A/n: I haven't written for ages. I was working, though. I'm almost done writing this story. I just have to type it all up. Sorry to the people who actually like my stories.

Damsel in Distress

Chapter 1

"Get away from me," a high, commanding voice said a bit shakily. She narrowed her eyes as the men closed in on her. One of them grinned at her.

"Don't be like that, girly," he leered unpleasantly. Someone else sniggered.

"I'm warning you," she threatened them as she took a small step backwards, bumping into the wall behind her.

"I'm warning you," another guy mocked in a high falsetto.

Akiza closed her eyes and took a deep breath. You can do this without using your powers, she thought calmly. She panicked a little, wondering how else she could get out of this situation. She opened her eyes one of the goons launched toward her and tried to hold her down. She reflexively did one of the only things that could save her. She opened her mouth and let out an ear piercing scream.

Yusei stopped as he heard a shriek. He put up his visor to look around. A series of repetitive shrieks followed the first. His engine roared as he sped off toward the screams. His eyes widened as he wondered who it was. Sounds like Akiza, he thought worriedly. He stopped in front of the men now tying up Akiza. She looked determined and was trying to escape.

"Let her go," he said, getting off his runner. The ringleader stepped up with a duel disk on his forearm. His lip curled in distaste.

"Take Princess, I'll handle Superman," he commanded the others. Yusei narrowed his eyes.

"She isn't going anywhere," he countered. Akiza was gagged and they were now dragging her into a van. Yusei started to stop them, until the man stepped in front of him. The van drove away.

"Why don't we duel? You win, you can have Princess. I win and I'll keep her," he smirked.

Yusei started to get on his runner. "No deal." The head honcho got onto a black runner nearby.

"I don't think you have a choice, Superman," he jeered as he activated Speed World 2.


"Let's RIDE!" the two men shouted to the skies in unison.


Yusei: 4000; Simon: 4000
Speed Counters: Yusei: 0; Simon; 0


"I go first!" Simon announced, drawing a card. Yusei could've sworn he saw his
opponent smirk, "I summon Goblin Attack Force in defense mode."


Goblin Attack Force: Lv. 4. 0 DEF /2300 ATK— Attribute: Earth. Type:


"Next I place a face-down and end my turn." The opposing man told him.
"My move then!" Yusei said, drawing a card.


Yusei: 4000; Simon: 4000
Speed Counter: Yusei: 1; Simon: 1


"I summon Max Warrior in attack mode!" the Dragon Head Signer shouted.


Max Warrior: Lv. 4. 1800 ATK/800 DEF—Attribute: Wind. Type: Warrior/Effect


"Ha! You underestimate me Mr. Fudo," Simon laughed coldly, "I activate my trap
card, Bottomless Trap Hole! So since you summoned a monster with 1500 or more
attack points, it's now destroyed and removed from play." Yusei's monster was
destroyed and forcibly removed from play.
Now my field's open, the dark-haired Signer thought, "Better build a defense!
I set two cards down and end my turn."
"Then it's my move." Simon shouted, pleased with how the duel was beginning.


Yusei: 4000; Simon: 4000
Speed Counter: Yusei: 2; Simon: 2


"I switch Goblin Attack Force into attack mode!" one of Akiza's kidnappers
told him.


Goblin Attack Force: Lv. 4. 2300 ATK /0 DEF — Attribute: Earth. Type:


"Now, Goblin Attack Force attacks you directly!" Simon told him.
"Not before I activate Scrap-Iron Scarecrow!" The dark-haired Signer shouted,
playing the said card, "Now I can negate your attack and set this card
facedown again."
"Fine, then." The Signer's opponent said, "I end my turn."
"Then it's my draw!" he called.

Yusei: 4000; Simon: 4000
Speed Counter: Yusei: 3; Simon: 3

"I summon Ghost Gardna in defense mode." Yusei announced.
Ghost Gardna: Lv. 4. 1900 DEF /0 ATK — Attribute: Dark. Type:
"I set one card down and end my turn."


Yusei: 4000; Simon: 4000
Speed Counter: Yusei: 4; Simon: 4

"My draw." Simon proclaimed. He looked at his hand and smirked, "I activate
one of Speed World 2's effects!" he shouted, "Now by removing four speed
counters, for each Speed-Spell in my hand, you take 800 points of damage! And
I hold two!"


Yusei: 2400; Simon: 4000
Speed Counter: Yusei: 4; Simon: 0

"Now Goblin Attack Force attack Ghost Gardna!"


Goblin Attack Force: 2300 ATK; Ghost Gardna: 1900 DEF


"You've already forgotten!" Yusei declared, "I activate my trap
Scrap-Iron Scarecrow, so now your attack is stopped and Ghost Gardna's saved."

The attack was cancelled. He managed to survive another attack. But he knew he
couldn't keep this up; he had to beat this creep and find Akiza.
"I end my turn then." The opponent growled.
"I draw!" the dark-haired Signer called.


