You Are the Moon

By Sister Grimm Erin


But, no, Draco and Luna did not wake up and immediately get engaged. You readers are so impatient for such hopeless romantics.

In fact, it would be two years before Luna Lovegood even set eyes on Draco Malfoy again. But good love stories don't happen all at once. In fact, they almost always happen in the middle of another story altogether.


Luna Lovegood, recent graduate, was offered a position in the Ministry's Auror department, much to her shock, but she declined the offer with no real regret. She was offered a job with Gringotts, which she also turned down with elaborate courtesies.

After exhausting the possibilities of Diagon Alley, Luna decided to try something different.

Ted Lovegood's daughter was strange, but she was not unschooled in the ways of the Muggle World. She'd been shopping at the grocery in Ottery St. Catchpole and wearing non-wizarding clothes in the summer since her mother's death.

So she canvassed the 'Help Wanted' ads in the London classifieds and applied to everywhere she could.

The best offer she got was from an art gallery. It was the best because it offered living accommodations above the store for 'the right person.'

Luna arrived at the store wearing a pair of jeans and a yellow peasant top under a white raincoat. Her umbrella was clear and read 'Rain Here.'

It was a sunny day.

The manager blinked at her. "Miss Lovegood?"

"Luna, yes," the girl said, beaming sunnily.

She had the job within the hour.


Luna Lovegood had been living in what some generous soul might have called a studio apartment for two years when some life-changing fireworks went off behind her apartment at around five o'clock at night.