Author's Note: ...And here we are at last, the final chapter for this story. I did my best to include most of the characters in the series, though they only have minor cameo, I figure it's better than nothing. I must admit this experience took alot out of my that I've expected, but at the same time, it's the most I've written in such a short time. I hope my future works would be as fun and well liked as this one!

P.S – Don't expect a similar treatment for New Years Eve, this experience has left me completely exhausted as it is!

"Don't be so kind to me, what expression should I make...?"

The place was a mess. Concrete rubble and twisted heap of steel littered the place.

The battle to save Christmas from the [Grinch] is over. A battered and bruised Kamijou Touma sighed in relief as the girl fell silently into his arms and the two of them collapsed onto the floor.

"Sigh... Why must I work so hard even on a holiday, at this rate I won't be able to get her a present..."

It was uncertain which rat hole Tsuchimikado had been hiding up to now, but when the sounds of destruction died down, he magically reappeared.

"Congratulations Kami-yan! That's another one to the list!"

"... I'll settle things with you later. For now help me carry her to the hospital..."

He had a sly and cheeky look on his face.

"Well Kami-yan, I think at times like this- As your friend I would advise against doing anything you might regret later, I can understand that temptations some times-"

"...On second thought, I'm going to punch your face in right now!"

Suddenly, his skin felt a icy chill in the wind, it was as if a lion had opened it's mouth and you stuck your head right in, not knowing when it would close.

"I...FOUND... YOU...!"


That was the last thing he said before the world collapse onto him.

All good things would soon come to an end.

Tomorrow would be Christmas Eve. After three days of hard labor, embarrassing cosplays and exhausting performance, both Mikoto and Index are nearing the end of their journey of self discovery... It was work for a Sister that never had to work for a day in her life, and for Mikoto it was putting aside the pride of an Oujo-sama to wear those clothes, but at the end of the day they could complain all they want, but deep down inside neither of them would trade this experience away.

But to do it all over again? No thank you.

"Omelet Rice for table 6!" Mikoto yelled across the room.

"Four ice coffee for customers at table 14!"

The party would begin at six on Friday evening. As previously agreed, the cafe would closed at three in the afternoon to allow time for the girls to rest. They would also need to redecorate the place by rearranging the chairs and tables to allow for more space. Then the food had to be prepared, the entertainment equipment also needed to be set up and many other stuff...

Maybe I should check up with Kuroko and the other girls... Mikoto thought to herself.

She had been so hung up on this party business that she had completely forgotten to talk to them.

"Hey Tanpatsu, I heard that there would be a huge celebration on the 'Telly-V' on Christmas Eve night, is that true?"

"Huh? Oh you mean the Academy City Christmas concert? Yeah, they have it every year... A lot of celebrities have been invited into the city to perform for it."

There weren't many opportunities for outsiders to enter the city, so when the invitation went out to all the big shot artists, none of them could pass up the chance to take a peak into the secret technological wonderland that is Academy City, so the response for every year has been quite good. In turn, all the A-list names gathered together in one place would attract a large audience from the public here, all of them eager to see their favorite celebrities up close in person.

But once again, things were about to change.

Outside of the cafe, they caught sight of Maika yelling quite aggressively into her phone.

Both Mikoto and Index could sense that something was very wrong.

When she walked in, Maika pulled the both of them to one side and told them to remain calm because she has something to tell them-

"Well... That was my brother... It seems that he had just checked Kamijou Touma into the hospital..."

"His body is basically shutting down... I'm so sorry..."

"N-No... But, he's been doing so well...! No no, it's not time yet..."

The woman begged them to do something.

"Well we could make him comfortable, but by the end of the night he wouldn't be able to breathe on his own... "

"So just put him on a machine!"

"...I'm not sure you would want to do that."

"Why wouldn't I want to do anything to keep him alive!"

Accelerator watched the scene unfold from outside the ward with an irritated expression.

"Because, you stupid woman," The white hair boy mumbled to himself, "If they do that then they would also have to stick a needle into his lungs which then would lead to infection and other crap. And it wouldn't take long for the Kidneys to go as well..."

The patient was in a deep comma and was practically brain dead, there was nothing the doctors could do as he's already living on borrowed time.

"...So even with all their poking and prodding, the doctors aren't going to slow down his death. So eventually you would be forced to sign the [Do not Resuscitate] form, but by then he would have suffered way more than he needed to because you're just too selfish to let him go."

