December 18, 2010

Well, hey everyone this is Kairi! I wanted to make another story, and am so happy about all the reviews on Transforming. Y'all made me real happy and it really touched my heart on how many people actually liked it. I just wanted to thank y'all! (And I will be thanking you a lot! Y'all are my inspiration!)

His decision

The surroundings were lightly light by torches lining the walls, but you could still see clearly. The room was made up of all stone and in the center of the room was a small platform. Four people were standing on it. Now, before the small platform, there was another, but this one was leading to a big door with an eye engraved on it; making it look 3-D. The eye was known as the Wadjet Eye in the Valley of the Kings. A man was standing in front of it.

Now, the four people on the first platform was crying and talking. The girl, dressed in a black, sleeve-less shirt and a red skirt, yelled to the man, trying to keep her voice from cracking, unsuccessfully.

"Other Yugi . . . Atem. You need to go to the other side of that light. .. . Once you go though, you can never come back! Why? I don't get it!"

Before the man could reply, the boy standing next to the girl looked at her and spoke, "Tea, you don't need to get it, you just need to accept it, y'know? And burn these memories into your brain! The time you've spent with him . . . the feelings . . . burn it in so you never forget!" The blond boy had silent tears sliding down his face, but he talked without his voice cracking. "Now, let's see him off . . . to his future. YUGI!"

Turning back to the man, the blond spoke again, "Even if you're a king, your still Yugi! Even if a thousand years pass, we'll always be friends!" Next to him, the girl nodded, even though the man couldn't see. On the blonds other side, was another man, whose face had many tears streaming down it, also gave a nod.

The man's face, even though his friends couldn't see it, was surprised, but he turned to his friends with a smile. "Yes."

The fourth member, having spiky yellow and black hair, amethyst eyes, and wearing a blue shirt and blue pants, looked to his look alike. He gave a shaky smile but said with much confidence in his voice, "We'll never forget you!"

The man looked back to the door which started to open. Pure, white light spilled out of the door, blinding the people, but no one looks away. Instead, they watched with sadness, but happiness as the man started to walk towards the door. He held out his right hand with his hand expressing their signature print; thumbs up.

His last thoughts as he walked into the white light, 'Thank you, my partner, my friends.'

Everyone watched their friend leave them to be with his family, before the door started to close, signaling their last meeting.


Yugi opened his eyes slowly before sitting up. Rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, he looked around his room before thinking, 'That's the fourth night in a row, I've had that dream. And always the same one.'

Early sunlight started to spill into his room from the window, making the room brighten. Yugi sat there for a moment longer, rethinking about his dream.

It has been three months since Yugi and Atem fought the Ceremonial Battle. With Yugi winning, means Atem had to 'put down his sword' and return to the afterlife. It was suppose to be a good thing, which it was, but it was also sad.

Things returned to normal, well, as normal as Yugi's life could get. Yugi and his friends still continued to go to school and got many requests for dueling. They continued to hang out and have a good time with each other's presence. But, even though they looked happy, they were still sad. Losing a friend that you know you'll never see again can leave you like that.

"YUGI! YOU'RE GOING TO BE LATE AGAIN!" A muffled voiced yelled.

Yugi looked up in shock before scrambling out of bed. "Aaah! School!" He ran to his closet and yanked it open. Pulling out his uniform, a black tank top, blue, long sleeve shirt, and blue pants, he quickly threw it on before racing to the door in all but twenty seconds. Throwing open his door, he took one second to look at his alarm clock on his night stand, and panicked. The time was 8:20am. School started in fifteen minutes.

The high school boy zoomed out of his door and onto the stairs.

No matter how many times this happens, Yugi was always late for school . . . well, more of late at waking up. He always gets to school in plenty of time . . . if he ran.

Taking the stairs at two at a time, Yugi stepped off the last step and was in the kitchen. Grandpa was leaning against the counter with a mug of coffee in one hand and a newspaper in the other. He looked up at his grandson just as he was about to exit the kitchen.

"Don't forget breakfast." He said amused.

"I won't," Yugi said, just as he grabbed a piece of toast off of the toaster.

Grandpa chuckled before returning to his coffee and paper. "Some kids will just never learn."

In a record time, the boy slipped his shoes on, got his back pack from the door, and raced out the door. "Bye Ojji-chan!" He yelled through the bread in his mouth.

Waiting by the stop sign a few yards away was his friends decked out in their school uniforms too. Tea, Tristan, and Joey, his three best friends. They wave to him as he runs up to them.

"Late start again?" Tea asked once her friend caught up with them.

Yugi devoured his toast and nodded his head. He brushed the crumbles off his mouth before replying, "Yeah. Though, I rushed to get everything done."

"Dude, that's the third time this has happened. You need to get an alarm clock or something." Tristan said, as the four started to walk towards school.

Through the four months, no one changed, though their little friend did grow a few inches. He was still shorter than his friends, but not by much. Grandpa said it could be because that when Yugi and Atem were sharing a body, Yugi's body got confused so stayed where it was. (Or something likes that) But, that's about it.

Yugi shook his head as he rubbed his temple. "Nah, alarm clocks gives me head-aches.

"Like the one you have now?" Joey asked, noticing his friend.

"What?" Yugi looked up, just noticing the head-ach.

