I'm obviously not J. ;)

A is for Always. James & Lily, 6th year.

'This sucks'. Yep, Lily Evans was always optimistic at the beginning of term. She ran her fingers over the sharp edges of her badge.

'Come on Lils. It's not that bad. You don't know who head boy is yet.' Lily raised her eyebrows and handed Hazel the letter.

Dear Miss Evan,

Term starts September 1st. hoping to see you their, your book list is included and we suggest you read up on Quidditch.

Over the years we have noticed the way you act around others. This, and many other things, has chosen you for the Head Girl. We hope you will take the responsibility and meet James Potter, Head Boy in the prefect carriage on Hogwarts Express.

Kindest Regards,

Minerva McGonagall

'Oh My God!' Hazel burst out laughing; Lily couldn't help but crack a smile at her cousin's laughter. Hazel and Lily were as close as cousins could get. Hazel was almost a year older than Lily, short by 21 days. Hazel being in September and Lily in the following August.

'Okay, maybe you do know who the Head Boy is. Now I've finished at Hogwarts and go to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, I won't be able to see my dearest Lily with her best friend James Potter!' Lily stared daggers.

'New subject?' Hazel quickly added. 'Oh! You're birthday! Lickle Lillikins is finally going to be off age! Four days until the twenty-sixth.

A big whoosh behind them introduced Remus Lupin. Hazel's boyfriend of nine months.

'And then, Little Lillers won't need her two best friends...' He gestured to him and Hazel 'to use magic to help you'.

'Thanks. I feel really special'

'Anytime Lils. Anyway, what are you doing here?' Lily froze halfway through poring coffee. 'Family.' Hazel whispered into Remus' ear. Lily unfroze.

'I moved in Rem. Until Aunt Leslie comes back.'

'Lucky Me' Hazel said sarcastically. Lily through a pillow at her, while passing the drinks.

'I have your CD upstairs' Hazel jumped off Remus' knee and ran upstairs.

'How's life Lils?' Lily sat down. Remus thought she looked like she was about five years older than what she really was.

'Alright, I guess. Mum's in Hospital but they say she'll get better. Tuny hates me. But nothing new there. You?' Remus shrugged.

'Meh. Just normal I guess, I came over to see Hazel.' Lily smiled sheepishly.

'Sorry' Remus laughed.

'It's nothing. Congrats on making Head Girl though.' Lily looked up confused.

"How did you know that?'

Remus smirked,

'I'm at James' house. He was oh so thrilled he would share living quarters and a job with his wonderful Lily Evans. He actually took us out to celebrate.' Damn, Lily forgot about the living arrangement. She would own a whole wing to share with James.

'How come I wasn't invited out?' Lily teased.

'Not sure myself. You'll come over at some point won't you?' Lily grinned.

'Of course. ' She sighed, 'I'm going home tomorrow.'

'You will be alright, won't you?'

'I hope so' Lily whispered.

Remus Lupin to Lily Evans.

Hey Lily,

Alright? How are things? Your still coming over for your birthday aren't you? We have everything planned.

Remus. X

James Potter to Lily Evans.

Why hello my Lily Petal 3

Having a good holiday. I'm doing well, although it would be better if you were here. Oh Well. I'm coming to Remus' for your birthday. Congrats on making Head Girl, looking forward to living with the coolest guy at Hogwarts.

Deciding on your birthday present, thinking hard,

James Potter xoxoxoxox

Lily Evans to James Potter.


I'm not 'your' Lily Petal,

I'm fine thanks,

I didn't know I was living with Remus,

Oh the Joys of birthdays,

Please don't get my anything.

Yours, Lily Evans.

Lily Evans to Remus Lupin

Hey Rem,

Good, I guess. Yes to all your questions, but I can't be bothered write to you and Potter (Why did you ask him to your house while I'm there?) so give me a ring when you get this.