The doctors walked away, giving the woman time to think.

People becomes unreasonable when they're afraid and can't let go.

It was the five steps of Death, Denial – Anger – Desperation – Depression...

"...And finally 'Acceptances'."

It's such an annoying sight.

In the first place, it was that man's own fault. If he didn't want this to happen, he shouldn't have tempted fate, he could have stop being a hero, let someone else take the risk. There's no law that says it has to be him that runs into that burning building to save lives. It's a path that he himself had chosen, and that woman should have understood what she was getting herself into when she married him... She should have realized the possibilities...

But still, she's held on to him... It's ridiculous.

Pisses him off so much just by looking at it.

The melodrama is so gross that it makes him want to puke.

"Tch... This is so full of shit..."

Accelerator couldn't stand it anymore.

Kamijou Touma opened his eyes to the familiar ceiling of his personal ward in the hospital.

He tried to recalled what happened to him.

Christmas... Grinch... Flying cars...

He distinctively remembered that he was still conscious after winning that fight, which means whatever had knocked him out cold happened after that. His memories were still foggy from that time, either that or it was brain damage yet again. Though it hurts just thinking about it, Kamijou Touma forced himself to do it.

The words- "I found you", suddenly popped into mind. Kamijou immediately felt as if someone had injected ice water into his veins.

He remembered turning his head at the last moment...

Then he felt a punch...

And it was a very heavy punch...

As he fell to the ground, he managed to get a final look at his attacker... That punch must have affected him a lot more than I had realized, cause it looks like... It almost look like...

A Gorilla with Twintails?

Touma felt a small bit of pressure being applies to his legs and right arm, looking down he saw Himegami using those particular body parts of his as a cushion for her head. Her body's rhythmic breathing sent an awkward yet interesting reaction throughout Kamijou's body.

"Don't wait her up or I'll kill you."

Those threatening words came from his other side.


"She's been here the whole day, along with Sister-san and that Tokiwadai girl... Ever since we heard that Tsuchimikado had brought you in, all of them had been worried sick about you."


"I hope that's not all you're going to do." She glared at him.

"Erm, first things first Fukiyose, could you tell me what's going on?"

She filled him in about all that has been happening for the last few days. About Maika, Himegami and Index wanted to surprise him with a secret Christmas Eve party. How they roped in Fukiyose, Misaka, and the rest of their class into it. Then they had to work part-time at a maid cafe... Up to the part where Tsuchimikado dragged his sorry unconscious butt to the hospital while running from what he described as a "800 pound gorilla with twintails".

Yeah, that last part didn't really make sense to anyone either, but he swore that's what he saw.

"Now that things have turned out like this, there's no way anyone would be in a celebrating mood... Damn it Kamijou, they've really worked so hard for this and wanted to surprise you..."

"I see..."

Fukiyose sighed, she had known Kamijou Touma for a long time. There's no need to grill him hard about this- He's the type that would beat himself up anyway.

"So right now, that Sister-san and that Middle school girl are calling in some favors from the hospital and are planning to carry out the party here."

"Wait, huh?" Touma was genuinely surprised.

"Didn't you hear was I've said? Everyone has worked too hard for this party to go to waste because of you. There's still some time left, the event would start at six, I'll be heading back to the shop to lend them a hand... Aisa would show you which room it's at... If you do anything inappropriate to her..."

"Fukiyose, I... Thanks for staying till I wake up..."

"Hmph... Don't misunderstand the situation, I didn't do it for you- What's with that look?"

Touma blinked.

"... Ah nothing, it's just... Why are you using the 'tsundere' response- OUCH!"

Fukiyose threw an apple at his head before storming out of the room.

"Oh? So you were pouting here after all..." Heaven Canceller faked a look of surprised. "This room is for staff only you know..."


Accelerator was slouching back on the couch with his legs resting on the coffee table while channel surfing with a bored expression. Heaven Canceller walked around the table and sat down on the opposite site of the sofa.

"Anything good?"

"Rerun of [HOUSE] is at four..."

Both Accelerator and Heaven Canceller were fans of medical drama series, but for different reasons.

A few moments of silence had passed before Heaven Canceller said anything.

