A/N: I know it's rare for me to update a few hours after posting the second chapter. But I just can't sleep. BTW, this is the final chapter.

Sunday passed by without any shouting incident happening inside the Iwatodai dorm. In fact, Akihiko and Minako bypasses each other as if the other one is just but empty space. Whenever they come near each other, the others (apart from Mitsuru) would look at them and cringe, expecting them to yell at each other. But such thing never happened.

"I'm going out for a bit." Minako said to Junpei. Junpei looked at her wildly.

"Oh...uh...okay?" Junpei said uncertainly, his eyes darting towards Akihiko's back. Minako never tells anyone that she's going out. In fact, she never tells them anything. She just go out of the door and return late in the afternoon. "Take care."

"If you need something from me, I'll just be at Naganaki Shrine."

"Can I come with you, Senpai?" Ken said. Minako smiled kindly at him.

"I'm sorry Ken. But Akinari-san seems to be hostile to anyone who comes close to him. I just got him to open up to me and I don't want to risk of losing our friendship."

At the name "Akinari", Akihiko turned to look at her. Just how many guys is she seeing for goodness sake? When Minako saw him looking at her direction, she resumed her poker face look and turned towards the door. She closed the door with a snap.

"Uh, Akihiko-senpai?" Fuuka said. "Why are you crushing that poor empty cup of ramen?"

"Huh? What?" Akihiko said as he turned to look down on his hand. True, he had crushed the ramen cup when he heard her say those stuff. He quickly threw it into the trash can and washed his hands.

"I'm going out for a bit." he said as he closed the door. Junpei, Yukari, Ken and Koromaru looked at each other.

"You don't think he's going after her?" Junpei said uncertainly.

"Why would he even do that?" Yukar said. "They are at war..."

"It seems to me that they look like a cute couple having a really bad argument." Ken said, though deep inside he wished they're not really a couple.

"Uh, how old are you again?" Yukari said.

Akihiko wandered around the Palownia Mall, looking at random shops. When he passed by the antique shop, a small box caught his attention. It was a simple music box, adorned with good craftsmanship. He wondered if Minako likes those kind of stuff. Then he caught himself thinking.

"Why would I even bother to buy her a gift?" he thought as he continued to walk. "She already has that guy in blue..."

"Eeeek! Akihiko-senpai!" he heard the familiar squeals of his fangirls. Oh great. Here we go again. He'd just have to ignore them, as always, and think of a way to pay back to what Minako did last night.

Minako returned to the dorm past seven o'clock. She was in the doorway when she heard her cellphone rang. Junpei and the others looked at her. It's rare for her to have a call during night time. And to think she quickly answered it made it really suspicious.

"Hello? Theo?" she answered quietly, wishing that the others to turn their heads away from her.

"I'm sorry to say that I've informed you this late, but I need you to come to the Velvet Room." Theodore said.

"It's alright." Minako replied, turning her back to go out of the door. The stares of her dormmates were unnerving her. "I'm not planning to go into Tartarus tonight and-Ack!"

Minako walked headlong onto Akihiko, who glared at her.

"Watch where you're going, damn it." Akihiko snapped. Minako only scowled at him before brushing past him, and continued talking to Theodore. Akihiko caught bits of their conversation before he closed the door.

"Theo, are you sure about this? I mean, if this is one of your pranks...No wait, I'm sorry Theo...I didn't mean...Don't worry. I'm on my way..."

When Minako returned very late that night, it was only Akihiko who's in the lounge. Seeing her senpai, Minako ignored him and started for the staircase.

"So, his name is Theo, huh?" Akihiko said suddenly. For some unknown reason, Akihiko had concluded that "Theo" might be the guy she was with last Friday. Who knows, maybe he's right. Minako turned to look at him.

"And what business do YOU have to poke your nose into my private life?" Minako said coldly. Akihiko only smirked. She's easy to goad into a fit when she's not thinking straight.

"Was he the one you toured last Friday into school?" he asked innocently. "Surely you must have bored him to death with your lack of charm. To think that you'd bring your boyfriend to school. Can't you think of any other places to have a date?"

Minako was ticked off but she held onto her calm side. And to think that it was Thanatos who's dominant in her list of personas right now...

"Yeah, so what if we had a date at school?" she said. "It was he who asked me to tour him around Gekkou High."

"Ah, then he might be suspicious of you." Akihiko said. "To think that he'd come to school just to check on you."

"And to think that you yourself said to stop poking into other people's private life." Minako said through gritted teeth. Akihiko chose to ignore this and continued his onslaught.

"And he called you tonight because he heard you were seeing another guy? What a possessive guy."