"Don't you think it's weird that you have a head-ach every day?" Tea asked.

Yugi looked over to his brunette friend. "I don't have one every day."

Tristan rolled his eyes. "So you call having a head-ach every day, not having one every day?" Yugi looked over to Tristan, about to speak, but Tristan shook his head and chuckled. "Seriously, man, don't deny the truth. Every day, for like the last two months, you've been having a head-ach." It's true, no matter what kind of medication Yugi took; the head-ach always seemed to stay. When it first started, it was barely there, that Yugi didn't notice. But as the days past, the head-ach started to make itself known.

Yugi closed his mouth and frowned. "Well, I don't know what to do." He admitted.

Joey crossed his arms across his chest as they continued to walk. "I find it odd, that it's every day you have it. And it never goes away?"

Yugi shook his head.

"Have you tried talking to the doctor?" Tea asked.

"No. I just don't think it's worth getting the doctors involved over something so small. But anyways, I rather not talk about it; we have this conversation every day." He mumbled, feeling a bit self conscious.

From there on, the four friends started to talk about the usual; video games and what they wanted to do after school. They continue to walk, and before they knew it, their school was in sight.

"Great, another boring day at school," Joey mumbled. He bowed his head as they walk up the sidewalk towards the school.

Kids, or more as teens, were scattered all around the building, either talking in groups, walking around, or going inside. No one paid the four any attention.

"You say that every day." Tristan remarked.

"Well, it's true." The blond mumbled.

It didn't take very long for the four friends to walk into the school and find their homeroom, which they had the same homeroom.

Yugi walked over to his desk and sat door with a sigh. He took his head in his hands, rubbing his temples. Around him, his friends took their seats; Joey to his right, Tristan in front of him, and Tea on his left. They started to talk.

"Okay, so I was thinking, maybe we could go to the arcade after school ends." Joey stated. "We haven't been in ages!"

Tea rolled her baby blue eyes. "We went last week, Joey."

"Exactly! It's been forever."

"Only you would say it's been forever." Yugi mumbled, looking up with a smile.

((I am just making everything up . . . . and it is very hard to do that! So sorry if it doesn't make sense.))

"Yuuuuuugi!" A voice yelled from outside.

Yugi looked up just as a small, blond haired boy ran into the room. He was wearing Domino's uniform and in one hand, holding a deck of cards.

Joey snickered. "Another fan."

Yugi tried to not groan but smiled as the smaller boy rushed up to him.

"Yugi Mutou! I-I was wondering if you could duel me! Well, not right now, but maybe after school!" The blond boy said in a rush. His chocolate colored eyes were shining as he waited for Yugi's response.

Having getting an offer everyday for the last three months, Yugi shook his head. "Sorry, but I'm going to be busy helping my grandfather after school today." The boy looked down in disappointment. "But, if you come over to the Game Shop this weekend, we can duel."

The boy looked back up in delight and nodded his head. "Alright. See you this weekend Yugi!" He turned around and quickly left the room right as the bell rung, indicating school has just started.

Students quickly filed into the room and took their seats as the teacher started roll call.

Tristan leaned back and whispered, "You don't really have to help you grandfather, do you?"

Yugi shook his head. "No, I just didn't really want to duel him after school."

Joey smiled real big with Tea noticing. "Why are you smiling for?"

"Our little Yugi is growing up!" Joey said proudly. He leaned over and ruffled his friend's hair, but Yugi dodged. "I remember when he could never lie."

Yugi stuck his tongue out at the blond as the teacher finished role call and started the. (Whatever it is ^^ )

Over the next few weeks, life still goes on as normal. The friends go to school, the friends hang out, they duel, and etc. What can I really say for them? Things were just normal. (This is hard, but what I'm trying to say is that the gang continues life even though Atem has left. They do talk about him a lot, and miss him a whole bunch, but that's normal. Joey and Yugi get a lot of challenges for dueling, in which they two always win. Kaiba something's challenge Yugi to a duel, the battle is worthwhile, but Yugi always win. Typical.)

Every morning, for those few weeks, (About three weeks,) Yugi has been dreaming the exact dream. He doesn't know why, but thinks little of them. But, along with the dreams, the head-ach that seemed to be with Yugi from morning to bedtime, stayed with him. At one point in time, the head-ach seemed to hurt just a bit more, just not so much that it actually hurt.

Atem had left the present August 10, now, the date was November 18th. Yugi didn't know why he did it, but he felt like he should. When someone asked him how long it has been, he'd answer them instantly, not really paying attention. They were a bit surprised, about how fast and knowing he answered them, but tried not to show it.

Now, y'all are really curious on what Yugi is feeling about losing his darker half. I already said he missed him, which he does, but that's not all. Yugi, about once a month, just breaks down crying for a few minutes. He doesn't know, nor tell anyone, but just does. He missed his best friend, his partner, and his brother. He didn't want to tell anyone because they'd think he was just a cry baby. (Not really) So the young boy bottles all of his feelings up. Which isn't very healthy, if you ask me.


Okay, this really sucked for my first chapter. I cannot believe that! I'm sorry if y'all were looking for a great chapter, with more details and more understanding, and just well, better! I'll try to make the next one better! If there is something that I missed, or just don't make sense, please, PLEASE tell me!