"You know, the strangest thing happened just now... There's a patient in room 404, he's been in a comma for two weeks now, there was nothing his doctors could do. They were about to pull the plug when the craziest thing happen-"

The old doctor turned to look at the boy.

"When they entered the room, he had found him awake and wondering what's for dinner. Immediately they sent him for a hundred and one brain scans to determine if he's okay... Every test came back negative, it's as if his brain trauma had never happened...They're calling it a Christmas miracle."

"Ridiculous..." Accelerator yawned. "The doctors were probably just too eager to celebrate the holidays so they hastily cut him short..."

"Well that's certainly a possibility... But when they asked the man if he remembered anything, all he could recall was a really bright light had blinded him, and the shadow of a person with wings..."

Heaven Canceller raised a brow.

"...He thought he had seen an 'Angel'."

Accelerator scoffed as he picked up the remote.

"Take it from me, brain damage can do funny things to a person's perception..."

A few minutes had passed without either of them saying a word until finally,

"So why did you do it?"

Accelerator lowered the volume of the television.

He thought long and hard about that as well.

"It's such a boring and stupid sight that I couldn't stand it... It makes me sick seeing how pathetic they look... That's all..."

Accelerator increased the volume back to it's original state.

Heaven Canceller smirked.

"...That kind of 'tsundere' respond is getting old already you know."

"You could have woke me up..."

"But Fukiyose told me to let you rest!"

"...How sly, using my friend as an excuse..."

"Hey wait a minute! Aren't you misunderstanding something here?"

Kamijou Touma wasn't seriously injured from his fight, but Himegami still insist on supporting his arm while pulling him along and saying "Here, here." Kamijou notice that the two of them were in quite close proximity with each and brought this up to Himegami if she was bothered by it. To which she replied something along the lines of "It can't be helped" in a very mouse-like voice.

They took the elevator to the top floor, crossed a couple more hallways before arriving at the destination. Suddenly, Himegami's phone vibrated.

"...Right now... Okay, I see... no, it's fine..."

"What is it?" Kamijou asked.

"Fukiyose needs help bring the drinks, the Aogami Piece had gone off to grab the boys from our class to carry the heavy equipment, and Tsuchimikado is currently dodging his sister..."

"I see... Himegami before you go... I just want to say thanks."

Time stopped.

"...What for?"

"I heard that you were working really hard for me..."

Touma caught hint of a light blush before she turned her head away.

"...You really are cunning... Using words like that..."


"Nothing." Said Himegami as she turned and left.

But not before she socked him one in the face... 'Lightly'.

Yet another 'tsundere' response.

Suddenly the break room that was meant for staff personnel only had gotten a lot more crowded.

"Hurry up! It's about to start! said Misaka as Misaka urges the three adults into the room!"

Yomikawa Aiho, Tessou Tsuzuri, Yoshikawa Kikyou gather together in front of the television screen for the Academy City Christmas party Live.

"Oi Tessou! Get in here already!" Yomikawa yelled at her colleague.

"Ehh! B-But is it really okay?"

"Shut up and do it already!" Accelerator yelled in frustration.


"...This room is for staff only..."Heaven Canceller sighed.

Kamijou Touma knocked on the door four times, then cautiously open it.

The room was very dark, but he could just about make out the boxes and furniture lying all over the place.

Suddenly the lights were switched on and the room explodes like a flash bang going off.

Touma instinctively shielded his eyes, but soon felt a heavy kick to his gut.

As he was rolling back from the impact, a second powerful set of jaws clamped down hard on top of his head. In response, Touma grabbed the girl gnawing at his head and wretched her free from his skull. The girl gracefully flipped in mid air and landed on her feet.

"W-WHAT? Index! And Misaka?"

Both of them were wearing their maid outfit from the cafe, but Touma was in no position to question their reasons, nor could he afford to take in this bountiful sight.

"Touma... What were you doing..."

"You... Have a lot of nerve..."

Sensing that he was in a very dangerous life and death situation, Touma quickly tried to explain himself.

"Ah! Quite a few things had happened! A really gigantic troublesome problem occurred and everything..."

"Just a few things?"

"I don't think it was only a few..."

"Wait! I can explain! There was a Grinch and-!" Touma begin telling his story about how he and Tsuchimikado were chasing a lead about a Grinch that had entered Academy City and was seeking to change the world by stealing Christmas. He was smart enough to avoid mentioning that the Grinch was actually a pretty girl with exotic green hair instead of the ugly creature in the story. He goes on to describe his high octane fight scene in the multi-storey parking lot, and concluded with being knocked out by a gorilla with twintails.

