Disclaimer: I do not own DBZ or anybody in it. :( I also do not own the title of this chapter or the story.

Summary: Saiyans are not just an alien warrior race built and prized for their strength and fighting skills, but also for their unique mating rituals. What happens when Pan, Trunks, Bra, and Goten are all thrown into the fiery mix of their ancestors' lustful customs? Will they all be able to satisfy the desire building inside of them whilst finding love in the stir of it all? T/P, B/G.

Ages: Trunks: 26 Pan: 21 Goten: 25 Bra: 20

Well Take Me To The Bed It Feels So Right. Wake Me Up.

He threw her against the wall, lustful lips still attached to her swollen ones. Though they were in the heat of the moment, their lips departed and he took the second of their heavy breathing to let his cerulean eyes meet her chocolate ones. He was sure the fire in her eyes burned just as deep as what he could feel within him and wasted no time capturing her bottom lip with his teeth with a little more aggression.

Her moan vibrated through his body and bounced back to the spot in his groin that he could feel growing steadily. Sliding her arms above her head, he slipped off her form fitting t-shirt, causing her raven hair that was in a messy bun to slide out of the gripper and cascade down her back. It fell lazily like drapery around her bra clad chest.

He left her lips at bay as he went on a further journey of her body. Her eyes were lethargic with longing as she watched him explore her body with his tongue, down her neck and across her shoulder blade until he reached her bra strap. He used his teeth as he pulled it down her shoulder and kissed his way across her chest to give her other blade the same handling.

Pan let out a yelp as Trunks pulled her tight against his torso and their heartbeats raced against one another as she let out a sultry gasp to feel her half naked chest against him.

His fingers were comforting as they traced the contours of her back, playing along the clips of her bra. Pan wasn't sure whether she should focus on his hands working magic along her body's curves or his tongue wrestling softly with the skin about her neck. When he finally let up on his hold on her body, she soon realized why for her bra slid swiftly from her arms to the ground at her feet. A smirk worked its way to Trunks' lips as he looked at the woman in front of him, taking in every part of her person with his gaze.

"Perfect," His breathe was low and rushed as Pan crashed her lips to his again and let her hands find their way to his face, her fingers gliding over the stubble that grazed his cheeks and chin ever so lightly.

Her fingertips followed the curves of his skin, around his chin bone and past his Adam's apple to the tip of the first button on his shirt. Moving her nails together gracefully she undid every button with ease, feeling his body heat warm the tips of her fingers as she made her way down his chest. She slid the fabric over and off of his broad shoulders until together they stood shirtless pressed closely.

One by one, each of the articles of their clothing slipped more rapidly to the floor until they stood naked in front of the other. The air conditioner of her small apartment roared to life nipping at her skin as Trunks was doing so expertly.

Their kisses were deeper now, more feverish and Pan could feel her back pressing further and further into the wall. Her legs found their way around his waist and he was holding her up by her bottom, using the wall as his anchor.

The pressure as Trunks readied himself for what they had both been preparing for was much welcomed as she let her tongue and teeth massage up and down his collarbone. Pan didn't quite remember how they had gotten to this point but none of that seemed to matter now as she felt the ecstasy flowing through her veins all to that one spot that rested in her passion region.

"Are you ready?" He hummed in her ear. Pan nodded, feeling that was the only thing she could do to relieve the anticipation that was building up. She could feel him position himself, feel him almost there when he stopped and suddenly spoke.

"Well you're gonna have to answer that first." He whispered as his tongue swished at the tips of her earlobes.

"What…what are you talking about?" She managed to utter. Was he crazy? What in the hell was he waiting for?

"Your phone. You're gonna have to answer that."

Pan's head shot up from the pillow and realizing her breathing was fast she tried to slow it down. Her heart pounded fiercely in her chest and she wiped the thin sheet of sweat from her forehead, shooing the stray hairs from around her face. The lengthening strands had been growing at tremendous rates lately, so much in fact that she was getting haircuts every two weeks now-a-days. Her hormones were out of control lately.

She threw her head back on the bed with a sigh and quickly reached over to the night stand, feeling for her cell phone.

This was the same dream she had been having for weeks and it always ended in the same position only ending abruptly in different ways.

"Hello?" She asked angrily.

"It's about time you woke up," Her friend, Bra, spoke through the other end, "It's practically noon! I've been trying to call you all morning!"

"It's 10:30 in the morning Bra," Pan said as she looked at the clock and kicked her feet over the side of her futon. She took a large stretch, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she made her way out of her bedroom and into the kitchen.

"Anyways, I want you to come over! Mom just got the pool cleaned and refilled and we can tan or go for a swim! We seriously need to catch up. I have got LOADS to tell you." Bra was talking so quickly that Pan had only caught a select few words of what the younger girl was spewing out.

Throwing a small tantrum that Bra couldn't hear nor see through the receiver, Pan stomped her feet and strangled the phone, almost crushing it in her grasp. She definitely hadn't expected she would have to see him this soon.

"Are you sure you want me to come over today?" She emphasized the last word, letting the girl on the other end know that any other day was open just not this one, not right now.

"Pan, if I didn't want you to come over today," She could hear the mockery in Bra's voice, "then I wouldn't have asked you."

"But…fine fine, give me an hour. I'll see you in a bit." Her middle and thumb finger had found ways to calm the irritation by rubbing the bridge of her nose rhythmically. She decided to be submissive for once though it pained her. She had to keep telling herself that there was no point in arguing with the blue haired girl over anything and she was saving herself a lot of stress and definitely some headaches.

Pan heard a shriek of joy as she ended the phone call without as much as a goodbye.


He awoke from the same exact dream as Pan. Only he wasn't in cold sweats.

Trunks held a mischievous smirk on his face as the memories danced in his head. He and Pan had been sharing this dream for weeks and he wasn't quite sure if Pan was aware of it yet. He laughed a small chuckle when he contemplated what she could possibly be thinking about her dream predicament knowing the outrageous thoughts she could imagine.

Pan and Trunks had been best friends for years now, though the attraction had just now started to kick in. In just a few short months, everything about her had changed from adorable to just plain tantalizing. The way she walked, the way she talked, the way she laughed, how her hair swished when she was flying, the sparkle that was always stuck in her eye, and the thing that would always be his favorite, her smile. It had gotten to the point now where he couldn't find a single thing wrong with the girl. She was perfect in every sense of the word.

When the dreams started to come, he welcomed them with open arms, though he was sure she was more concerned with getting rid of them. She had all but flat out told him she was avoiding him for the past few weeks now.

She liked to deny that there was anything between them but the fact of the matter was that everyone knew it was coming. They saw it happening, saw the draw the two had towards one another. It was as if gravity had formed its own force around them and they couldn't move without the other slowly shifting towards them.

They were starting to become one, the way they finished each other's sentences, thought each other's thoughts, and laughed at each other or scowled even when a word hadn't been uttered.

He knew it wouldn't be long from now when he could make Pan his own and the thought alone sent a growl rumbling in his throat.

Now, he was just waiting for her to wake up.

Looking down at the bulge hiding under his sheets he realized it was time for a shower, preferably a cold one.


She made her way to Capsule Corps and landed at the front door, letting herself in. She wondered through the living room, walking up the stairs and through the hallway in the direction of Bra's room.

Pan was thinking about the dream…not that she had ever stopped.

"What the hell does it mean?" She thought aloud. The content of the dream didn't bother her, not at all, but the part that killed her was where it always had to stop. Right at the peak of her desire, right when he was about to…

"What does what mean?" Pan was frozen, her mouth surely hanging wide open. There the very man of her thoughts stood in front of her, shagging out his lavender hair with a dry towel.

Dende had to be cursing her because she hadn't even been in the house five minutes before running into the half naked Saiyan.

Trunks was clad except a towel stopping at the very tip of his pelvic 'V' and glistening wet with fresh water from head to toe. His head hung slightly sideways as if he was pondering and his short hair hung loosely in his blue eyes. Pan tried to hide her obvious appeal but the smile that passed over Trunks' lips let her know she was doing an absolutely terrible job.

"Are you going to answer my question?" He laughed and moved a little closer.

She shook her head to unjumble her dirty thoughts and quickly answered.

"I wasn't planning on it actually."

