I am alone in this world.
I had been left alone, I had survived alone, and I had grown up alone. I had discovered alone, learned alone, and I had understood alone. Days were meaningless – all that mattered were food, drink, and shelter. Would I live to see tomorrow? And that was all I cared about. Could I complete this task, could I defeat this enemy, could I save this land?
It had been a controversial question – though it didn't matter anyway. I had no one to mourn for me if I was struck down in action. It would be unfortunate for the kingdom, but no one would cry out in pain at my death. No one would lay a lily on my grave, because no one would remember. No one would smile weakly with watery eyes over a joke I'd pulled when I had been a child. No one would care.
Now, that I have indeed been 'fortunate' enough to survive the perilous ordeals demanded of me, I am still as alone as ever. I pace through this bleak manor's empty halls, various screams of agony occasionally snaring my thoughts, which are nearly always directed at my past. I stare blankly into far away space, time so absolutely mutated, my brain forever tainted by what I'd been pushed into unwillingly, the secrets I'd uncovered accidentally, and the lives I'd taken reluctantly.
A child's ragged, dirty face as I was forced to steal from her, perhaps not allowing her to live another day by depriving her of money, for maybe her only lifeline, a loaf of bread. The cowardice that was inevitably inside us all, being revealed on a terrified man's face as I held my glinting, blood-thirsty blade to his neck. A woman's face as I struck down her son, the pain in her eyes making me want to turn my own sword against me…
I sit alone in my room, my prison cell of haunting memories and taunting hopes that will never come true. Every night I gaze at the stars, endeavoring to halt my tears and my regrets, begging for God to end it now, to rescue me from this pathetic, crumbling life….
It's not just. Have I not done my share? Have I not saved countless, pointless, purposeless people from endings as bad as my own? Isn't it my turn to be rescued?
I am scared. Fear is eating me alive, because no promises have ever been kept before and no one ever cares enough to keep them, or now even make them.
I am falling. There is nothing to catch onto, nothing to grab ahold of; there is nothing to land on, nothing to spring me back up like a toy children enjoy…
I am breaking, with no one to come fix me. No one is there to save me, help me escape from the walls of despair I've built around myself. But I force myself to wonder if I would ever let anyone in if they tried.
I am shattered. No one cares. No one looks at me admiringly, adoringly, or tenderly. Nothing matters. Nothing is worth it at all. Life is a hassle, useless, and for me, it is something that should end immediately.
I am nothing. I am an empty shell, a soulless being wrecked by hopelessness and wrenched apart by desperation. Any sense I once had has fled my body and my mind, exchanging for sorrow and silence.
I am alone.
A/N: Dark, huh? I decided to take a turn for the worst…I know this is SUPER short, but there's more to come. I know I have 2 other multiple-chapter fics going, but this will only be like 5 chapters. Leave a review if you want to make me feel fuzzy and warm inside, to lighten the mood. ;)