"...And that's what happened."

"Touma, do you take me for an idiot! There's no such thing as a [Grinch]!" Index growled and her fangs flashed.. "That's just a children story!"

"A GORILLA? ARE YOU STUPID OR ARE YOU RETARDED?" Electrical sparks flew from Misaka's hair.

"B-But it really happened! Kamijou Touma is not the kind of person to have such an active imagination. Nor is he the type to tell such an unbelievable lie!"

Both Index and Mikoto were in no mood for these kind of nonsenses.


"AHHHHH! I'm sorrry! I'm really sorry!" Touma screamed as he ran around the room dodging fangs and lightnings and iron sand whip.

This is becoming really dangerous! W...What should I do?

"Do you have any idea... How we had spent the last few days!" Mikoto screamed.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! But I was really caught up in a mess and-!"

"It doesn't matter what kind of mess you were in!" Index shouted.

"Wahh! That was too dangerous! Stop it please, I'm still injured!"

The girls caught up and tackled him, working together as one they unleashed a three-hit-tag-team-combo-attack, Index and Mikoto stomp hard on both his foot, followed up with a perfectly synchronized knee jab to his abdomen, before bring him to the ground with a palm strike to his head, they used their combine weight as a leverage to pin Touma down, nearly knocking the wind out of him.

Touma closed his eyes tight to prepare for the worst... But it never came.

Instead, he felt something wet dripping onto him, he looked up and saw tears forming in both their eyes.

"Touma don't have any idea how worried we were for you!"

"Stop getting yourself hurt all the time already damn it!"

His surprise look soon gave way to a kind smile. Touma slowly reached out with both hands to touch their heads.

"...I'm sorry, I truly am very sorry..."

After venting their frustrations, both Index and Mikoto had finally calmed down enough to get off from on top of Touma. Both of them offered to pull him up. Index immediately asked about his opinion of their clothes, the words Kamijou Touma spoke next were only for the two of them to hear- Whatever they were, it made Index a happy girl, and it made Mikoto a REALLY happy tomato as she tried to stop herself from a mental meltdown.

"So what can I do to help with the party?"

"Before that... This is our present to you..."

Index took out a simple box wrapped in generic Christmas wrapping paper, secured with a bright red ribbon.

"So hurry up and open it already!" Mikoto urged him.

Kamijou Touma carefully removed the ribbon, unwrapped the paper, and opened the box to find...

...Nothing, it was empty.

"Uh? What gives? There's nothing-" No sooner that he said those words, his eyes spotted a single white slip of paper at the bottom of the box, much like the ones Oriana Thomson had used before.

The words, "Sky Love Hurricane Kiss!" was written on it.

That's when Mikoto and Index sprung their ultimate trap.

Kamijou can feel the soft texture of the lips, as well as the hard jagged teeth. That warm thing between the two rows of teeth should be the tongue. The breath warmer than Kamijou's body temperature blows onto his face from both sides. It was a solid ten seconds before the both of them pulled back, looking embarrassed.


"How was it...?"

At that moment, no matter how much Kamijou Touma tries to deny it... At that moment... That moment... The two of them... Those girls in outrageously attractive maid costume... In his eyes...

...Are too freaking cute for his body to handle.

Outside, it's T-minus 10 till the start of the festival.

The titanic crowd composing of students and adults from every corner of this city gathered before the stage had fought the cold weather just to be here to see their favorite celebrities.

Among them was a small group consist of three girls and one (un)lucky guy.

"Super! We made it just in time!" Exclaimed Saiai. "Come on they're about to start!"

Trying to catch up behind her was the rest of the new team [ITEM]. Rikou held on tightly to Shiage's hand while Mugino dragged him by imprisoning his other arm. It was all that Shiage could do to stop Mugino from carving a bloody path open just for them. With Saiai leading the way, the four of them were somehow able to squeeze through the incredibly dense crowd to reach the front and center stage, where the action is at.

High above the stadium in the adjacent building was a coalition of Esper that was form for the sole purpose of Operation [Niflheim].

"Wow, there's certainly a lot more people this year..."

The one who spoke those words were none other than Sogiita Gunha.

