Takaba woke to the feeling of something or more like someone softly nibbling on his ear. Takaba let out a soft moan when the feeling faded. Shifting slightly Takaba shivered when he felt something damp run against the back of his neck. Only slightly being conscious he tried to move away from the feeling till he felt a pair of arms grip him tightly as hot breath tickled his ear causing him to bend his head down.

"Asami?" Takaba questioned sleepily as he tried to wake himself up more.
"Hmm?" came the reply for the yakuza that was currently nuzzling the other's hair.

"What're you doing?" Takaba had finally managed to get his eyes partly open despite their protest for him to sleep longer, but he found that he couldn't turn to look at the older man.

"Pampering you." Asami replied causing Takaba to shiver again from the other speaking so close to his ear.

Takaba could tell that he was feeling better despite feeling sick still. His throat didn't appear to be sore or his nose stuffy. His head was still feeling rather full and he still felt the need to sleep, but the Yakuza wasn't helping him in his pursuit of trying to sleep longer.

"nhh, quit it." Takaba half moaned as Asami began to nibble the side of his neck.

"But you're enjoying it." Asami replied as he began to play with the bottom of the photographer's shirt. Though he'd have preferred to go about things in a quicker manner, seeing as Takaba was still sick he decided to take things at a slower pace for the other.

Takaba's mind was too foggy to realize what Asami was doing till he felt one hand slip up his shirt while the other continued playing with rim of his pants.

"Really Asami, I'm telling you-" Takaba couldn't finish his sentence because Asami suddenly shifted so that Takaba was lying on his back and Asami was looming over him. It took the photographer's mind a few seconds process what happened, but by the time he did Asami had already forced him into a kiss, getting access right away into the dazed Takaba's mouth.

"Asami." Takaba gasped when the kiss was broke, the golden-eyed man looked down at him with a smirk on his face, while the photographer's face was dusted pink. Moving his head lower Asami began lifted up Takaba's shirt before placing a kiss on his chest as he circled a lubed finger around the photographer's tight entrance causing the other to stiffen slightly when Asami pushed a finger inside. Takaba's breathing picked up when a second finger pushed inside stretching him wider as Asami moved them in and out. Asami brought his head back up kissing Takaba again as he removed his fingers he then used his now free hand to pull his pants off before proceeding to do the same thing to the photographer who wasn't putting up much of a protest, though his hazy mind was telling him that he should.

Takaba didn't register how it happened but only where his clothes gone, but the bed covers were no longer covering him, yet he didn't feel the slightest bit cold without them, for Asami was doing a good job of keeping his body feeling warm. Asami took off his own shirt before getting into a comfortable position between the photographer's legs as he positioned his cock and began to slowly enter the other who let out a sound of discomfort.

Takaba wrapped his arms around Asami's neck when he felt himself begin to be penetrated. Asami was large, but the photographer was used to the older man's size so it was more uncomfortable then painful when they first begin to have sex, so unlike before his cries were hardly ever because of the pain he felt.

Asami pushed in all of the way before pulling out and repeating the same action rewarding him with a moan from the other. Takaba pulled Asami's head down to kiss him again. The yakuza's eyes met with those of the panting photographer. When Takaba looked into the eyes of the other, he saw that soft look he had seen before, during the time when Asami picked up on the ship after he had been shot, during the time they had sex. Once the kiss was broken Takaba let out a cry of pleasure as Asami sped up the speed which he was thrusting into the other at, for he could tell that the other was getting close to coming.

Takaba came with a cry of pleasure as his eyes became half shut due to the exhaustion caused by his organism. The feeling of the tight flesh squeezing him caused Asami to come not long after the other. Asami pulled out of the other and moved to lie beside the still foggy minded and lust filled Takaba.

Not bothering with clothes Asami spooned the photographer, resting his head against the other's shoulder as he closed his eyes, for even the yakuza was still tired though it was morning.

Takaba was suspicious. He had woken up to it being mid afternoon and no Asami in bed with him. He had taken a shower, got redressed and had finished tying his shoes and still no sign of the Yakuza.

The photographer was ready to leave, for he felt pretty much over the cold and after their last bout of sex he could tell the Yakuza was over his too. The question was where exactly was Asami?

He had wondered if the older man had gone back to work, but he doubted he'd done so because Takaba figured he'd wanted to see how he was doing when he woke up. Besides that he doubted that yakuza would turn down a chance to so easily be able to have sex with the photographer.

Frowning Takaba realized that he was wasting more time then he really should've been. Because if the older man really wasn't around then it was as good a time as any for Takaba to take the chance to leave.

Takaba didn't get a chance to get much further in his thinking when the bedroom droop opened and a fully dressed Asami entered the room, his devilish smirk in place as he stared at the fully dressed Takaba.

"Feeling better?" Asami questioned Takaba who was feeling that it would've definitely been better for him to leave without worrying about Asami.

"Yeah, and I was just getting ready to leave." Takaba replied, a glint of amusement showed in Asami's eyes when Takaba said this.

"Leaving? You think I'd allow for my kawaii Takaba to get away after I succeed in getting a hold of him again?" a light blush appeared in on Takaba's face when the yakuza said this while approaching the other.

"I'm going to leave whenever I want to bastard and you aren't-" Takaba's lips were sealed into a rough kiss as Asami caused him to fall back onto the bed.

"We'll see about that." Asami replied smirking down at the flustered photographer who glared up at him.

I want to thank all of the readers, who read my story and reviewed it, I'm glad that I had some many faithful readers who enjoyed my stories.

Though this story may be coming to an end I do have some plans for some others and you can also read "Elegance Should be a Crime" it doesn't have much Asami in it as it deals with during the Hong Kong arc so its mainly Feilong with Takaba.

Once again I thank all of my faithful readers.