NOTES: This is the American Idiot portion of my personal challenge to write drabbles and doubledrabbles for all of the prompts from 100_prompts. These will range in tone from fluffy to completely depressing (like this first one; sorry) and will be mostly about Jimmy and Johnny, but other characters will show up as well. : ) Please review; reviews mean a happy author and more stories for happy readers. :D

PROMPTS: A41/B03 – Goodbye/Sticks and Stones

RATING: T for language and mentions of violence

CHARACTERS: Johnny and Jimmy (POV Johnny)

Sticks and Stones

He had the most organized insults I'd ever seen. The most common, by far, was "Bitch." Everyone and everything that pissed him off was automatically "Bitch." It was really a reflex. If you pissed him off beyond everyday annoyances, you got the upgrade to "Douchebag." This was when you knew you'd made it to the level where he was actually going to hold whatever you'd done against you. Then there was "Motherfucking Shitface," which was what you were crowned either before or while the punches were flying.

The last time I saw him, I rose through all three levels, all the way to the punches, in minutes. And then the punches turned into a gun and I was backing out of the room, and then he said the other one.

He didn't use it terribly often, or with many people. It had ended up as my own personal nickname after a while. It didn't have a level. Sometimes it was a term of affection; sometimes it meant "Bitch" or "Douchebag." But here…mixed up with tears and fists and guns…I don't really know what it meant. They were the last words he said to me.

"You little bastard."