The Number Seven Level 5 of Academy City.

Just for this very special occasion, he had volunteered his services to oversee this operation. Gunha is easily recognizable due to him wearing his modified white uniform, where he wears the jacket over his shoulders as somewhat like a make-shift cape. He also wears a white headband on his forehead to match his overall style. But the most noticeable part of his ensemble is wearing a Rising Sun shirt, which aptly matches his personality.

It seems that not even the hell-cold weather to bring down his burning soul.

"S-Sogiita-san, I j-just want to say that it's been a great honor w-working with a Level 5 such as yourself!" Mitsuko Kongou, a Level 4 wind base Esper, expressed her appreciation to the high school boy.

"Huh? Er, okay I guess..."

Behind her was Awatsuki Maaya and her friend Wannai Kinuho, both of them were water base Espers from Tokiwadai Swimming Team, and could be seen fawning over him.

Gunha checked his watch again for the time before addressing the quiet girl beside him.

"It's nearly show time, get your girls ready! Don't forget that it's your responsibility to synchronize all of their timing together! Operation [Niflheim] is about to commence!"

"No problem."

The girl coolly replied.

Because she is the 'Queen' of Tokiwadai.

Several hundred meters in the opposite direction of the stadium stood the Windowless Building- The Invincible fortress that belongs to none other than General Director Aleister.

Within the walls of his domain were several high resolution screens displaying almost every corner of the city at once.

"It's it about time to start?"

The voice was that of a woman, it came from one of the screens that wasn't showing a place in Academy City, but rather a private quarter within the St George Cathedral in Britain.

"Indeed, are you sure you don't want to see it? I can have a live feed of the broadcast directed to your monitor..."

Laura laughed.

"Ohoho, why would I want to see man-made snow when there's tons of them here in Britain created beautifully from the hands of God himself? No thank you, Aleister. I prefer my miracles without artificial favoring."

"Oh well that's a shame... But I would think that any feat of God that man could replicate, should be considered the greater 'miracle', and one more worthy of praise..."

The atmosphere was tense as the two of them stared down the other with a fake smile. But such is the relationship between the leaders of the two world power, and they wouldn't have it any other way.

"...Merry Christmas General Director Aleister."

"...And to you too, Archbishop Laura."

Far away from the dark and icy domain of the Windowless Building, the atmosphere at the stadium couldn't be any more heated up despite the cold winds.

Finally it was time to begin.

The MC's voice boomed from the high powered speakers.


The crowd erupts with cheers and cries.


(High above the stadium in the adjacent building...)

"Okay that's the signal!" Gunha issued the command to the coalition of Espers. "THIS IS IT PEOPLE! Operation [Niflheim] is a 'go'! I repeat, we are 'go' for [Niflheim]!"

"Who came up with such a bad taste in naming?"


With the timing synchronize by the 'Queen of Tokiwadai' herself, more than a hundred water, wind and ice Espers unleash their power at once into the air. Though it might seem like an random display of powers, but with the proper coordination- all of their powers combine together in such a way that it created a spectacular result.

In an instance... Billions of artificial snow flakes begin raining down throughout Academy city.


At that moment in time, nobody cared that it was a phenomenon created by man to replicate nature... So what if it is?

Doesn't mean it can't be beautiful.

Don't be so kind to me, what kind of face should I make?
With all the words that have piled up, I can't see your face from the side...

As the Academy City Christmas celebration begins in the stadium, all over the city many individuals find their own little ways to celebrate.

Some choose to spend a romantic evening with their better half hold up in a Judgment office with no one else but themselves in their own little world. Konori Mii and Kurozuma Wataru watches the snow from behind the windows, they still have a lot of lost time make up, but at least for this one day, they can afford to take it one step at a time.

In this city full of sadness, a lot has happened in one year. But as Kiyama Harumi learns, despite all the bad thing one has done, there's no rule that says you can't still spend time with your students smiling in Christmas.

Of course, not everything has a happy ending, this is especially true for the gorilla- I mean, Shirai Kuroko who ended up not spending any time with her beloved Onee-sama. Fortunately for her, Misaka Mikoto isn't the only one in her life. Accompanying her as she tries to get drunk on the eggnog is fellow Judgment member Uiharu Kazari and her friend Saten Ruiko, who in turn brought along her friends - Mako-chin, Akemi, and Muu-chan.

