Logan knocked on the door. "Rogue?" He asked as he turned the knob and opened it widely. He glanced around. It was empty, save a bed and the dressers. Clothes from the closet gone, books, hairbrush, and just about everything. He moved towards the dresser seeing two picture frames face down. He picked them both up and let out a low growl as he stalked out of the room.
Students saw him walking and quickly moved aside. The one thing they learned, was an angry Wolverine was a dangerous Wolverine. He opened the door to the office and slammed it throwing the two pictures towards Bobby. "Start talking Iceman."
"I.. I don't know what your talking about." Bobby stuttered.
"Her room is empty. Those are the only two items she left. Now seeing how last time I talked to her we were good. She didn't leave because of me. So that leaves you."
"She saw us kissing." Kitty blurted as the room fell completely silent.
"What?" Kurt asked. "But I thought Rogue and him were…."
"There were." Ororo said moving across the room her arms folding over her chest.
"Again?" Jubilee asked as she glared at Bobby and Kitty.
"Wait again?" Piotr asked.
"Again?" Logan growled taking a step forward as Remy grabbed his arm. "I'm sure they have a reason." The Cajun told him.
"Better be a damn good reason."
"Why don't we all just sit down and discuss this." Hank suggested. "Find out what is going on and then decide on how we find Rogue."
John stood in shock as he took in his former teammate standing in front of him. He looked her over. She had defiantly grown up, even more beautiful then he could remember. His attention went to her hands, gloveless. His face turned into a sneer. "And you called me a traitor."
"Now Pyro, that isn't a way to greet our newest member now is it?" Eric asked him.
"Member? She's human! She took the cure and she would never join our side."
Pietro stood by watching the scene. Pretty girl, had a white strand in her hair making her even more exotic. He grinned and moved forward pushing John away. "Hello there, I'm Pietro." He said taking her hand and kissing it lightly.
Wanda rolled her eyes sending a small hex at her brother. "Leave her alone." She turned towards Rogue. "Come on I'll show you to your room." She said leading the way up the stairs.
Rogue glanced around hesitantly. "Go on." Mystique said placing a hand on her shoulder.
John watched the exchange confused. He got to his feet as he watched Rogue go upstairs. Waiting until she was out of sight he turned towards Magneto and Mystique. "What the hell is going on?"
"She left." Eric told him making his way into the kitchen as the three followed him. "Poor child with a broken heart." He grabbed the silver tea pot and poured water into it. Walking towards the stove he turned on the burner and set it on top of it. "It seems your former best friend cheated on the girl, after she got the cure."
"Perhaps even before." Mystique said, "It seems she has no intentions of ever returning to the school."
"He what?" John asked confused. Bobby may have been an ass but he knew him. Bobby was hopelessly in love with Rogue. He seemed to have a habit of making it known especially if John was in the room. He hated how he let it slip that he had a small crush on Rogue when she first came to the school but his friend made moves first.
"Apparently with her best friend." Mystique added as she closed her eyes relaxing her body shifted to her normal blue.
Kitty. She had begun to hang around the three of them more after the mall incident. John never understood why, he always thought she had this huge crush on Piotr. The shy brunette from Illinois liking the huge shy Russian.
"Sorry it's a bit on the small side." Wanda said as she set the bag on the end of the bed.
"No it's fine. I don't really have much stuff."
"Hard to believe when you take off how much of your life fits in an over-sized duffel bag right?" Wanda asked chuckling softly. "I've taken off so many times when I was younger I became a pro at packing."
"But you're Magneto's daughter?"
"Yes and Pietro is my twin brother. Right before we were born our parents had another daughter. A fire started and she was killed. My dad blamed himself for it. Our mother had given birth a few days later to twins, had complications and died. My father didn't know we had survived and left. We were sent to an orphanage and then to many foster homes." Wanda walked over and wiped a streak of dust off the small mirror with her finger. "We were the freaks of school. Pietro with his hair and me with my temper. But we were very close. Have you ever heard of some twins having a connection?"
"Like if one was hurt the other would feel it as well?" Rogue asked as she took a seat on the bed.
Wanda nodded. "Yea exactly like that. Pietro would get picked on and beat up and I would know. I'd show up and then beat up the guys who hurt my brother. God did we get expelled and suspended so many times. Foster parents kept returning us and taking us. Of course the orphanage never disclosed information on why we'd been with so many, they just wanted us out." Wanda took a seat next to Rogue. "What's your story?"
