Author's Note:
Okay, to be honest with you, this is more of a prequel for something I want to write. Not that I have much of anything really planned out in my head. I'm sort of just letting the story play out in my head. Giving a few lines to a character and imagining how they would react. Although It's hard for me to figure it out. I want Sephiroth to act one way but I know he wouldn't. I'm trying to find medium ground here. I want him to submit to Aeris's thoughts. But at the same time, I know he wouldn't. Not so easily, anyway.
And yes, I'm using "Aeris" not "Aerith". I don't have anything against Aerith but I'm really attached to Aeris. Obvious reasons, speculate on your own.
While I was writing this, I had no idea what to call it. I may change the title if something sounds better.
I have plans in my head right now for a few things. So that's why it's rated M. That and language. Language is fun. Can you have Cid or Barret without cursing? Of course not!
Final Fantasy VII, the story and characters within are all owned by SquareEnix Co. I am not making profit off this. Anyone who tries to make profit off SE will find there is no point. Did you hear about the Chrono Trigger Sequel some guys were making? SE didn't bother them UNTIL they found out they were actually going to CHARGE for it. Ha! Really guys? I heard they took everything they had made so far. Maybe they'll do their own sequel, ionno.
People change. There is good in everyone, it just takes someone special to bring it out in them. Aeris had always believed that . Her philosophy never changed. She even put this into Sephiroth, trying hard to win him over.
She had been praying to Holy. Praying to save the Planet, Gaia, that she loved so dearly. It called to her, crying. It's wounds were so deep. It needed help. Aeris had heard it's plea and answered it bravely knowing fully well she would not make it through this journey. But she had to do it. Her life meant little compared to that of everyone and everything on Gaia. And then she sensed him. She felt him there, in the Forgotten City with her. It sent chills up her spine. Her heart stopped. This was it, she was going to die.
But, anyone who knew Aeris knew she was not about to give up. Not that easily. She was willing to sacrifice her life to save her planet but Aeris Gainsborough was not about to allow this man to kill her without trying to stop him. To make him see the errors of his ways.
Cloud Strife was standing there, dumbfounded. He felt it as well. Tifa Lockhart and Vincent Valentine not far behind. She shook her head. She would not wait for them to arrive to help her, it would be too late. No, she would do this herself.
"Sephiroth!" she called out. "Show yourself. Act like the man you are or God you claim to be and stand here before me! Before you strike me down!" Inwardly she cursed herself. She knew this was no less dangerous than poking a sleeping bear with a stick. Perhaps she should have taken this time to make an escape rather than provoke him.
Aeris closed her eyes, waiting to be impaled. She heard the air moving past Sephiroth as he began coming down from his hiding spot. Her friends behind her gasped and she only held her hand up to silence them. 'Que sera sera, yes? Whatever will be will be.' She stretched her arms out, as if inviting him to do away with her. His feet landed hard on the ground. Aeris dared not to open her eyes. He hadn't stabbed her...?
"What is it, Cetra?" he said mockingly. "Tell me your final words before I strike you down." Slowly her eyes opened and they were fixated on his. Returning her arms to her sides, she tried to look brave. Inside she was shaking like a tiny leaf clinging to a tree in a strong wind.
"Sephiroth..." she started. His eyes narrowed to tiny slits, his patience fleeing. 'What can I say? Words are not enough to stop him.' Vincent's story popped into her mind. 'Lucrecia Crescent' "Your Mother is not Jenova!" He scoffed. "You were conceived out of love, Sephiroth, not science!"
This angered him. "You know little, Cetra. My Mother-"
"Loved you more than her own life! Jenova has never professed such love, has she? She is only filling you with empty promises of Godhood. In the end she will kill yo-"
"Enough!" he screamed at her. "You know not of what you are speaking, little girl. Mother will give me this Planet and I will become a God. Then I shall smite every one of you useless, insignificant beings." He raised his arms above his head and laughed. Aeris's eyes filled with tears.
Sephiroth enjoyed this. "Do you cry because you are about to die?"
"No... I cry because..." she stepped forward and took his hand in hers, placing it to her chest. "You have never known a Mother's love as I have. If I could give you that... if I could show you how much Lucrecia loved you with my life I would gladly hand it to you. I was blessed to have Ifalna and Elmyra to love me." The tears rolled down her cheeks.
This puzzled Sephiroth. "You are a fool!" he pulled his hand away, as though her soft skin was covered in spines, leaking poison into him. "No one would give their life for 'love'." While he spoke these words to the young woman, something deep inside him stirred. He tried to push it aside but it began to nag at him.
Aeris lowered her head and knelt on the ground. 'She means it...? Fool!' Sephiroth smirked and raised his Masamune above her head, preparing to fell her in one blow. Her friends screamed, frozen in place by fear. But something stopped him. He couldn't bring himself to kill her.
'What are you doing? Kill the Ancient!' Jenova cried into his mind. He shook his head. Why couldn't he do away with her? She meant nothing to him and even if she had, he wouldn't care.
"Why would she want you to be a God anyway... there is nothing in it for her." Aeris murmured with her head bowed to him. " A real Mother would only want you to be happy. But not like that."
Sephiroth was infuriated. 'KILL HER.' Jenova yelled. 'Why? She is of no value..' he questioned. He was met with a sudden pain in his head as though he had been hit by a wooden bat. 'You DARE to question me, your MOTHER?' He shook his head and took a step back.
In all of his internal arguing he hadn't noticed Aeris stand up. By the time he had, she was nearly nose to nose with him. Her eyes stared deep into his as if they were gazing upon his very soul, the soul he professed not to have.
"Sephiroth..." she spoke softly. Her mind had no idea what she was doing or why. If her goal had been to simply delay him, she had succeeded. Now was the time to flee. Take her life and run with it. Not to be the lamb dancing before the wolf. Instead, she reached her hand up to his cheek, closed her eyes and pressed her lips gently to his. More tears fell from her eyes and left stains as they rolled down her cheek.
~End Chapter One~
Uh yeah, like I said. It's hard to write this story AND keep Sephiroth in character. It just isn't going to happen. But I guess that's the great thing about fanfiction, you can do whatever the hell you want! Yay! So if I wanna put Sephy in a bright pink tutu, I will damn well please. Hm. That is actually quite appealing.
Anyway, if you liked it, review. If you didn't, please tell me why without making a complete ass of yourself. Constructive criticism. I have never proclaimed to be a great writer, I am doing this because I have a story running around in my head and if I can put it onto paper (or onto my laptop in this case) maybe I will get some sleep at night. If you have something to say that will help me write well or just a nice tip, please share. But no bashing or flaming. It's rude and unnecessary.