Elsewhere, the Misaka Network is filled with greetings from every corner of the globe.

Where is it? I can't find the key I lost...
Sigh…I'm so tired of acting so stubborn whenever we disagree...

It's just a little too far for my hand to reach...
But I wonder if I truly want to grasp that shadow of yours!

Don't be so kind to me... See? we'll hurt each other again...
With all the lies that have piled up, I'm unable to move anymore.

Don't look at me with those eyes, just what kind of face should I make?
I'm completely lost now, but maybe someday I'll be able to smile once more...

"Etazali onii-chan hurry up already, I'm staving."

The younger girl grabbed him by his hand and dragged him along.

"Xochitl w-wait! Slow down!"

Walking hand in hand were two Aztec Magicians. Though their relationship is still uncertain and unstable, as long as they're both alive, there is still time to make things right.

"Come on Musujime-chan the party has already started!"

"Ehh? Why do I have to-!"

On the other side, a tiny Komoe-sensei tries to pull an unwilling Awaki to the hospital where all her lovely students have worked so hard to organize a Christmas party.

"Nobody should have to spend Christmas alone! This is sensei's honest belief, so Musujime-chan can scream and curse all she wants, but I will never let you be alone tonight!"


The truth is, if Awaki didn't want to go, Komoe sensei couldn't force her. Deep down inside... Even for a person like her... After all she had done... Awaki still wanted someone to say those kinds of things to her.

"That's right Awaki-yan!"

"WAHHH? Tsuchimikado, you bastard! Where did you come from?"

"Never mind that, come on Komoe-sensei! Let get Awaki-yan to the party asap!"

"Don't call me by my name damnit! And quit pushing me! I can walk fine by myself!"

It feels like I've spent so many days with you
But still, the words we exchanged were too few.

The distance between you and me is getting just a little closer...
But I can't catch up to you – even though there's just a little left to go!

Don't be so kind to me... See, we'll hurt each other again.
With the lies that have piled up, I can't hear your words.

Hiding my true voice, I hum this melody.
I'll entrust this body of mine... To my slowly changing heart.

Elsewhere in Japan, Yamisaka Ouma, the man who once had the resolution to give up his life to save the woman he loves, finds her smiling in his arms on this special day. Indeed, had he gone through with his plan, had that boy not stop him in time, he would have never known this happiness that he's feeling right now. At the same time, both Kamijou parents and the Misaka household are doing whatever it is that adults do when their children aren't around...

Far away across the seas in the land of Britain, the church of Necessarius have gotten a little rough and noisy. In one corner we have Itsuwa and Stiyl Magnus both drinking themselves to death out of depression, with Tatemiya Saiji and the rest of the Amakusa trying to comfort them while Oriana Thomson tried to edge them on.



Down the hallway, Orsola Aquinas was running from a scary Sherry Cromwell, followed by an equally pissed off Agnese Sanctis and her followers Sister Lucia and Sister Angelene. Running passed her in the opposite direction screaming was Archbishop Laura Stuart who in turn was being chased by a raging Kanzaki Kaori flashing her sword. With Lessar laughing on the sidelines at the spectacle and Sasha Kreuzhev looking exasperated.

And somewhere in the world, the 'Strongest Couple', Ollerus and Silvia, were having a quiet Christmas dinner...

I don't even know myself, even though I feel like I want to know more about you.
I'll try to hold back these conflicting feelings, as I feel my way through these unseen walls!

It didn't take long for the Aogami Piece, Fukiyose Seiri, Tsuchimikado Maika, Himegami Aisa to bring the rest of the class and than mention that some 'unexpected' guests might be making their appearance later. Immediately Aogami kicked open the ice box and started handing out the beverages. Everyone was dancing and laughing and generally just fooling around. Index and Mikoto, after three days of partnership, immediately resume hostilities and began pulling each of Kamijou Touma's arms. Himegami looked somewhat envious by the side line while her Fukiyose face-palmed at the sight.

In the midst of all this chaos, a glimmer of light had caught Index's eyes.

For a moment, she could have swore that she saw Kazakiri Hyouka laughing with everyone.

Don't be so kind to me, see? We'll hurt each other again.
The lies that have piled up are just painful, right?

I want to go see you immediately, but I can't find my words...
At the very least in the end, I want to show you my smile!

Merry Christmas Everyone!