The steady beeping of the heart monitors kept Jane in a constant state of drowsiness. He tried to stay awake, but the day was wearing on him, and the lack of sleep the past couple of nights was finally catching up. Just as his eyes were closing, he noticed Lisbon's hand twitch slightly and her body shift. His eyes flew open and as he reached forward, grasping her hand gently in his.

"Teresa," he said softly, holding his breath.

Slowly her eyes fluttered open. "Jane?"

A smile broke out on his face as she breathed his name. "Hey,"

"What happened?"

"We found you," Jane said.

"I...why am I in the hospital?"

Jane's brow furrowed. "You don't remember?"

Lisbon stared at Jane as she thought a moment. "I...was in a room, there were two guys...Red John,"

Jane nodded.

Lisbon squeezed her eyes shut. "Red John walked away...the door was open...I ran. Oh god, Rigsby? Did you find Rigsby? He was hurt,"

"Yeah, we found him, he'll be alright, he's actually just down the hall,"

Lisbon let out a small sigh. "I was over. Everything was white, I didn't feel anything,"

Jane sucked in a deep breath, it had been that close. He squeezed her hand gently, not able to find the words to express how he was feeling, he smiled softly.

"Tired," she murmured as her eyes started to droop.

"Go to sleep," he said quietly, starting to pull his hand away, but Lisbon held tight to it.

"Don't...go," were her fading words as she fell back to sleep.

Letting out a small sigh, he pulled his chair closer to the bed so that he could still hold her hand and settled back down, dozing off into a restless slumber.

Lisbon woke later, when Cho, Grace and Hightower visited. While they chatted and visited, Jane sat solemnly in his chair, hands folding in his lap, just listening. Lisbon recalled the events of what had happened, her conversation with Red John, the moment where she ran, found the gun and cell phone on the kitchen counter, than ran and hid in another room. All to have it all play out like it did when they had busted in. Lisbon thanked all of them for their hard work and finding her, choking up slightly when she thanked Cho in the end. Jane watched as Cho squeezed her ankle affectionally, mumbling something about not wanting to have to handle Jane by himself. A tinge of unexpected jealousy coursed through him, definitely not the feeling he was expecting to feel at Cho's display of affection towards Lisbon. He knew they were close, but, thinking back to when they burst into the room, he remembered how Cho didn't even hesitate in shooting down Red John.

Jane chewed the inside of his lip, becoming unsettled at the thoughts that came springing to his mind.

"Jane? Jane?" Hightower's voice interrupted his thoughts as his eyes moved from Lisbon's feet and met Hightowers. "You'll need to come in, soon, I think we have a lot to discuss now that the Red John case is closed,"

Jane pressed his lips in a thin line and nodded his head.

"Alright. We'll get outta here, let you rest Lisbon,"

Goodbyes were exchanged as Hightower, Cho and Grace left and Lisbon's gaze settled on Jane's zoned out figure.

"You okay?"

He snapped back, his eyes going to her, "Yeah, I'm fine,"

"You're quiet,"

He smiled softly. "Been a rough couple of days,"

"I'm sorry,'

Jane waved off her apology and looked away, his eyes beginning to glisten with tears.

Lisbon winced as she scooted over in her bed so that there was a big gap next to her. Patting the spot, she frowned when he didn't move. "Please," it came out a hoarse request, and Jane couldn't resist it.

Gently climbing in next to her, he wrapped one arm around her tiny frame and the other started fiddling with her fingers as they lay clasped in her lap. Giving her a small squeeze, he pressed his lips to the side of her temple and closed his eyes.

"Talk to me,"

Jane let out a sigh, letting his fingers trace invisible patterns on her knuckles. "I should of protecting you better," he let out in a strangled whisper. "I couldn't protect my family, I couldn't protect-"

"Hey, you saved me-"

"Cho saved you, I watched,"

"What were you gonna do, go run and tackle the man who was wielding a knife?" Lisbon turned slightly.

"Cho didn't think twic-"

"Enough with that. Cho is a trained police officer, I would hope he didn't think twice about shooting someone who was about to kill me,"

"Did you and Cho ever go out?"

Lisbon's eyes widened at the question as she pulled back from his embrace and glared at him. "What are you crazy?"

Jane avoided looking her directly in the eyes and stared at his hand.

"That's seriously the first question you ask after this whole ordeal,"

Jane shifted uncomfortable.

"No, we never dated,"

Jane shrugged his shoulders. "He cares for you,"

"We never went out,"


Lisbon took a deep breath. "How are you doing?"

"I haven't really processed everything. Mixed emotions I guess,"

Lisbon nestled further against him, resting her head on his shoulder and swinging her arm around his torso. "I'm here if you wanna talk, nothing over our heads anymore,"

"Yeah," he said slowly, his hands fingered the bandages on her arm and he closed his eyes. Mixed emotions was an understatement. He was glad Red John was dead, uncertain how he felt that it hadn't happened by his own hand. Happy that Lisbon was safe, upset that she was taken from in the first place. The only thing he found peace in was the simple fact that his family's killer was now gone and could never kill again. He never had to fear for Lisbon's life because of Red John again, that was another plus. They could now focus on their relationship and attempt to make it as normal as they could. He wasn't sure what they were going to to do about work and Hightower, sure that it would it come about eventually. He knew that Lisbon knew that he was in the this for the long run so she wouldn't have to fear about him going off. He sighed and pulled her closer, dropping another kiss on her forehead as she closed her eyes.

