Hi again! Sorry for the late update, I have no willpower.

Here's a brief recap:

"The Stiff Dylans need a new singer, Georgia, and the scout thinks a female voice would be the perfect way to revamp our image a little. They also said that they'll need someone to oversee tour bookings and such, and a few folks to do merch. We've decided that Tom and Jas can take care of merchandizing, and I wouldn't mind booking gigs. So, Georgia, are you in?"




"Er…well…yeah. I'm in."

at home

Friday, March 23

9:14 am

Ahhh, long weekends. They are truly lovely. Since I don't have to enter into that torture chamber they call school today, I think that I'll make a list of all reasons why my life is totally fab:

Still the girlfriend of a Sex God. Yummm.

No Stalag 14 for three whole days!

Mum said she'd give me ten quid to go out with the Ace Gang today. I personally think she just wants me out of the house, but I'm quite ok with that.

Oh yeah, and I'm the Stiff Dylans' new frontwoman.

I am double cool with knobs. And the super fab queen of the universe. Lalala!

In the hallway

10 am

Just got off of the phone with Rosie to talk about going out. Unfortunately (but not uncommonly), Sven picked up.

"Ya, this is the party house. Would you like a coffee?"

"No, Sven. It's Georgia. May I speak to Rosie?"

I heard RoRo shout from elsewhere behind him, "HEY! Sven, is it Georgie? Give me the phone please, love."

"Georgie? No. I think it's Robbie's girl." Sven said, his poor foreign mind clearly confused.

"Sven, are you listening?" Oh god, I think he's begun to dance. I can hear a lot of thumping and what sounds like singing.

"Hello? Rosie? I'm still here!" I yelled frantically. We really must do something about this boy.

"Yeah, That's Georgie. Give me the phone. Why don't you go put your disco pants on? I think my mom wants to show you some new moves." Dear Buddha help us.


"Yeah, hi Georgia. Sorry about that. So, how's it hanging?" Ooer!

"Fine thanks, Rosie. Are you busy?"

"No, not now that I've gotten rid of Sven. He thinks he lives here now."

"Well, then."

"Yeah. What were you thinking we could do today?

"An Ace Gang meeting, of course! My mom gave me a tenner so I can go shopping."

The line went silent for a second and I thought maybe she'd gone off to chase Sven.

"Rosie, are you there?"

"What? Oh, yeah, I was just in shock that your Mutti gave you money."

"I know. It's strange. Speaking of which, I should probably call the rest of the gang. See you in front of the clock tower at 11."

"Cool, cool. See ya there, Georgie!"

back at the ranch

4 pm

Home from a totally fab trip with the gang, and now I'm getting ready for band practice. I think my new Converse trainers I bought will give off just the right amount of "I'm cool, but I don't really care"-osity for my very first rehearsal. Well, I've only got two and a half hours, so I should probably start on my makeup. Foundation, mascara, lippy and blush; looking good is vair hard work!

at The Stiff Dylans practice

6:45 pm

Finally here! I've arrived fashionably late to rehearsal, which doesn't seem to be a problem because the band is just setting things up.

"Hey Gee." Robbie says. Oh my god, I'm going to sing with the Sex God!

"Hey" I say, resisting the urge to go jelliod. It's all just too good to be true. One of the guys came over before I could say more and said he had an announcement.

"Ok, you guys," He said "Gather 'round here. Now that we have a girl in the band, I think it's time to try a lighter sound. I was thinking something along the lines of Landon Pigg And The Turbo Fruits. In fact, along with the new song I've been working on, I think we should do a cover of one of their songs, too. We've got to give it our all today. Are you down?"

Oh merde.

I have no idea what in the name pants this bloke is talking about. Turbo Fruits? What, do they go through their fruity lives at hyperspeed? And ooer, the band is making all these changes for moi. But I still don't know why we're talking about produce. Ok brain; time to think of something casual and to say to somehow get me back on track.

"Erm…how about we hear the song first before we start?" Good one, Georgie. That totally works. The dudes put down their various instruments to speak.

"Oh, yeah. Sure." The main guy says, pulling a piece of paper from his pocket. "It's called For Once, and I thought maybe it'd be cool if Georgia and Robbie did vocals together just for a different type of sound, you know." He starts to read the words from the paper and I feel my insides melt into one big puddle. It's the most marvy thing I've heard, and best of all, I get to perform it.

Well, I think I'll end this chappie there. Thanks to those who read and reviewed this story. I will try my hardest to keep it afloat for you guys (: