Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or any character pertaining to it sadly. :( Nor do I own chapter titles or the title of this story.

A/N: I know it's been a while since my last update but it's my summer break now so hopefully I can update way faster! There is the G/B X-rated content you guys wanted in this chapter. ;) I hope you guys enjoy! :)

Stay For Tonight, If You Want To I Can Show You What My Dreams Are Made Of.

Her room was harsher words than utterly destroyed. The walls were ornamented with craters and cracks repetitively, their sizes bigger than bowling balls. The king sized bed which had once stood on a frame of four steel legs now lay flat and bent on the ground as if a thousand ton anvil had fallen upon it.

This room had not been built for the heavy duty actions of two demi-Saiyans in the mist of mating.

When Bra had returned to Goten, they had immediately picked up to where they had left off, hands heated on one another once again.

Her position above him displayed her dominance indefinitely, her lips in charge of his like the control of a remote. How her tongue swirled, his would soon follow. When her sharp teeth would capture his bottom lip, his would venture to her top. His rough fingers traced her spine constantly, power causing pleasurable pressure on the skin of her back. They were a synchronized dance…simultaneously destroying her mother's home.

Aqua hair splayed carelessly through short black locks, somehow linking and mixing the two in one more way than they had expected. Though their kisses were wild, heated, sloppy, and animalistic, they sensed and felt the new found familiarity they had for one another.

His fingers that had been running slow, hypnotizing races down the vertebrae of her spine didn't stop at the curve of her back dimples like she had anticipated. Instead they ventured further on seemingly new territory, brushing the base of her newborn tail and halting on the hill of her bottom, masculine fingers taking a forceful grab of possession around the radiating skin.

At his touch, she let out a deep, guttural response that vibrated off his tongue and flowed all the way to the pit of his stomach, helping little Goten in his boxers make his full and best appearance. She was placed promptly where his abdomen V started to form, using the natural lines like guides for her inner thighs. She could feel him poking her impatiently, yearningly, and it turned her on even more.

Intensity. That was what they were basing themselves off of now. Everything was more electrified and even if they would have simply high-fived at this point, an orgasm could be achieved. That's how good their skin felt together. Tiny shocks and blue lightning storms from their fingertips with every touch kept each separate figure on edge.

She slid down his body, bottom poked teasingly and perfect into the air. As she shimmied down his frame, she brought his boxers with her, him shaking from them without slack. Her face once again was eye level with his shaft and without hesitation, she slipped his whole length into her mouth, letting him get a feel for the back of her throat with one slide. In her wet, hot orifice, he felt her cheeks hollow out and then suck in. When she started her steady up and down motions, his fingers went to tread her aqua tresses with ultimate aggression.

He guided her plush lips over the whole of him though she directed her tongue wherever she pleased. Every inch of him got sloppy licks and kisses and he mumbled her name greedily when he felt his head tickle the moist skin of her throat. Her teeth grazed his sensitive skin, pulling a piece of him back and forth with her. She hummed against his wide presence, sending vibrations over his length and causing his fingers to tighten.

Her head picked up tempo, and he was grunting out her name so loud and so frequently that her lips couldn't help but to turn up into a smile. It felt good to know she was giving him this much pleasure.

When she suddenly stopped, his neck craned to look down at her, agitation clear in his eyes.

"What do you think you're doing? You're not finis-" She raised herself above his body, clashing her lips to his without letting him finish. Their lips were hot against one another, vibrant sparks of electricity flying between their mouths. He kissed her back eagerly, tasting himself on her tongue undoubtedly. His hands worked to pull the sides of her panties down her legs, over and off of her feet.

"I'm not going to let you have all the fun," She grinned expectantly, looking down at him through darkened orbs.

With just a brief second of realization, he flipped her on bottom, the boards under the carpet again creaking at their force.

He slid down her naked frame, tongue leaving a sloppy, tingling trail until he came to the crease that divided her body. His long tongue slid down the tiny folds and pleasured her with the same amount of passion she had used with him. Her fingers massaged his spikes of dark hair, legs unable to keep still as the back of her knees rubbed up and down his shoulders. He licked and swirled his tongue expertly, knowing every which spot to hit, obviously something he had spent much time practicing.

Eating was something that Goten did extraordinarily well.

When he felt her pulsing beneath his palette and the twitching of his own member, he moved back up to her lips again, a sweet new balance of taste on their tongues.

He prepared himself around her entrance, open and ready from his furious oral affairs. His hands kneaded the rounds of her breasts, stimulating her further.

"You ready?" He whispered in her ear, using his length to rub against her lower lips.

She hummed in his ear, breathy yeses sinuous from her body to his with frantic kisses along his jaw, mouth, and throat.

He invaded her body slowly and with caution, her gasps bouncing around the room as he slowly began to fill her. He could feel her expanding against him and the restraint it took not to go harder and faster was almost unbearable.

Her bite sank deeper and deeper into his collar, though not breaking the skin, as he made his way fully inside of her and they both sat still for a moment, letting their separate bodies adjust. They were a huffing mess, Bra's blue hair sweated erotically to his neck, delicate arms wrapped chokingly around his drenched torso as he used his strength to keep himself up right.

"How does it feel?" He mouthed into her ear, nibbling at her lobe with impatient. Her womanly cave encasing him was making it hard to concentrate and even harder to keep his humanity. Sex had always been something so primal to Goten and though he had to be guarded with Paris, he knew it wasn't the same with Bra. She could handle him no matter what he decided to throw at her.


He took her answer with the confidence to descend from her body with more swiftness and back in with much force. He groaned alone from the feeling of her flexing against him and she cried out in pleasure feeling her core shake from his loving brutality. She beckoned him further, whispering reassurances in his ear, giving him dirty instructions that caused his muscles to strengthen.

He rocked her forcefully against her bedroom carpet, the steady growing rug rash on her back burning with each thrust. She was in a mix of bliss and pain from all the harshness he was sending her way and it was difficult to focus on one or the other with the constant rubbing from each.

"Goten, Goten, Goten," Her breathy whispers were mixing with their panting, egging him on. She wasn't sure if she was chanting his name entirely from pleasure but her throaty murmurs matched his thrusts uncannily.

"You…feel amazing." His breaths were washing over her face, lips leaving wet kisses along her cheeks and jaw. His fingers dug into the carpet, using it as leverage to send himself deeper and deeper inside of her.

She cried out in a response, him taking a different angle that hit a sensitive spot. Her back arched into him, the burn continuing the pain as she slid across the coarse carpet and she bit at his neck as a way to take focus from the uncomfortable feeling on her bum and spine. Her long, manicured nails slipped red marks down the ripples of his ribcage, the coats of sweat surrounding her fingertips. She had never literally been so hot and bothered.

"I can't…" Her toes began to curl, her body feeling suddenly scorching as if they had fallen into an inferno. His fingers wiped the blue hairs glued to her forehead away as he pounded into her, his head soon falling into the crease of her neck. She shivered again, his weight making her dig deeper and deeper into her scratchy position.

"Goten, Goten, GOTEN!" Bra placed two board stiff hands on his shoulder blades, giving a painful squeeze so brutal he cried out in actual hurt, blood trickling from her invasive nails. He would have taken it playfully if she hadn't persisted in digging under his skin.

"Ouch! What, what, what?" His movements slowed, looking at her in disbelief. For a second, his eyes had cooled to a honey brown, confused expression on his face.

"Stop, stop." She slid out from under him, disconnecting their bodies in his loud protests and rolled to all fours in front of him. He still held his position, stuck in his mid thrust pose he had been in.

"What did I do?" His erect teeth snapped as he glared at her naked form.

She had turned from him to where her butt had poked mischievously into his face, back arched for extra boost, and he looked at her swinging her matted hair over one shoulder in amazement.

"Try it this way." She purred. She heard him growl as he silently climbed over her and then, he was inside again. Her mouth moistened at the feel of him within her, erect teeth stabbing her tongue hungrily as her neck strained to kiss him roughly. She steadied the both of their weights on her palms and knees, fingers clenching deep into the grain of the floor as she cried out his name with his quickened pace. Though her palms and knees were taking the bruises, she could sense him filling her better, his length feeling as if it had doubled in size.

His rugged nails pushed and pulled her torso to him and he grunted loud breaths over her in synchronization with herself. The thuds of their flesh meeting and their breaths mingling were hypnotic together, each Saiyan fully focused on the noises.

When he began to go faster, she felt the moment impending, her heart rate starting to accelerate as well as the pulsing in his fingertips that were drawing blood on the base of her neck. Her tail twitched and twirled, flying wildly between the two as she felt her climax approaching.

Goten used his force to push Bra to the ground, spinning her around to where their torsos met. He placed one of her legs over his shoulder, not giving her time to adjust to the new position though she didn't really need it. His stiff teeth found the stretched skin of her salty neck and bit and scraped across her neckline. As all feelings disappeared around her but him overwhelming her, she used her free hands to pull him closer and used her sharp teeth to bite at his throat as well.

Her fingertips and toes went numb, muscles all over her body contracting and the feeling felt way too bottled up for her to be comfortable. She was helping him push her over the line and before she could even predict when it was going to happen, it all burst inside of her and nothing was left but rushes of ecstasy and the feelings of his metallic blood flowing through her lips with canines stuck deeply within his skin. Her loud, prolonged moan stuck with her teeth within his neck cavernously and guided Goten to the same sensation, riding out their arrangement with crimson lips of liquid until their actions slowed down to acts of nothing and cuddling.

Her eyes felt glued shut, the only thing she was hearing was the sound of Goten huffing above her. He was still connected to her through skin and teeth and she couldn't even describe the calm she felt with being so attached to him now. She sat still for a second, relishing in the moment and inhaling the deep scent of their bodies together as their thoughts formed into one.

When it felt like minutes had passed and she felt Goten stir, she opened her eyes slowly, batting her eyelashes to see straight. Goten flipped their connected form to where she sat on his lap, goofy smile playing on his lips.

"Your parents are going to kill us," He whispered hoarsely in her ear, big hand tracing the curve of her back. Bra took a look around her room, walls and floorboards destroyed almost beyond repair.

"I almost feel bad…for you that is," She smirked up at him, their height almost the same with their position.

"For me alone? Why do you say that?"

"Because I don't think my father is going to appreciate what happened in this destroyed room half as much as we do."

Goten's midnight eyes grew wide at her words, having completely forgotten about the 'Prince of all Saiyans'.

"Oh great, how could I forget about that part? He is gonna kill me. What am I gonna do?" He groaned, not wanting to think about the fight that would ensue. If he thought Trunks was a bit overprotective, he didn't want to consider what Vegeta would be like after he found out.

"Well we'll cross that bridge when we come to it…but for now," Her eyes gleamed something fierce, eager hands traveling to his cheeks to pull him into another breathtaking kiss.

He couldn't have resisted her pink lips even if he had tried, his mouth moving with hers with just as much excitement. He had already decided in his head, if there was one girl he was willing to be knocked senseless for it was the one wrapped in his arms at the moment.

-The next morning-

Pan was clipping the back of her tattered bra swiftly, her hands gliding the hooks through their hoops with careless precision.

"Why are you in such a rush?" His hand snaked around her bare waist, pulling her back to his stained chest. His touch sent goose bumps and a slight chill through her body almost automatically.

"Because no matter how much I love nature," She turned so that she was facing him, "I don't think it loves me nearly as much. I smell terrible and my hair is mess…as well as yours." She ran long nails through tangles of lavender for reference and the leaves that fluttered from his head were proof enough of her words.

Their night had been a little more than eventful and uninterrupted. The pair had spent half the hours of dark rumbling and tumbling through the thick forest, passion and want leading their every motion. When the sun started to peek through the canopy of the trees, Pan had unwillingly decided to halt their sultry sport much to Trunks' obvious dismay.

"I think you smell just fine," She could feel his face deep in her neck, his stubble caressing the soft skin, and his slow intake of breath playing with the fresh bite mark on her collar. She shivered into his embrace and his smirk taunted her momentarily before he began to stare into her eyes.

"You probably think I smell fine because I smell like you," She wrinkled her nose at him, her face scrunching up, and a deep chuckle escaped from his throat as his nose fell to the tip of hers.

"I just don't want us to leave here." His voice was deep and earnest, "Everything at this moment feels so perfect. I know when we go back things will change. I don't want you running away from me again, especially not now, not after all of this."

His fingers were running slow circles around the base of her lower back and his touch felt ten times more efficient and exaggerated than it had before. Pan couldn't believe that in a few short hours, things had changed so much. Her hands came to wrap around his neck, the tips of her fingers draping in the sweaty locks on the nape of his hairline.

"Even in the state you're in now," Her smile was mocking yet sweet, "I couldn't run away from you if I tried. I'm just going home to shower, I promise. "

"Then come back to my house with me, we'll shower together," His tail twisted around hers suggestively again and she shook her head defiantly.

"I need a real shower."

"And what do you call what we're going to do?" With their closeness, she felt his stiffness rub against her inner thigh and laughed at his antics. He was working himself up for something that she would with the most of her ability, try to prevent…at least for the moment.

"I just need a couple of hours, okay?" He grunted unhappily as she pulled away and started to hunt the leafy ground for the remainder of her undergarments.

"You're helping me with this later!" He called after the searching girl though his eyes were looking down at his nudeness. He had never gotten this excited over just looking at a girl before. These new feelings were way too weird for him to even want to think about even if it did feel incredible to finally have his pent up sexual frustrations satisfied thoroughly. Though she wouldn't like to hear it, she had let him win this round, the biggest game of all. She had given herself to him whole-heartedly, every piece, almost every thought. He would gloat about it later but for now, he would let everything stay at peace between them for as long as possible. Knowing her it wouldn't be a long tranquility but their 'relationship', if that's what you could truly call it, could have at least a couple of hours of rest before they started to test it.

Her fingers raked and pushed aside leaves and sticks, brushing away the dry life until she uncovered what was left of her attire. When she finally found her pants, she pulled the ragged pieces over her nude legs.

A half smile graced her lips as she gazed upon her makeshift outfit. She looked as if she had just been rammed into by a truck (and in a way she had) but she felt fantastic, if not a little tired. If flying had not been something she had been doing since she could walk, she would have found the task of levitating far over his head more difficult.

"Pan, I better see you later! I'm serious!" Trunks shouted at her bobbing figure. She hesitated before she started to ascend as if waiting for something but shook her head with a self chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah. Later." She called disappearing slowly through the high branches of the trees, a special smile in place just for him.

The dawn of the young morning had turned gradually into early afternoon now. On the second level of the Capsule Corps building, Trunks was staring down at his lap uncomfortably. He had been sitting with this thing for hours, since Pan had left him in the woods earlier that morning.

When Trunks couldn't stand staring at his ungodly red reproducer any longer, he called the only person he thought could fix it. When she had heard the full story and all about his predicament, she had nearly laughed the head right off of her shoulders.

"It's not funny, Pan-chan, my dick is going to fall off!" He screamed at her into the receiver, looking down sadly at his most prized body part, "It just won't go down!" He poked at it with his free hand, the unusual ruby causing his bottom lip to jolt out a little further.

"And what do you want me to do about it?" She was biting her lower lip to hold in her laughter but the action failed as her giggles spilled uncontrollably.

"I want you to fix it. It obviously only wants you now. It's a sad day when a man can no longer please himself." His head fell to rest on the headboard, not finding the situation nearly as hilarious.

Her laugh was harmonious, "Don't they say to go to the doctor if you've had an erection lasting longer than four hours?" She used a thick accent sounding of a professional doctor, like the ones she heard on the Viagra commercials. This only made her laugh more, her pale cheeks turning a dusty pink.

"I haven't taken any drugs! This is all your fault!"

"I didn't do anything!"

"I had sex with you all night and now my penis is broken!"

"Trunks, that is by far the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Maybe your age is getting to you finally."

"I'm not that old! And I can obviously get it up…just not back down."

Pan chuckled at him again, flipping to lay on her stomach on her bed, feet kicking in the air behind her. She had finally removed all the twigs and leaves from her long, black mane and now she was letting her hair air-dry. She stared at her pile of dirty rags from earlier in the corner of her room, the memories behind them bringing a genuine smile to her lips.

"I think you're making this all up just to get me to come over."

"If you really don't want to come here, I can be at your place in five seconds flat."

"I don't believe you could do it in five seconds," She spoke nonchalantly, not really giving him much thought, "I'd give you twenty."

"I'm so sick of you doubting me, Panny. You need to realize that I am a man of pure wonder."

She rolled eyes, adjusting her position to where she sat Indian style on her bed, "Stop calling me Panny, boxer boy."

Trunks walked to his high window, levitating over the edge of the railing, "Hey, Panny, can you do me a favor? Just count five Mississippis for me."

"Trunks, that wasn't a challenge-" Before she could utter the last of her statement, she heard the dial tone humming obnoxiously in her ear.

"One Mississippi." She felt absolutely ridiculous. She lived miles away from him, practically on the other side of the large city. He couldn't possibly fly to her that quickly.

