Chibi: Hey guys Chibi here with another fanfic This one Is about a spy in the Vongola family who's after… WELL JUST READ THE STORY Here we go on and Super thanks to Saiyuki729 for uh beta-ing this story

THANK YOU rock check her out her has awesome stories and well yea enjoys.

The story takes place between Episode 8 (Dino) and episode Episode 9 (Dr. Shamal)

TARGET 8 ½ or 9 (lol)

XxXx Rosso, The disappearing spy XxXx

Four cloaked figures were jumping over rooftops. They were fighting amongst themselves three against one. Throwing several poisonous darts at each other. Until one of the figure lost sight of the other three in front of a certain brunette's house. The cloaked figure looked at the plate which was on it.

"Sa-wa-da?" he said puzzled and then gasped "Could this be the house of the Vongola tenth?" he asked to himself. Then he jumped backwards as the other three cloaked figure threw several needles towards him. And another chase ensued.

~Later in the morning~

Tsuna was late to school again, and was running as fast as he could. He stopped when he saw three cloaked figure on top of a telephone pole. They were chatting amongst themselves

"Ok you two check by the river I'll check-"One of them paused and looked down at Tsuna.

"Well it be great if we captured the spy but I think killing the Vongola tenth will score us more points." The figure dropped down in front of Tsuna. Tsuna cried out in surprise and began to run with the figures close behind. Meanwhile with Gokudera and Yamamoto, they were walking to school as well.

"God why do I have to see you first thing in the morning baseball nut."Gokudera muttered, Yamamoto simply laughed and just said that it would be better since they live close by and go to the same school. Gokudera then saw Tsuna being chased by the figures and ran to help his "boss" with Yamamoto running close by

"Tenth, who are these idiots?" Gokudera asked as he reached Tsuna.

"I don't know, they just starting chasing me!" Tsuna said Gokudera then threw his bombs at them which they easily dodged. As Yamamoto started to draw his bat Gokudera tripped knocking over both him, Tsuna and Yamamoto. The three figures caught up, and then a fourth person appeared he wore black coat (similar to Dino's) jeans and running shoes neither Gokudera nor Tsuna saw what kind of shirt he was wearing.

He then held out his arm and yelled "ENEGRY CONDENSER ROCKET FISTS!" then two object flew out of the sleeves of the jacket and hit two of the cloaked figure. The one standing stepped backwards and ran then disappeared the other two got up shortly and ran just as fast as the first one had.

"Sorry if I put you in any danger Vongola tenth." The young boy said as he helped Tsuna up, now Tsuna saw that he wore a black long sleeve with a camouflage colored shirt on it.

"HEY! I'm the tenth's right hand man" Gokudera said angrily as he tried to hit the boy but Yamamoto stops him. "Maa, maa, calm down Gokudera," Gokudera just glared at him.

"Oh sorry there man I was just helping the Vongola up" The boy said carelessly "I'm Rosso by the way. I'm a spy from Italy, The Vongola family more specifically."

'Another crazy Mafia guy.' Tsuna thought.

"Ciaossu, Rosso" Reborn said standing on a wall

"Reborn! WHERE! WHEN! How!" Tsuna stuttered "Who is this guy Reborn?" Tsuna finally asked.

"He's Rosso, a spy for the Vongola family" Reborn replied

"Yep and it seem I got myself into some trouble with the Demonio Family." Rosso said

"Why?" Tsuna asked

"I found a way to wipe out the Demonio Family for good whilst spying for the family. I got caught and I'm a wanted guy by their 3 best assassins. Oh, um, Tsuna ain't you late for school?" Rosso asked. Tsuna didn't realize how much time he spent getting to know each other

"Ah! Oh, thank you Rosso-san" And Tsuna took off with Gokudera and Yamamoto behind.

"He has a long way to go before succeeding the ninth" Rosso said to Reborn. Reborn nodded.

~later in the Afternoon~

"Another weirdo showed up" Tsuna said grimly walking back home

"Why does it have to be me? Why do I have to become the Vongola tenth? I never agreed to this." Tsuna sighed. Then Rosso ran up beside him

"Hey Tsuna what's up?"Rosso asked "Huh? Rosso-san why are you here?" Tsuna asked

"I came the protect you those assassins may be anyways even …. There" Rosso punched a part of the wall that was one of the assassins he fell flat on his face. "pfft too easy!" Rosso said and walked alongside Tsuna until they got home. In about an hour Gokudera, Yamamoto was there along with Haru. I-pin was chasing Lambo for stealing her pot-stickers, Tsuna was doing his homework or at least trying too and pretty soon Gokudera got angry and starting chasing Lambo as well.

~The next day, Noon~

Tsuna was going to the rooftop to try to avoid Gokudera and Yamamoto (he wanted to be alone).Unfortunately when he got there Rosso was lying there with a dart stuck in both arms.

Tsuna ran to him "Rosso-san is you ok?" Rosso was breathing heavily

"Ts-Tsuna r-run t-t-the as-assassins a-a-are here. T-they g-got me" Tsuna was about to run away when the three assassins appeared.

"Well well it looks like the end for the Vongola tenth!" said the first one.

"How anti-climactic?" said the second one.

"And here I thought it was to be a hard fight" said the third one.

Somewhere Reborn was watching "Defeat them with your dying will." and shot Tsuna with the dying will bullet

"REBORN!" Tsuna exclaimed "I'll DEFEAT THE ASSASINS WITH MY DYING WILL" And Tsuna sprang into action charging at one of them, he hit him with an uppercut then ran at another and duck as the one that was upper hit punched strait at the other Tsuna then ran at the last one and punch him square in to face as the other two threw needles at him, missing and hitting the third one instead. Tsuna punched one of them and knocked him out-cold and then his dying will flame blew out."Huh? Phew that was close" He said then the last assassin stood behind him

" You've made a fool of us all and now you'll pay the ulti-" the last one fell down a dart on his back. Tsuna looked and saw Rosso barely standing with the darts stuck to the assassin's back

"Thanks Tsuna" he said and fell again.

"Rosso-san" Tsuna cried and ran to Rosso-san. Gokudera came and saw Tsuna "There you are Tenth- What happened!"Gokudera exclaimed

"Rosso-san was attacked" Tsuna said.

Rosso then moved and whispered."Energy conden- … -ser flying …." Rosso was too tired and hurt to speak. "Let's get him help" Tsuna said.

~2 days later~

"THANK YOU TSUNA" Rosso said happily at Tsuna his wound were fully healed and it was like the attack never happened

"I'm just glad you're alright Rosso-san" Tsuna said.

"Please call me Rosso" Rosso said Tsuna nodded

"Actually I think I'll stay here. I need a break from the hustle of the Mafia underworld and Japan seem like the right place to do it" Rosso said

'Why does he have to say here too?' Tsuna thought he looked back and saw that Rosso wasn't there

"huh Rosso?" Tsuna said "where did you go"

"Over here" Rosso tapped Tsuna's shoulders and saw that Rosso was nothing more than a floating head and hand. Tsuna screamed in horror then Rosso laughed "Ah, oh-ho, you gotta love my energy condenser" he said


Chibi: SOOO whaddya think do you guy like Rosso leave reviews!