Chapter 4! Sorry about the delay!


"Oi, gaki." Cross said, "I need to tell you something."

"What is it, Master?" Cedak asked. It had been about six months or so since Cross had taken Cedak out of Konoha. Cross had already pounded into him to call him 'Master' out of respect by the first month and had beaten out all forms of cursing out of Cedak by the second month. Cross even refused to not teach Cedak anything until he did both of those things.

"It's about your training." Cross said, "I'm only going to be the one who trains you for the first year out of the three."

Cedak's eyebrows shot up, this was the first he'd ever heard of this, "What? But, then who will train me for the other two years?"

"First of all, I need to let you know something about myself." Cedak paid very close attention, his master told him very little about himself, "I'm supposed to be dead to most Exorcists."

"What?" Cedak asked, shocked, "How? Why?"

"Let's just say that there were many things that I had to do that couldn't do if I considered alive," Cross said, "But, because I'm 'dead' I can't be around the Order or the shit will hit the fan."

Cedak nodded, "So who's going to train me?"

Cross smirked, "Well, not everyone thinks I'm dead. The other three Generals of the Order know that I'm alive. They'll be the ones who'll train you for the second year."

Cedak's mouth hung open for a moment, Cross had spoken to him about the other Generals and that they were all as strong as him. They'd encountered more Akuma during their six months together so far, they were only Level One's and a few Level Two's. Cedak's Innocence had acted of its own will a few times, but Cross had dealt with them quickly most of the time. But the rate that Cross had disposed of the Akuma was incredible, Cedak couldn't even keep up most of the time.

Cross stood up and brushed the dust and dirt off of his coat before Cedak could ask about where he'd be for the third year of his train, "OK, gaki, time for training."

Cedak came to his feet in an instant; when his Master said it was time to train there was no arguing.

"Let's work on your speed." Cross said as he pulled out Judgment, "Dark Armor: Legs should be fine."

"Hai. Innocence Activate." Cedak said as his shoes and pants seem to break into fragments that then reassembled into a whole mass that covered his legs from the waist down. From what Cross had seen, it looked like a more masculine version of the Dark Boots before they transformed into a Crystal Type Innocence and it covered everything from the waist down. It had the same green outline of a hexagon on both of the thighs, a green line ran down Cedak's legs from the bottom of the hexagons down to the feet where they became hexagons again on the top on the foot where the lower hexagons flared into green ethereal energy.

Cedak squatted, keeping his feet close together as his arms rested lazily on his legs.

"You've gotten faster with your activation time." Cross noted, "Now, let's see how fast your reaction time is."

The sound of thunder sounded as Cross fired a single shot. It raced at Cedak, glowing blue and leaving a faint trail as it moved. Cedak jumped away, his Dark Armor nearly taking him all the way up to fifty feet high off the ground. The bullet quickly changed direction and followed Cedak. Cedak kicked off the air and flew at Cross, the older man was grinning. Cedak stretched out an arm and grabbed a hold of Cross's shoulder and used it to flip himself to Cross's back.

The bullet sped straight at Cross and veered off at a ninety degree angel to the left just as it was about to go through Cross's torso and circled around to come at Cedak again. The young boy's eyes widened , he tried to dodge out of the way but the bullet still lodged itself into his shoulder. Cedak almost had to bite his tongue to keep himself from crying out in pain.

A firm had wrapped around Cedak's neck, "Done already?"

Cross threw Cedak into a nearby boulder a spider web of cracks spread from the impact point. Cedak looked up as Cross chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Cedak asked.

"Nothing." Cross dismissed Cedak's question, "OK, switch to Full Cross: Left Arm."

Cedak mumbled something unintelligible as he stood up. His Dark Armor melted back into his shoes and pants. The gems in the center of Cedak's chest glowed and a spiral of green energy spread from the gems and twisted around Cedak's left arm and connected to his hand. His hand grew and changed color and hardened a did the rest of his arm until his was made entirely out of adamantine and his hand had turned into claws and a green ethereal glowing fire covered most of the left half of Cedak's torso to his left scapula .joint

A smile played on Cross's face as he looked at what was an exact replica of Allen's original Innocence form. It reminded him of his time spent beating Allen into a bloody pulp!

Just as Cedak was about to run at Cross the sound of clapping was heard.

"Oh, sorry? Was there more to the show? My bad!" Cross whirled around to face the voice. A man with grey skin and stigma along their forehead. He was wearing a standard tuxedo and top hat.

Cross pointed Judgment at the man.

"What? No more?" Tyki asked.

"I'm giving you a chance to leave, Noah." Cross said, "You should take it."

"But the Earl just took an interest in how things were going with the brat's kid, that's all." Tyki smiled, "Can't someone want to know about their family?"

The moment the words left Tyki's lips Cross started to fire as fast as he could handle.

"Uh oh." a door shimmered into existence behind Tyki it flung open a small arm reached out and pulled Tyki through with a small cry of 'Stupid!' come from behind it, it shut the moment Tyki was through and disappeared. The bullets crashed into the earth behind where the door just was.

"Damn it!" Cross swore.

