Can u meet me after school today? Something happened 2 me this afternoon & I REALLY need 2 talk 2 someone about it.

Kurt sent the text immediately after retrieving his phone from the hallway, where it had been abandoned shortly before his entire world had been violently upended on its axis. However, as soon as Kurt pressed the Send button, he was suddenly at a loss once again.

He didn't know where to go or what to do with himself. His entire universe had just come crashing down around him and he had no idea where to even begin picking up the pieces, let alone how he could go about putting them back into some semblance of order. All the king's horses and all the king's men could not stop Karofsky from having kissed him.

The memory of it kept running through Kurt's mind, like a film reel on an endless repeat loop. He could not stop reliving that horrifying moment when the other boy had pressed their two lips together. He had been so utterly, utterly shocked by it he had not been able to retain the presence of mind to stop it, or to pull away. Well, not the first time, at any rate.

The second time, thankfully, disgust and horror had taken over and he had managed to rebuke the jock's domineering advances. As he cowered by the end of the lockers, Kurt had been too scared and shocked to really think about how the other boy must have been feeling. All his mental energy had been absorbed in simply making sure the closeted football player was not going to punch him or kiss him, again.

But now that those threats were, for the moment, alleviated, Kurt began to see the scene in a somewhat different light. That look on Karofsky's face, after Kurt had pushed him away…it was agony, pure and unadulterated. There was no other word for it. And that noise he had made…it was like a wounded, trapped animal. It evoked within Kurt a strange mixture of repulsion and sympathy.

His head was swimming. He actually felt physically unbalanced. As he paused and closed his eyes to take a few deep, calming breaths, Kurt heard the noise around which his entire being had temporarily consolidated itself. He had a new text message.

Opening his eyes, Kurt swiftly brought the phone level with his face and read his new message: Sure, I'd love 2 meet up again. On my way 2 my car now. How bout I pick u up? Where r u?

Kurt pressed the respond button and hurriedly typed: I'm still at my school. Can u meet me in parking lot?

He jammed the send button and this time simply kept his eyes affixed to the phone until the screen flashed the New Text graphic again.

Sure. Be there in 10 min.