Yusei: 2400; Simon: 4000
Speed Counter: Yusei: 5; Simon: 1

Let this be the card I need, he thought and prayed fiercely. He looked at the
card and smiled a bit. Perfect.

"I play the Speed Spell-Angel Baton! When I
have two or more speed counters, this card allows me to draw two more!"
"Then draw." Simon grumbled impatiently.
Please, he wished as he drew two cards. The Signer looked at his cards. "Just
what I wanted." He said aloud, "Now I choose one card to keep and one to send
to the graveyard." He told the opponent, sending a possible secret weapon to
the graveyard, "Now I summon the Hyper Synchron tuner monster!" the blue
machine appeared on his field.


Hyper Synchron: Lv. 4. 1600 ATK/800 DEF—Attribute: Light. Type:


"Now I tune Hyper Synchron with Ghost Gardna to synchro summon my ace
monster!" the blue monster turned into four rings and surrounded the other
monster as it had become four stars, "I synchro summon Stardust Dragon!"
The marvelous creature rose above the dark-haired Signer with as much
determination as its master.


Stardust Dragon: Lv. 8. 2500 ATK/2000 DEF—Attribute: Wind. Type:

"The effect of my Hyper Synchron gives my dragon an extra 800." Yusei
informed him.


Stardust Dragon: Lv. 8. 3300 ATK/2000 DEF—Attribute: Wind. Type:

"Stardust Dragon, attack Goblin Attack Force!" he ordered.


Stardust Dragon: 3300 ATK; Goblin Attack Force: 2300 ATK


"I play the trap card Negate Attack!" Simon shouted, as the mighty dragon's
attack was stopped.
"I end my turn." Yusei told him.
"Then it's my turn." The other man snarled.


Yusei: 2400; Simon: 4000
Speed Counter: Yusei: 6; Simon: 2

"I activate the Speed-Spell Overboost! Now this gives me four speed counters!"


Speed Counter: Yusei: 6; Simon: 8

"Now I activate the effect of Speed World 2 again! I have two speed-spells


Yusei: 800; Simon: 4000
Speed Counter: Yusei: 6; Simon: 4

Yusei felt the sting of the field spell's effect. I still won't give up! I
must save Akiza!
"Mr. Fudo, there is no way you can save the girl! And I'd activate the effect
again, but I want to see you suffer next turn. So for now I play the
Speed-Spell Overboost!"
"You've got another one!" the Signer exclaimed.
"Yes and it'll be your demise!"


Speed Counter: Yusei: 6; Simon: 10

Speed Counter: Yusei: 6; Simon: 5
Sheep Token: Lv. 1. 0 DEF/0 ATK.—Attribute: Earth. Type: Beast
Sheep Token: Lv. 1. 0 DEF/0 ATK.—Attribute: Earth. Type: Beast
Sheep Token: Lv. 1. 0 DEF/0 ATK.—Attribute: Earth. Type: Beast
Sheep Token: Lv. 1. 0 DEF/0 ATK.—Attribute: Earth. Type: Beast


"I'll end my turn there." The opponent said, "Make your move because it'll be
your last."
"I draw." Yusei replied.


Yusei: 800; Simon: 4000
Speed Counter: Yusei: 7; Simon: 6

"First I activate the Speed-Spell Silver Contrails." The dark-haired Signer
announced, "I can activate it when I have five or more speed counters. Now one
wind attribute monster on my field gains 1000 attack points."


Stardust Dragon: Lv. 8. 4300 ATK/2000 DEF—Attribute: Wind. Type:

"Then I activate Speed-World 2's effect. By removing seven speed-counters, I
can draw another card."


Speed Counter: Yusei: 0; Simon: 6

Yusei drew the card. Let this be the card I need. He thought fiercely again.
The dark-haired man looked at the card, "I can use this later. Stardust
Dragon, attack Goblin Attack Force."


Stardust Dragon: 4300 ATK; Goblin Attack Force: 2300 ATK


Simon's monster was finally destroyed, leaving only the tokens left. But Yusei
wasn't about to let his guard down.
"I end my turn and Stardust's attack points go back to normal."


Stardust Dragon: Lv. 8. 3300 ATK/2000 DEF—Attribute: Wind. Type:


"I draw." Simon announced and made a frustrated sound.


Yusei: 800; Simon: 2000
Speed Counter: Yusei: 1; Simon: 7

"I end my turn there." He told the dark-haired man, "I can't do anything at
the moment, so I turn it over to you."
Yusei drew the card, without a word.

Yusei: 800; Simon: 2000
Speed Counter: Yusei: 2; Simon: 8

Simon didn't use Speed World 2's effect. Why would he…Of course! The
dark-haired man thought, a bit frantic as he saw the amount of speed counters
his opponent had, He's going to try and destroy Stardust or my Scrap-Iron
Scarecrow. And if he does that, I'll never be able to save Akiza. And with
four tokens on his field, I'm practically in a corner since I can only attack
once at the moment. I've got to find a way around this.
"I summon Speed Warrior."


