This idea came when I looked at Gokudera's back in the episode when they lost in the Choice Game. Most of the idea was based on my own memory of reading and watching this awesome story. So I'm sorry if there's anything incorrect information about the story. I'm still learning to improve my writing, so constructive comments are highly appreciated. *bow*

Disclaimer: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! is not mine.

Pairing: Bianchi x Gokudera.

References: The manga, a lil' bit from the anime.

Synopsis: What Bianchi had in mind when she looked at her brother's back?

Word count: 1320 words.

Father brought him home when he was very young.

He said that the silver haired boy was my brother. If Father thought that I would easily accept this stranger as my brother, then he's wrong. They said that siblings share physical similarities. But I saw none. The boy has green eyes and silver hair— both were different than mine. Even his name didn't sound Italian to me. Yet, I never deny him in front of Father. He always assumed that we're in a good term. I've trained myself for my future life as a mafia since I was young, so I've always spied on Hayato from the back.

And from his back, I always saw loneliness.

He was always alone. Sometimes that pervert Shamal came to the mansion, thus accompany him for an hour or so after his 'project'. Though he denied it, he was already attached to the boy. And little Hayato would be very happy to talk with him about a lot of things— from petty things to personal things. Maybe it's just me, but somehow, Hayato's obsession toward dynamites developed after he met that pervert.

About two to three years later, Father bought him a piano. He seemed happier after that, especially when that pretty piano teacher came every month for his piano lesson. I was young, but I wasn't stupid. I saw similarities between the two; beautiful green eyes, silver hair, natural talent in piano.

I knew she was his mother.

Not only me, the maids had also noticed this. So I asked Father— who refused to answer my question. Well, that answered me already. It's not that I didn't see him secretly meet her whenever she came for Hayato piano's lesson.

One day, she promised Hayato that she'd bring him her homemade cookies. After she left the mansion, neither Hayato nor I ever saw her again. Hayato waited for her everyday. He played her favorite piece while waiting for her to come. But she never came. And Hayato began to lose passion in piano.

From his back, I saw the same lonely boy was now crying beside the piano.

I'd never forget his face when he's tired of waiting for the piano teacher at the end of the day. I felt that I needed to do something to distract him from being sad. I decided to play pranks on him whenever I had the opportunity. That would keep him busy rather than sulking in his room, or pick a fight with his peer. He's back with his obsession to dynamites at that time. He even used it against brats who pick a fight with him. Oh well, at least he had friends to be played with. He became more attached to Shamal. So when he told that pervert about his new 'toy', the doctor didn't approve it. He knew Hayato was too young to understand the risk of using that weapon. But my brother was too stubborn to listen. Shamal's words were nothing to him. He continued to experiment and upgrading his skills in dynamites.

Speaking of skill, my skill in poison cooking seemed to develop too. Guessed I got it carried away when I used Hayato as my guinea pig on his recital debut. It's not that I was jealous of him for taking over my position as the pianist on that dinner. My poison cooking did improve and Hayato's skill in piano…well, since the guests loved it, Father loved it…I was very sure that he had improved. Father was more than happy when he learned that I'd help Hayato with my poison cooking. I couldn't hide my smirk whenever he had to eat my cookie every year. Starting that year onward, he avoided me, and whenever he had to look at my face, he would become sick; such a cute and shy boy.

A few years after that, Hayato left the mansion. I saw him ran out from the mansion.

And from his back, I knew— he'd never come back.

So my life as a mafia's daughter went as planned. My skill and knowledge in poison awarded myself with the title of Poison Scorpion. The last news I heard about Hayato, he had been accepted in Vongola family. Nothing more was heard about my half brother after that, and Father didn't seem to care. I was too busy in my work as a freelance assassin to search for him.

I found a man that's perfect for me soon after that; my love — my Reborn. He taught me the true meaning of love. Did you know that the biggest lie in fairy tale was the ending? There's no happy ending for our pure love. Reborn left Italy to train the next Don of Vongola. With 'love conquers all', I went to Japan to find my love. But I'd reserved our romantic love story for another chapter.

As my plan to bring Reborn back failed, I decided to stay with him. And then, I found Hayato; now famously known as Smokin' Bomb Hayato. He had vowed to work as the right hand man of his Jyuudaime. I was happy to know that he's still shy whenever he met me. He avoided me, and I think Hayato never knew how much I care for him. Whenever we met, his words never sound pleasant. It's either full of annoyance, or full of hatred. But I had expected it though. Who was Bianchi for him? Just a half blood sister who likes to make his life miserable with pranks and poison cooking. The only time I was able to touch him without being snapped back was the time when he fainted after seeing my face. Other times, I preferred to look at him from the back. He's now different from the Hayato whom I knew in Italy.

From his back, though the loneliness was still there, he seemed more cheerful now. I was proud to say that the delinquent-looking boy was my brother. He might hate me until the day he died, but I would always see him as my real brother. Our life went on like when we're young. I'd always try to find opportunities to play pranks on him.

One day, he went missing for three days. So did everyone who had a close connection with Vongola Decimo; including my Reborn. I searched everywhere for them, but my efforts were fruitless. Three days later, they came back— Hayato came back. But he was different than the Hayato that I knew. It was as if he knew something that I didn't. Why did he become colder to me? Where did he get those injuries? Even Kyoko and Haru were being secretive. Reborn seemed to know, but I knew that he'd never spill secrets that easy.

A week later, they went missing again. Mama and Fuuta seemed to notice it too. They should have realize that we're not that stupid. They should have known that we're not as weak as we seemed. But what else could we do but to pray for their safety? For Hayato's safety?

When he came back, I was glad that he's back to his cheerful self. Shamal told me that Hayato had a serious injury, though he's slowly recovering from it. I never got more information from that sick pervert— I was too busy trying to kill him for kissing me. Reborn convinced me that Hayato would recover— he was too stubborn to be injured for a long time anyway. If Reborn said he's going to make it, then I believed that Hayato would heal. Hearing his loud voice whenever he tried to shove away everyone who tried to approach his Jyuudaime, I couldn't hide my smile.

From his back, I knew he'd always scowl to hide him embarrassment towards me.

From his back, I knew he's too shy to admit that he loves me.

From his back, he'd always be my brother.

So…you think I should make more of this about other characters?