This was the first time Trunks had noticed what she was wearing. A red bikini top was hidden behind a white cami that positioned itself at her belly button. Her daisy duke blue jean wash shorts finished her outfit perfectly as they came just below the curve of her bottom. Pan's ponytail sat high on her head and it was easily noticeable that she had not cared about how she had placed it for tiny natural curls fell from every which way, adorning her side bangs all too perfectly. He followed her bangs past her wide almond shaped eyes and noticed that her mouth was moving rapidly, her plush lips and tongue forming around her hurried words carelessly. She was so naturally beautiful Trunks could hardly stand it.

"Trunks! Trunks seriously stop looking at me like that! It was a perfectly valid question!" Her hands found her hips and she rested her weight on one leg in an agitated position.

"What, sorry! I zoned out for a second." He rubbed the towel over his head roughly for a second, hoping that the blush he could feel on his face would be gone as he peeked through the cloth.

"I asked you why your teeth were clattering." He could definitely tell she was annoyed if not by how she was standing.

"Why should I answer your question when you didn't answer mine?" Trunks' reply was teasing as he brushed past her, making his way to his bedroom. He hadn't expected to feel the need for her so soon after his shower but he knew that if he stood in this hallway alone with her for much longer he wouldn't be able to control himself. Especially with how close they had come to finally doing 'it' in the dream this time…

"You're such a baby sometimes!" Pan called after him, moving her feet swiftly to follow. She had met him at the door of his room and he watched her approach, look of aggravation still apparent on her face.

She had no clue why she was still talking to him after she had thought long and hard about ideas on how to avoid him. This was definitely not avoiding him.

"Answer my question and I'll answer yours." His voice was mocking and his eyes were lit with pure amusement.

"You wouldn't understand."

"Probably more than you think."

"Now it's your turn to answer my question."

"Cold shower," He thought about it before settling with the simple statement.

Trunks turned to close his bedroom door but she stopped it with her palm.

"Well that was a stupid thing to do." She took a step forward, feet shuffling closer through the passage of his door.

"Considering how I woke up this morning, I'd say it was pretty smart."

She raised her eyebrow at him but he didn't continue. He moved to venture into his room again but her palm held firm.

"Are you going to let me get dressed any time soon? I mean if you want I would more than gladly-"

"What does that mean, 'considering how I woke up'?" She had ignored his question with an eye roll and was still focused on his earlier statement.

"It meant that if I were you, I wouldn't step any further into this room," There was something strange in his voice as he looked down at her. The grin he was giving her sent a shiver down her spine.

"And if I do?" Her words hadn't processed through her brain as she spoke them, her foot daring to take on his preposition. She couldn't help but want to know what he was going to do with her and she never turned down a challenge, ever.

"Try it," He didn't move from his pose but his eyes were inviting, hoping she would take on the challenge like he knew she would.

She gave him a matching grin, lifting her foot to step over the barrier of the door when her name rang through the corridor.

"Pan, just on time!" Bra smiled at her, clearing the distance from her bedroom to her brother's in a matter of seconds.

"Why are you talking to my brother…while he's half naked?" Bra's face turned into a look of disgust as she eyed him and looked back at Pan.

"Eh, we're just making small talk. Haven't seen him in a while you know?"

"You sure about that?" He was smiling at her still, like he knew something she didn't.

"Yes, I'm pretty positive I know when the last time I saw you was." Her eyes narrowed at him though his smile didn't falter. He shrugged Pan off and she focused her attention back on her friend, feeling the irritation and a little embarrassment building up.

"I'm so confused." Bra spoke slowly, looking between the two curiously.

"Let's just go," Pan grabbed her friend's arm and pulled her along the rest of the hallway and down the stairs.

She threw a glance over her shoulder to see this bedroom door click shut behind them.

There was no way he could possibly know about the dreams right?

A/N: I feel like I've gotten a bit rusty with my story writing (meaning grammar and sentence structure and such) so bear with me here. This was a plot I thought up a year or so ago around when I was writing The Prince's Prize. Obviously it's an A/U with the ages and the stuff that's happening. A lot of it is written so it shouldn't be TOO long for updates. :) Anyways, enjoy my friends. Reviews would be much appreciated, flames would not. :)