"Sleep Teresa, I'll be here when you wake up,"

Two Months Later...

"Patrick Jane!" Lisbon yelled stomping into her office. "You let my suspect go!"

Jane lazily propped himself up from his position on the couch, an amused grin on his face. "I did not let him go. Just may of suggested for him to run,"

"And what if he's the killer?" Lisbon retorted, slamming her door shut.

"Meh, he's not," Jane said matter-of-factly.

"You are infuriating sometimes you know that," Lisbon glanced over her shoulder as she headed for chair, the glance at Jane causing her to bump into her desk. "Ouch," she winced, right at the spot where her bullet wound was two months ago.

Jane jumped immediately, going to her side, on arm around her waist , the other searching for wherever she was hurt. "Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," she sighed, leaning into his touch. "Just tender," she rubbed her leg where the wound was. "It'll be fine,"

"Sit," Jane lead her over to the chair and eased her down into it, positioning himself on the edge of her desk facing her. "You overdue it,"

"I'm fine," Lisbon said, starting to type on her computer.

Jane's hand reached over and skimmed the scar that peeked out from under shirt. There was one on each arm, Lisbon wore long shirts most of the time, but whenever anybody say them they didn't say anything.

Lisbon looked down at his hand then back the computer, "Work, Jane. Hightower is allowing us to continue only if we don't let it affect our work," she reminded softly. "Since she can't technically stop it anyway, she does threaten to fire one of us,"

Jane sighed, dropping his hand. "Fine. But I have a surprise for you after work. We'll take my car. A kiss?"


"Just a peck?"

Lisbon fought a smile at his persistence. "No, I'm still mad at you,"

Jane grinned and leaned down dropping a quick peck on her cheek. "I have an errand to run,"

Lisbon smiled as she watched him walk, happily, away. There was a slight spring to his step and the grin on his face she hadn't seen in a long, long time.

"Jane, where are you going?" Lisbon asked, cocking one eyebrow as they missed their turn to head to Lisbon's apartment.

"My surprise," Jane whispered, lacing his fingers with hers, resting their hands on the console between them.

Lisbon rolled her eyes and looked out the window. "Where are we going?"

"That would be the exact opposite of surprise, if I told you,"

A few minutes later they pulled up into nice, private condo complex, that looked like a row of modern townhouses all on three blocks. Jane squeezed into a parking spot and quickly hopped out, running over to help Lisbon out on her side.

"What is this place?" Lisbon asked slowly.

"Well, I told you would I start taking steps to show you how much I love you, and I told you we would do this relationship right,"

"Uh..Jane," Lisbon froze in her spot. "This isn't-"

"So, I thought about it and I was trying to figure out what wasn't normal about us,"

Lisbon smirked.

"Hush. And I realized, we are always at your place, so," he drew out the 'so' as they walked up the path to the front door of one of the condos. They stopped in front of it, and he turned towards her, beaming from ear to ear at her confused, almost terrified face. "I sold, my houses,"

"You didn't sell my apartment too, did you?"

Jane chuckled and reached over, tucking a pesky fly away behind her ear. "No, my dear, that is your sanctuary, I would not dare take it from you,"

Lisbon smiled softly.

"This is my place,"

Lisbon's eyebrows arched as he unlocked the door and swung it open. "You bought this place?"

"Yeah, fresh start. You have your place, I have mine, like every other couple," Jane followed behind her as they walked in and Lisbon got a look at the simple, yet modernly furnished place. "And the best part," he took the lead, tugging her hand as he lead her upstairs. They passed the first two doors and headed back to the last one. "Of course whenever you stay over, I want you to sleep with me, but...if ever you need your space," he opened the door on that last note and Lisbon took in a sharp breath. There was a queen size bed on one wall, a dresser and a desk on the other two and big oversized comfy chair in the corner by the window.

"Oh my," Lisbon breathed, giving Jane that same smile back when he had surprised her with a pony on her birthday.

"And if you open the dresser drawers, they are full with all Lisbony clothes and the bathroom is full of your kind of products,"

"THIS is not normal," Lisbon laughed, turning towards him and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Meh, not everything has to be," Jane laced his hands behind her back, smiling down at her.

"Thank-you," she said quietly. "It's too much, but thank-you,"

Jane bent down, landing a passionate kiss on her lips. Pulling back, he rested his forehead against hers. "And thank-you Teresa, for saving me,"

Lisbon smiled.

"Now, how about we christen these rooms," he murmured, meeting her again for another kiss.


Thank-you, Thank-you- Thank-you! To all the people that read, reviewed, added me as a fav author, and fav story. Thank-you! Thank-you! I hope you guys enjoyed reading it, as much as I did writing :)