Lily xox

The phone rang. 'I'll get it!' Lily waited for her sister to shout up who it was. 'Freak! It's another weirdo for you. Rem-os of something.' Lily went down to get the phone. She took it from Petunia's firm grip.

'Why'd you give him are number?'

'He's my friend. You give your friends our number' Lily reasoned.

'My friends aren't Freaks!' She slapped Lily round the face and walked out.

'Hey Rem.'

'Lily! You said you were alright?'

'I am'

'Lily! I heard her verbally abuse you and then Bitch-slap you!'

'You can't hear her Bitch-slap me!'

'So you admit she did?'

'Well yeah. It's fine though. The other bruises are going down. You can only see the green one n my cheek.'

'Right! I'm coming to get you.'

'No! Pease don't. I'm fine. I'll deal with it!'

'Lily, she's going to kill you.'

'She won't go that far! Just promise you won't come and get me?'

'No. Why do you want to stay there anyway?'

'I don't know. I just do'

'Okay. I promise I won't come and get you.'

'Thanks Rem, but I got to go. Bye.'

'Bye Lils'

The phone went dead. 'James?' A boy with messy black hair came down the stairs. 'Who was that?'

'I was talking to Lily'

'Lily Evans?' James looked up hopefully.

'Yeah. And she needs your help.'

Tap Tap Tap

It was dark when Lily heard the tapping on her window. She rolled over and tried to go back to sleep.

Tap Tap Tap

Lily tried to ignore the continuous tapping in her heard.

Tap Tap Tap

Lily sat up, considering getting some useless muggle medicine. Suddenly she heard a smash. A stone had been thrown through her window. Her sister was not going to be happy. Quickly she swung her legs out of bed and ran to the window.

"She speaks:
O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art
As glorious to this night, being o'er my head
As is a winged messenger of heaven
Unto the white-upturned wondering eyes
Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him
When he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds
And sails upon the bosom of the air."

Lily sighed.

"O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name;
Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love,
And I'll no longer be a Capulet."

James grinned and pushed his coal black hair over his eyes.

"I have come to save thy fair Lady Lily!" James had obviously been told by Remus. Boy, was that boy in trouble.

"And take me where? The Capulet household, my handsome lover?" She said sarcastically. His smile faltered.

"Remus said you were in trouble..." Lily was right. "and needed help. You told him he couldn't help you, but you didn't say I couldn't." Lily opened her mouth to speak but James carried on, "You need to come back with me!" He finally looked back up at her. Lily rolled her eyes.

"No I don't James"

"Yes you do Lils"

"Don't call me Lils. No I don't"




"Don't" Lily turned away, leaning against her window sill, facing the door.

"You do" His voice seemed closer.

"No! I dooooooooooooooooon't" James had flown up on his broom and pulled her out the window onto it. Lily grabbed onto his chest, gripping tightly onto his shirt.

"Never thought you would hold me this tightly on your own accord" Lily hit him. "Well, we can do this the easy way or the hard way." Lily quickly levitated all her magic stuff onto the end off his broom.

"Just go." They flew in silence. Lily had never liked flying. But seeing things from this height was pretty amazing. When Lily had calmed down James started murmuring.

"James! That's really annoying. Just say it!"

"Look, Lily. I know we haven't been great friends for ever. I know I annoy you, I know you hate our pranks, I ask you out all the time, I piss off your friends and you think I'm an obnoxious Prat!" Lily nodded and giggled. James quickly did a loop-de-loop. "That's for laughing. Anyway, the point is that I really like you. I'm sorry that I annoy you. I just want you to know that I love you and I'll be here ALWAYS! I promise that through everything I will ALWAYS be here. I promise ALWAYS." Lily smiled and gave him a hug from behind. She felt him stiffen.

"I haven't ALWAYS thought you're we're a prat, and actually I love you pranks. They brighten up my day and I've never agreed to going out with you because I thought you would eventually dump me and then I wouldn't get to see you every day." James turned his head and kissed her on the lips.

"I'll never dump you, I promise. Lily, you'll be mine always?" Lily nodded.