"At least he has a really pronounced charming side." Minako retorted. "And that he cares a lot about me. Unlike you."

"And weren't you the one who said I'm charming?" Akihiko snapped back. Deep inside, her comment hurt him. So she prefers guys like Theo? Akihiko knew that, compared to Theodore, he's no match for him.

Minako was taken aback by this. True, she had said that he's charming just because he REALLY IS charming, in his own way. As she looked at Akihiko, things started to click into place in Minako's mind. Perhaps, Akihiko had seen them? Theo did turn to look around when they were about to go into the Art room. And she doesn't remember the Home Economics' door to be slightly open.

"Oh," Minako said softly. It might be a wild guess but it's worth it. "Senpai, you're jealous aren't you?"

Akihiko was shocked. Him? Jealous? Hadn't he asked himself that for the past two days and came up with nothing? He has nothing to be jealous of. Maybe.

"And why would I be jealous?" he asked, trying to keep his composure.

"Oh, I don't know." Minako said, suddenly calm. Her girlish action made Akihiko annoyed. "Maybe because...you like me?"

At this, Akihiko forced out a laugh. "Like you? Why would I ever like you?"

"Don't ask me." Minako suddenly snapped. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be going to my room."

Minako turned towards the stairs but she was stopped by Akihiko, who grabbed her wrist. She wheeled around to look at him.

"What do you want?" she hissed.

"What's this? You're running away from our fight?" Akihiko said in an undertone. His grip on her wrist tightened, and he knew he's hurting her physically now. But she didn't cringed or cried out in pain. She just stood there and looked at him straight in the eyes. Coldly.

"I am not running away, Senpai." she replied. "In fact, I can fight verbally with you for as long as you want until you're satisfied. But tonight, I want to concede for I am tired."

Akihiko admired her courage despite the fact that he could easily knock her out with his strength, even though he knows that won't settle anything at all. And using his strength against a girl like her, he feels like a bully.

"Then fight me then." he said. Minako glared at him.

"Fine then. I'll fight you all night long if that's what you want."

"Oh? And when you lose, you're going to run to Theo and cry like a baby, saying that you're being bullied by your senpai?"

"Leave Theo out of this, Akihiko-senpai!" Minako said dangerously. "He had done nothing wrong to you so keep him out of this!"

"What's so special about him that you like, Arisato?" Akihiko said. "He looks like a player for me."

"Theodore isn't something like that, you jerk!" Minako said, raising her voice. "He's kind, gentle, and he tries his very best to know more about me. Unlike YOU!"

This remark stung Akihiko straight into his heart. But he held on to his resolve to know about her date. "So that's how special he is to you, huh? So special you even played the piano for him?"

Minako blinked at him. So she's right. He saw them together.

"Yes, he's special to me." Minako said flatly.

"Well I pity him for having YOU as his girlfriend." Akihiko said.

"What?" Minako shrieked, blushing furiously. "What made you think that he's my-!"

"Well, by the what I saw last Friday, the two of you were super sweet!" Akihiko said, raising his voice as well. "Isn't that normal between couples?"

"What do you know about intimacy?" Minako yelled, shaking her wrist free from his grasp. "You, who never even cared of having a girlfriend?"

"Just because I said I don't have any plans just yet means I won't get one in the future!"

"Well, I pity YOUR future girlfriend for you don't have even the tiniest drop of romanticism in you!"

"Why do you care?"

"And why do you care about me and Theo?"

"It's because I like you, damn it!"

"Theo remind me of Minato-nii and-what?" Minako stopped mid-tirade, looking at Akihiko. Akihiko, realizing what his mouth babbled off, took a step back. Damn. His plan may have worked but he had said some things he shouldn't be saying unless he's really sure of it.

"Did you just say-?" Minako said but Akihiko brushed her off.

"I'm going to bed." Akihiko said harshly as he went up to his room. Minako only stood there, watching him go. It was a sudden change of event.

The next day, Junpei slung his arm around Minako as they walked up to the school gates.

"Hey, Minako-tan. I've had this dream yesterday of you and Akihiko yelling at each other late at night and suddenly Akihiko-senpai confessed to you. Is this a premonition?" Junpei said with his grin. Minako flushed.

"T-That will never happen!"

"Oooh...did you just falter? Ha! I knew there's something going on between you two."

"There's nothing of sort, Junpei."

"Oh really? And why did you just gave Mitsuru-senpai a really evil look this morning when she fixed Akihiko-senpai's tie?"

"W-What? I did not! That evil look is for Akihiko-senpai!"

"Lie all you want, Minako-tan. But Junpei will always see through it. Ciao~"


A/N: All's well that end's well. ;)