Revenge of the Village Pariah
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the characters and no money is being made on this story
"Human speech"
"Demon speech"
'Demon thought'
The next day Naruto, Anko and Team 7 woke early, had some breakfast and started to head to wave with the bridge builder. As they were walking along Naruto suddenly into the bushes. "What was that for" Sakura asked as she went to the bushes. "You killed an innocent rabbit" Sakura said as she picked up the rabbit and showed him. Suddenly a strong mist rolled in. "get down NOW" Kakashi said as all bar Naruto hit the deck. Out of nowhere a monstrous sword appeared and headed straight for Naruto who simply lent back and caught the handle of the sword as it flew overhead.
"My, my, my Zabuza you should be careful with this pocket knife of yours. You could have seriously hurt someone" Naruto said with mock concern as the fog parted revealing a man who was wearing grey khaki pants and bandages over his chest and mouth. "Well this does put me in a predicament" Zabuza said. "On one hand I took a job to assassinate the bridge builder and on the other hand I don't want to fight my second best student" he said. "Only second best?" Naruto said with mock hurt expression. "Well Haku has been with me longer plus her blood line "Zabuza said with a laugh. "By the way where is Haku-chan?" Naruto asked. "Around. Now how should we sort out this little problem?" Zabuza said. "Hmm now that's a good question" Naruto said. "I know and it's the best out of three" Naruto said as he clenched his fist as did Zabuza. "ROCK, PAPER, SCISSIORS" They both yelled as they made hand signs. "That's one to me sensei" Naruto said as he had scissors and Zabuza had paper. "ROCK, PAPER, SCISSIORS" they both said again. "That's one to me gaki" Zabuza said as he had paper and Naruto had rock. "Last one then" Naruto said as they both shouted. "ROCK, PAPER, SCISSIORS" "and game to me sensei" Naruto said as he had rock and Zabuza had scissors. "Ok gaki you won so I won't kill the bridge builder. But how am I going to deal with Gato?" Zabuza asked. Thinking for a few moments, Naruto turned to the bridge builder. "How long til the bridge is finished old man?" Naruto asked the bridge builder. "About three weeks" the bridge builder slurred.
Turning back to Zabuza Naruto started to speak. "In two weeks get Gato to come to the bridge for the supposed death of the bridge builder but tell him that price for him has changed and will tell him to what on the bridge" he said. "Okay but what is the new for him?" Zabuza said, gesturing to the bridge builder. "Why that's easy. Gato's head of course" Naruto said with a manic smile as Zabuza started to laugh. "I knew there was a reason I trained you" he said as Naruto threw his sword back to him. "Well then I will see you in two weeks" Zabuza said as he caught his sword and disappeared. "Well that was fun now off to wave" Naruto said, leaving a stunned group behind him.
Once in wave Kyuubi started to talk to Naruto. "Hey kit" she said. "I need you to do me a favour" "what's that Kyuubi-chan?" Naruto asked. "I need you to pick a few herbs for me" Kyuubi said. "Okay I'll do it tonight" Naruto said as they arrived at the bridge builder house. "Tsunami I'm home" the bridge builder called out as he entered his home. "Thank kami your safe" the woman called Tsunami said as she hugged the bridge builder. "These are the ninja I've hired to protect us" the bridge builder said. "Thank you for looking after my father and welcome to wave" Tsunami said. "You must all be tired so I'll show you where you'll be staying and where the bathroom is" she said as she led them upstairs.
After all of Team 7, Anko and Naruto had had a wash and some sleep it was around 7:00pm when Naruto woke up. "Bout time you woke up kit" Kyuubi said. "Huh… oh yeah I was going to pick some herbs for you" Naruto said as his brain started to reboot. "Well I guess I'll go do it now" he said as he dressed and went down stairs to say that he wouldn't be there for tea that night.
Once outside Naruto started talking to Kyuubi again. "So where do I go Kyuubi-chan?" he asked. "If I remember correctly there should be a clearing about ¾ of a kilometre east of here" Kyuubi said as Naruto started running towards the clearing.
