I love you. All of you. I'm going to sleep now. You should too. You can't feel any hot when you sleep. Dream Momma. You too Sissy and Frisk. I will see you all again when I wake up right?" Lime looked lovingly the horrified faces on her family. She knew she would see them again in the morning light. The flames died down as she looked at Dagger again. She nodded.

"Dream…" she closed her lime green eyes and followed Dagger to the starry forest, leaving Frisk, Sissy and Snow behind.

The end. Wahh! I'm so sad that this ended. Anyway, no poll since this the last chapter ever. NO, I won't make a sequel because the sequel is already written by me, called The Rise of Hollystar. Thank you for reading! See you guys!