Speed Warrior: Lv. 2. 900 ATK/400 DEF—Attribute: Wind. Type: Warrior/Effect


"Now on the turn my warrior is summoned, its attack points are doubled." Yusei


Speed Warrior: Lv. 2. 1800 ATK/400 DEF—Attribute: Wind. Type: Warrior/Effect


"Now both of my monsters can attack two of your tokens!"


Stardust Dragon: 3300 ATK; Sheep Token: 0 DEF
Speed Warrior: 900 ATK; Sheep Token: 0 DEF


Both of the tokens were destroyed, leaving only two left. But because they
tokens were in defense mode, Simon was able to escape damage again.
"I set two cards facedown and end my turn as Speed Warrior's attack points
return to normal." Yusei said.
"Then I draw." The other man said.


Speed Warrior: Lv. 2. 900 ATK/400 DEF—Attribute: Wind. Type: Warrior/Effect
Yusei: 800; Simon: 2000
Speed Counter: Yusei: 3; Simon: 9

Simon smirked, "This is the end for you, Fudo. I release one of my Sheep
Tokens I can summon Des Volstgalph!"


Des Volstgalph: Lv. 6. 2200 ATK/1700 DEF—Attribute: Earth. Type:


"Then I activate the Speed-Spell High Speed Crash!" Simon told the dark-haired
duelist, "Now I can destroy one card on my field. I'm destroying my other
Sheep Token. And then I can destroy your Scrap-Iron Scarecrow!"
No! Yusei thought.
"And because I activated a normal speed-spell, my Des Volstgalph gains 200
attack points until the end phase! Ha ha ha!" the opponent cackled.


Des Volstgalph: Lv. 6. 2400 ATK/1700 DEF—Attribute: Earth. Type:


"You can't save the girl now, Fudo!" Simon continued to taunt, "Des
Volstgalph! Attack Speed Warrior!"


Des Volstgalph: 2400 ATK; Speed Warrior: 900 ATK


I can't let it end like this! He thought determinedly, "I activate the trap
card Iron Resolve! By halving my halving my life points I can avoid battle
"Grrr…" his opponent said, "Fine I end my turn and Des Votstgalph's attack
points return to normal."
I don't know how much longer I can last if I keep this up. Yusei thought a bit
dismally, But I can't give up if I'm gonna save Akiza! The dark-haired Signer
felt his Mark glow brightly before disappearing. He looked at his back where
the Seal of the Crimson Dragon was. The top card of his deck glowed. Yes!
"It's my turn!" he called out.


Des Volstgalph: Lv. 6. 2200 ATK/1700 DEF—Attribute: Earth. Type:
Yusei: 800; Simon: 2000
Speed Counter: Yusei: 4; Simon: 10

"I activate the effect of the Stardust Xiaolong in my graveyard and resurrect
it from my graveyard since Stardust Dragon is on my field." He said as the
blue and green dragon appeared.


Stardust Xiaolong: Lv. 1. 100 ATK/100 DEF—Attribute: Light. Type:


"And now I summon Majestic Dragon!" He called as the small pink dragon


Majestic Dragon: Lv. 1. 0 ATK/0 DEF—Attribute: Light. Type: Dragon/Tuner.


"Simon," Yusei started, "this is the end for you and you're going to regret
taking Akiza! I tune Majestic Dragon with Stardust and Stardust Xiaolong to
synchro summon Majestic Star Dragon!" the pink dragon turned into a single
green ring and encircled the other two dragons, which had become nine stars.
The upgrade of Stardust rose above the cobalt-eyed man with vengeance.


Majestic Star Dragon: Lv. 10. 3800 ATK/3000 DEF—Attribute: Wind. Types:


"My dragon can absorb all of yours abilities!" he informed.
"It does what?" Simon exclaimed, not believing what was happening.
"Now attack Des Volstgalph!" he commanded.


Majestic Star Dragon: 3800 ATK; Des Volstgalph: 2200 ATK


Simon's ultimate monster was destroyed and the Signer's opponent took a big


Yusei: 800; Simon: 400


"And now that he's out of the way, Speed Warrior attacks you directly!" Yusei
shouted, his voice shaking as his monster rushed forward
"How could I have lost?" Simon exclaimed incredulously as the warrior-type
monster's attack landed.


Yusei: 800; Simon: 0

As the duel ended, Simon's duel runner crashed and was engulfed with smoke. Yusei stopped his runner and ran over.

"Hey, are you okay?" Yusei tried to fan away the smoke with his hands. When he got through, he lifted Simon by his collar with both hands.

"You got your duel. Where's Akiza?"

A/n: Humongous thanks to AnimeKiwi369, she did a fantastic job on the duel and she's an awesome writer. Chapter 2 will probably be up in a few minutes, so don't worry!