I know I suck at updating. I'm sorry !
Disclaimer: I don't own anything.
Finn stared at Puck. "What do you mean?" Different scenarios ran through his mind. He never had sex with Quinn, so she couldn't have not had his baby. Not not had his baby? It was too confusing.
Puck stared straight ahead, refusing to meet Finn's questioning look. He took a deep breath and let himself remember what he had blocked out for the past couple of years.
All of the fights about nothing. Never talking about it. How the only way he could take out his anger on her was fucking her harder, and when even that wasn't enough, he went and fucked both of her best friends, getting one of them knocked up and screwing up his relationship with his best friend. He didn't know if he could even talk about it, but now he had to. He had brought it up and Finn was giving him that dopey I-have-no-idea-what's-going-on look he had given Puck so many times before.
Puck took a deep breath. "Freshman year." Finn held his breath, feeling as if one little movement from him could stop Puck from saying more. "She … she had an abortion."
Finn's eyes widened. "Huh? You mean San?" he asked.
"Well, yeah, I mean her! Who else would I be talking about?" Puck said.
Finn mulled this new information over in his head. "Was it yours?"
Puck gave Finn a look that said "well obviously." Then he shook his head. "Then she goes and has your baby and doesn't even have the fucking decency to tell me she was having my best friend's baby. Just goes and disappears off the face of the fucking Earth."
"I'm sure she didn't mean to hurt you." Finn told Puck slowly. "I didn't mean to hurt you. She was younger then, too. She probably felt like she was too young to be having a kid."
Puck glared at Finn. "She was too young. She still was too young. Don't you get it, Finn? I'm a Lima Loser, but she figured she could raise a kid with you. She never even considered having my kid. She just comes up to me by my locker and says 'I got an abortion today.' Like what the hell was I supposed to say to that? I thought she was joking. She didn't even tell me she was pregnant. It was like, it was like …" He trails off running out of steam. "And now, Quinn wants to be with you again, and just what about me, you know? Even Berry still kind of wants to be with you. Everyone wants to be with you."
Finn reached for Puck's arm and grasped it. "You're my best friend, Puck. No matter what happens. We've had a lot of fights, but we always get through it. Sometimes you piss me off, but I'll always want to be with you. And I would like you to be a part of Brinn's life, more than anyone else in New Direction. But I know you need time to process everything, I guess, but you know, yeah." He let go of Puck's arm. When Puck didn't say anything, Finn said, "Could you drop me off at home? I think I should be getting home to Brinn."
Sooo, once again sorry, it's been so long and the chapter is short again and poorly written. I don't even know what's going on in this story anymore. I kind of want to wrap it up already, so if anyone is still reading this, any questions or plots that need to be answered before it ends ?