"Master?" Cedak asked a little unnerved at the sudden appearance and disappearance of the man with the grey skin.


"What was that guy talking about 'family'?"

Cross sighed heavily, "Damn it, I was hopping to wait until later for me to tell you this."

"What? Tell me what?"

"The next town isn't much farther," Cross nodded to himself, "I'll tell you there."

Cedak nodded, but stayed silent.

"Let's go." it only took them about another hour to reach the next and rent a room. The entire time Cedak was looking over to Cross wondering what was going through his head.

"OK, Cedak, sit on the bed." Cedak was surprised, but did as he was told, Cross never called him by his name unless it was important.

"Kid, you remember what I've told about the Noah Family, correct?" Cedak nodded, "Do remember how many there are?"

"Thirteen." Cedak answered immediately.

"That's what I've told you," Cross lit up a fresh cigarette, "There were actually fourteen, but as of five years ago there came about a fifteenth Noah."

"Fifteen?" Cedak asked, "Then, who's the fourteenth Noah and the fifteenth?"

"The Fourteenth Noah is my old apprentice, Allen Walker." Cross ran a hand through his long hair as he took a drag from his cancer stick, "As for the Fifteenth… I'm looking at him right now."

Cedak took a few moments to process what Cross had just said, "Wait… do you mean… me?"

Cross nodded, "Yes, you are the Fifteenth."

"But… I-I-How…?"

"Noah are still more or less human. They can still have children."

"So I'm a child of one of the other Noah?"


"Which one?"

"The Fourteenth, my old apprentice, Allen."

The gears in Cedak's head were turning, "So my last name is Walker?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"W-Where is he?" Cedak voice cracked some.

"He's at the Order, the place where you're going to be doing your last year of training."

"Huh? I'm… going to be at the Black Order?" Cedak questioned, "Won't they try to keep me there?"

"Not quite." Cross said, "I've still got contacts that can bullshit you some long term 'mission' and send you back to Konoha before the school year starts up."

"OK…" Cedak sounded reluctant.

Cross frowned, he knew that the kid didn't want to go back to that hellhole of a village. He suddenly got an idea.

"Alright, gaki, bedtime." Cross said standing up, "I'm gonna go run an errand, I expect you to be asleep by the time I get back."

"Huh? Why? I'm not even tired yet!" Cross glared at him, "Uh… I mean, yes, sir."


Cross stepped outside the hotel and held up two fingers and started chanting a spell under his breath. The tips of his fingers glowed blue with magic as his spell grew in strength. He blew on his fingers and the blue glow flew away into the sky. Now all he had to do was wait.

"Let him know," Cross said to himself, "The gaki deserves to have him at his side after all the shit he's gone through. He needs someone to look after him."


His wings fluttered as he received the message. He needed to tell the young master as soon as possible. He wobbled on his tiny stumps of legs and turned around and flutter over on the young master's hand and used his tail to tickle his nose.

The young man snorted in annoyance, mildly displeased that his sleep had been interrupted. He looked at his small golden Golem on his forehead as he went over to nightstand.

"Ngh, what is Timcanpy?" Allen asked.

Timcanpy opened his mouth slightly and the message he had just received played.

"Hey, my Idiot Apprentice," Allen froze, that voice was… "I've got nice surprise for you: I'm not dead! But that's not why I've sent you this message, I've got little something to ask of you. You see, I've got plenty of contacts everywhere and I know about Cedak."

Allen's eyes widened. What…? He knew about Cedak…?

"I found him, he's not dead like those bastards in that village said he was. He was there the entire time, whether they actually knew it was him or not, I don't know. But here's the thing: his life wasn't the greatest. He was mistreated and abused and blamed for something he had no control over and most everyone in the village hates him."

Allen's hands were shaking with disbelief and anger.

"Kid, he's never had anyone to really look after him, he didn't have you or Lenalee to take care of him. He needs someone to help raise him right. I'm training him right now, and once a year passes I'll pass him over to the other Generals for more training and then he'll be coming to the order after the second year of his training for a third year there. I know he's your son, and due to us having an unfortunate run in with the Noah of Lust, he now knows he's your son sooner than I wanted him to."

"Cedak…" Allen whispered.

"When he comes to the Order he'll be posing as one of the other General's apprentice, I don't know or care which one, just spend as much time as you can with him without letting anyone else get suspicious of you and him and Lenalee. And let no one else except Lenalee know about this, understand? He was born with Innocence, just like you, but also… there was a new Noah born from him, too. The Fifteenth Noah, I don't know if he's developed a personality yet, but be careful if he should ever surface. He's also got demon know as the Kyuubi sealed inside him, and by demon, I don't mean an Akuma, I mean a literal demon from Hell itself. That's another danger, try to restrain him if the demon shows itself, too."

Allen felt tears stinging his eyes. His boy was coming here. He was coming here!

"Allen, be strong, just always remember what Mana said, always go forward, never go back, never stop moving forward. You'll see Cedak soon. See ya."

Timcanpy closed his mouth as the message ended and curled his wings around himself and went back to sleep. Allen lay back down on his bed as tears spilled from his eyes.

"Cedak…My son..."


OK, that's the end of this chapter! Review!