'That' scene from Malleus Maleficarum from Dean's POV; Dean is preoccupied with Sam's blossoming relationship with Ruby.
Disclaimer: I own nothing except a sad and disturbed mind ...
It began as a teasing, queasy throb deep within my belly which intensified rapidly making me sink helplessly to my knees; God, I squealed like a girl.
I'm clutching my belly, curling up on the floor; gagging on the sour taste of my own blood.
The pain is a wild animal, clawing, ripping; tearing my guts apart from the inside.
Sam's trashing the room furiously, searching for the cause.
W-wait a minute; where's he going? Sammy, don't go; it hurts ...
Dean watched him leave through a mist of pain-crazed tears. Where's Sam going? He's going to help …
Isn't he?