Rogue sighed and shook her head. "I grew up in a church-loving family. My parents were still together and I was an only child. I was sitting with my boyfriend discussing a perfect road trip after graduation. And we kissed and my powers manifested. I put him into a coma. My parents were terrified of me, kept saying the devil was inside of me and I ran. I hitchhiked on trucks until I was far away. Met a guy, a mutant like myself. He promised to watch over me and he did. He saved me so many times I probably owe him my life and the next. Went to Xavier's and started school, met some new friends. Half the student body was afraid of me because of my powers, all but Logan, Bobby, and John. They didn't seem to care."
"I hate to interrupt but what is or was your power?"
Rogue held her hand out and looked at it. "Touch. If my skin came in contact with yours, I could take your powers and your memories. If I held on long enough you'd end up in a coma or worse."
"But it's only temporary right having the powers and memories?" Wanda asked as she moved one leg under another.
"The powers yes, but the memories…. The memories stay. Before the professor died he had been working with me, trying to lock up the memories. He was afraid they would surface and take over. Getting the cure was my only option for silence or anything."
"Why can't we get a choice of powers, instead of sucky ones we could have gotten cool ones."
Rogue laughed. "That would have been nice."
"Do you regret getting the cure?"
"I'm not sure. I wanted to know what it was like to hug, to touch, even a kiss again before my powers manifested and the only thing I got was a hug and able to hold hands or touch someone."
"He never kissed you after the cure?" Wanda asked confused.
Rogue shook her head. "No, he was always busy with training and since I wasn't a mutant anymore I'd just be getting in the way."
"How long have the two of you been seeing each other?" Ororo asked as she sent a look at Logan for him to calm down.
"You mean like the first time we kissed?" Kitty asked.
"Yes that works."
Bobby looked at Kitty and sighed. "It was around time the professor was killed. Kitty was feeling homesick and I took her outside…"
"All right we don't need details here." Logan growled causing them both to flinch.
"So of course after John left?" Jubilee asked angrily as she leaned against the wall. "You waited until the one main guy who had a crush on Rogue to leave the school."
"John has nothing to do with…"
"Let Jubilee finish." Hank said putting his hand up and smiled at the young Asian. "Please continue."
"When Rogue first came to the school John had a crush on her. He let it slip to Bobby and next thing you know is Bobby asked out Rogue. He let John hang out with them sort of as a torture device that he got the girl. And now that his reason to act more loving towards Rogue is gone he has no reason to be with her anymore." Jubilee stated. "That's just my theory."
"Pyro had a crush on Rogue?"
"Now Remy wants to know what's so special about this Rogue?"
Ororo handed the recent picture over to Remy. "That's Rogue."
He glanced at the picture and let out a low whistle. "Now Remy knows. You want him to find this petite for ya?"
"You're not going near her Cajun." Logan told him. "I'll go out and look for her."
"Actually Logan, right now none of us can."
Ororo sighed as she got to her feet. "We have company coming. Not only is Warren coming for a visit but also Moira MacTaggert. She was a very close friend of Charles. Rogue is an adult now, you can't be a father to her."
Pietro and John glanced up at the ceiling hearing laughter from above. "Wanda's laughing…."
"So is Rogue…"
"The two of them together can not be good."
"Enough boys." Mystique told them. "If you're concerned go upstairs. If they toss you out a window do not complain.
John and Pietro eyed each other as they slowly made their way upstairs. Mystique's threat was true. They would be tossed or rather hexed out the window if Wanda wished it. John knocked softly on the door.
"What do you two want?" Wanda asked narrowing her eyes at her brother and teammate.
"Just to hang." Pietro said shrugging as he walked in followed by John. "So Roguey…"
"Don't call me that." Rogue said.
"Right…" Pietro started as he glanced around the room. "So anyways what are our plans for tomorrow?"
"Finding a better place then this dump." John suggested taking a seat on Rogue's bed, probably a foot away from her.
"Mystique said this place was temporary." Rogue said slightly confused.
"It's been temporary for a few months now." Wanda stated. "People are starting to talk seeing how three young adults live here and two older adults coming to check on them only periodically."
"Not to mention they recognize fire started here as one of the mutants that attacked the prison." Pietro snickered.
"He can't start fires.. Just control them." Rogue stated as John smirked.