Once Naruto found the clearing he saw a girl wearing a formal kimono picking some plants. "You know it's quite dangerous to be out here by yourself" Naruto said as he grabbed the girl and spun her around and into a hug. "NARUTO-KUN" the girl squealed as she squeezed the life out of Naruto. "It's good to see you again Haku-chan but I'm starting to feel light headed" Naruto said as Haku let go of Naruto allowing him to breathe again. "Sorry" Haku said sheepishly. "But how did you know it was me?" she asked. "Easy" Naruto said. "I could tell from your smell and you left you mask out in the open" he said, gesturing to say object. "Oops" was all Haku said as she grabbed her mask. "So what are you doing out here?" Naruto asked. "Picking herbs to heal Zabuza's shoulder. It seems when you gave him his sword back he twisted his shoulder" Haku said as Naruto started to laugh. "I told him that oversize butter knife would hurt him one day" Naruto said with a hearty laugh. "So what are you doing here Naruto-kun?" Haku asked. "To do something similar" Naruto said as Kyuubi spoke up. "Hey kit. Pick double the herbs I tell you and use half to heal Haku's injury" Kyuubi said as Naruto noticed Haku's slight limp. "Hey Haku stay here a sec and I'll heal that limp of yours" Naruto said as he made some shadow clones to collect the amount of herbs Kyuubi told him to get.
5 minutes later Naruto was mixing the herbs according to Kyuubi's instructions. "Here Haku-chan drink this" Naruto said as he handed a traveling mug full of the herbal tea mix to Haku while he put the rest into his canteen. "Thank you Naruto-kun. I didn't think my limp was noticeable" Haku said as she drank the tea. "How did you do it?" Naruto asked. "I slipped on a rock yesterday" she said as she finished the tea and handed the mug back to Naruto. "Thanks for that Naruto-kun. My leg feels better now but I must go now" Haku said as she smiled and collected her belongings and shun shin away.
After his encounter with Haku, Naruto returned to the bridge builder's house. "I'm back" Naruto said as he entered the house to see Sakura and Kakashi tending to an unconscious Sasuke while Tsunami was treating a cut on Anko's left shoulder. "What happened here?" Naruto asked as Tsunami spoke up. "There was an incident just before you showed up" she said as she placed a piece of antiseptic cloth on Anko's shoulder, causing her to wince. "The boy with the duck arse hair ordered this lady to give up her seat and fetch him a drink. That's when this lady gave a backhander and told him to respect his superiors when he grabbed my kitchen knife and attacked this lady" Tsunami said as Anko spoke. "The name's Anko miss" Anko said as Tsunami spoke again. "Sorry Anko-san" she said before continuing with her incident report. "As I was saying Anko-san here had duck arse over there attack her with intent to kill when Anko-san moved out the way and struck him in the neck to knock him out but not before she got caught by the knife" Tsunami said.
"I see" Naruto said as he pulled out the rest of the herbal tea mix. "Here sensei drink this" Naruto said as he handed the canteen to Anko. "Thanks gaki" Anko said as she drank the herbal mix which caused her cut to start closing. Once it was closed there was no sign that Anko had been cut. "Now I'm tired so I'm heading to bed and I suggest that you omit this from you mission report Kakashi-teme" Naruto said as he left the room. "I think we should all do that" Tsunami said as all in the room left for bed.
A/N: Thanks to all tha have read and reviewed my story as it makes me happy to see that i have created a story the people like. i will be trying to upload chapters as quickly as i can in the future but i can't promise anything as I'm busy looking for a job but rest assured i won't stop writing these stories.
And 1 final thing i wish to ask people is to stop going on about the chapter lengths as I'm trying to write the chapters longer while making sure that it still makes sense so I finish a chapter where i feel it should be ended to allow for maximum enjoyment and maximum sense.
Once again thanks for the reviews and keep them coming as I can always use the encouragement and if you have any suggestions please let us know and i will try and incorperate them into the story and will make sure that you get recognision for the idea.