"Two Mississippi." She fell back on her bed with a huff, she couldn't believe she was actually counting out loud, he wouldn't make it…

"Three Mississippi…four Mississippi…" She held fingers above her head, counting down each one with each number spoken. At number five, her balcony door creaked.

"No way!" She yelled at him, hearing the glass snap shut and then his footsteps come nearer to her bedroom.

"I told you, Panny, I'm a man of pure wonder," His proud smirk was placed annoyingly from corner to corner on his lips. Trunks was leaned against the frame of her open door, white wife beater and denim jeans adorning his muscles. Her eyes shifted downward with the tiniest of smirks on her lips as she looked at Trunks' 'problem', standing full and alert. He took in her half nude form as well, body splayed awkwardly across her bed, clad except a pair of white panties and a black spaghetti strapped shirt. She looked rather comfortable and the cell phone that they had just been communicating on lay just a few inches away from her creamy skin. His eyes glazed over at the sight of her, lips a natural color and cheeks flushed in her homey state. They both looked back to normal, no dirty streaks or crumpled leaves on their frames.

"I really have to learn to lock that balcony," She was speaking more to herself than to him, bottom lip coming between her teeth in thought.

"Back to more important matters," He spoke to her huskily, pushing himself off the wall to meet her on the bed, "If you broke it, Pan, you have to fix it." He was trying in his own charming way to seduce her.

Her pink cheeks escalated to a deep reddening color, clear signs of a blush. She could see the outline of him clearly through his rugged jeans.

As he loomed over her in the bed, hands keeping her trapped beneath him, an idea sparked in her mind. Before he leaned in for the kiss, she put a finger to his lips, "Wait, I have an idea."

"Well…" His lips fell to her jawline, tracing the perfect line with the tip of his tongue.

"Give me twenty minutes and I'll make the wait worthwhile." She didn't know why the thought had popped suddenly into her mind, but right now through her clouded mentality it felt like an excellent idea.

"Psh, twenty minutes? You're being inhumane." His teeth were clenched even considering waiting that long. Her skin felt so fresh on his lips, even better than the sweaty mess she was last night.

"I think it would be in your best interest to wait," She whispered, warm breath encasing the shell of his ear. This new Pan was foreign to her but she would welcome her with open arms. For so long now she had been the tomboy, never even considered a vixen, and with the thoughts and seemingly perfect man right there in front of her, it was time to let loose. She smirked to herself, a piece of black hair twirling and unraveling around her index finger mischievously.

Trunks stopped his assault to search her darkened eyes with his own. He sifted through her thoughts but whatever she was planning she had made sure to withhold the best she could from him.

"Fine, but hurry! Last time I checked I think it was starting to turn shades of purple." He fell back from his position on top of her and she slid from her bed, bee-lining to her closet that was on the opposite side of her full-sized mattress.

"Then your tail won't be the only thing to match your hair." His unpleasant grumble caused her to laugh for a split second, "Now, close your eyes and don't look until I tell you."

He sighed loudly, turning to sit Indian style and facing the wall that her headboard rested against. He put his hands over his eyes for good measure, almost feeling like a child again.

Pan rustled through her wardrobe, Trunks listening as hangers dropped and items were being torn from their hanging positions. When the loud noises stopped, he heard Pan walk towards his direction and was about to peek when he felt her make her way out of the door instead. He listened to the bathroom door shut and assuming she wouldn't be back for a while, he got comfortable on her sheets. He slid until his back landed on the headboard and he leaned against it, waiting for Pan to return after she had disappeared into the bathroom.

She showed up at her bedroom door twenty minutes later, just as promised. She was dressed in a long khaki trench coat, one that looked as if she had borrowed it from her father, and long hair hidden under the cave of a matching hat.

Trunks raised an eyebrow at her as she strode into her room. He hadn't asked for a detective on the case, he already half knew what his problem was.

She stood in front of him, open closet behind them, her body nervous yet confident with just a naughty smile playing on her lips as she lifted a hand to remove her hat. The black curls bounced around her shoulders perkily, some high and some low with the odd layers of her hair. Her make-up was delicate, natural except her crimson lips, and Trunks admired how well it fit her. She hadn't even gotten undressed yet and he could already feel his belly start to churn.

Her beige trench coat had the waist band wrapped tight around her curves and she loosened it slowly, unraveling the belt at a snail's pace. His mouth watered and he found himself swallowing hard as he watched her delicate fingers intently undoing the belt. The cloth slipped leisurely off her bare shoulders, down the length of her ivory arms, until it rolled from her hands and pooled at her high heeled feet on the carpet.

Her outfit underneath made Trunks let out the tiniest of gasps, his crystal eyes transforming the color of a foggy night. Her body was accentuated perfectly by a black, lace up corset. There was a scarlet bow the color of her lipstick that adorned her top and rested perfectly in the cleavage of her round breasts. Her mid-drift was exposed just above her belly button, the curve of the material tight against her pale skin. Garter belts formed from the matching lace thong and crisscrossed her thighs until they met transparent stockings that disappeared into high, shiny, black stilettos. Her skin, even her dark tail, was luminous with powdered glitter in the natural light of her small room.

She spun slowly for him, letting him soak in the beauty that she had presented especially for him. He was speechless watching her small body on display for him, catering to his pronounced wishes. His fingers twitched, reaching out for her subconsciously. Though his lips were silent, his thoughts were racing and she soaked in every quiet, naughty compliment he unconsciously threw at her.

"I love hearing your thoughts but aren't you going to say something?" Her crimson lips were starting to turn downward rapidly with anxiety, "I know it was rushed but-" Before she could finish, she had found herself pressed tight against Trunks on an adjacent wall to her bed. His lips had tasted every part of the front of her neck without hesitation in just a few short seconds, noticing the tinge of strawberries in her lotion with his tongue. It was times like these when his Saiyan speed really came in handy.

Her legs, though tightly wrapped in nylon, used their strength to wrap themselves around his waist, his hands grabbing a hold of her petite bottom, not only helping her support herself but openly copping a feel.

Every part of her was perfect for his soft yet manly hands. His fingertips were warm and clammy pressing into her through the material and she sighed into his lips with him touching her again. Though it had only been hours, it had felt like forever since this had happened. Would this be how she spent the rest of her life? Yearning for his touch, urgent for him to be inside of her? Would this hot spell of impatient fingers and urging lips last forever?

Trunks listened to her thoughts and took them in as if they were his own, and in a way they were. Neither of them had come anywhere near experiencing something like this and they didn't even know if humans could possess this sort of passion. No words could express just how many things he wanted to say to her and he just didn't have enough hands to touch her in all the places he wanted to or enough mouths and teeth to explore her bodice as he wished.

He stopped his feverish kiss to look her briefly in the eyes, mind speaking to her through their new connection, "You don't have to worry about that now," He seemed sincere though his pupils were dilated much to the size that they had been under the full moon, "there's more important things to worry about."

His smirk added a playful tone to serious conversation and she nodded deviously, giving him a killer smile to match. Using her hands wrapped forcefully around his neck, pulling him close, she rocked their figures to her bedroom floor with a ground shaking thump.

A/N: I seriously cannot believe it has been soo long! I feel like a jerk :( It was just a mix of school and my social life and writer's block (mostly writer's block). Though it may not seem like it, this story is a challenge for me. I haven't really written many lemons so starting the Bra and Goten one was the most difficult part of this whole chapter. It was actually what was keeping me behind. I had the same four pages for like a month and half just trying to figure out how to start it so I hope you guys really enjoy it.

Last chapter had an amazing amount of reviews and it still shocks me to this day. I want to give thank yous to: MistressLouise, aangfan, Arian, rocky1980, celestialpolaris, PanHopeNvs, NiceNipps, famoso, KarinKurosakiHitsugaya913, The0Blind0Writer, Akatsuki. BandFan2278, familyfriend, Cosmic-lover, ladyrere1985, and shar1993. :) Thank you guys so so much for taking the time to review and say awesome things about my story. I want to give a special thanks to PanHopeNvs for asking about this story every time she could and for just telling me to be confident in my work. In her words I should be saying, "You all should be grateful to have the privilege of reading my sublime work. Feel free to drop to your knees, or prostrate yourself and worship me. Go on. Quickly. I don't like waiting." instead of apologizing for my grammar but you should all know I'm not that cocky. :P

Anyways, I'll shut up now and I just want to say that chapter 12 is in the works and hopefully should be out sooner than this one. I have a couple of surprises up my sleeve for our favorite Saiyans ;)