1st Author's Note: While writing this, I realized I forgot a few buttons to the audio diary back in chapter 3, the "Pause" button and the "Stop" button. All well, just imagine the buttons next to the "Play" button.
John's POV
Things weren't going good for me. I propped myself up against the wall of the barn after dragging myself to it. Clear across the room was a table. On it was the working radio, a pile of ammo, and some guns. I had made it to my destination, but it looks like I wasn't going to make it.
Then, I heard a groan. It was a stray infected. She walks into the barn, she had blood coming out of his mouth and she was limping. Clutching my sniper rifle, I fired at her. She falls down with a heavy thud, blood coming down from the bullet hole where I shot her in the head. I still had my long head-shot streak going strong.
I tried getting back up on my legs, But, I couldn't. My legs were damaged in the Needled charger's charge. That Bastard! I was obviously not going anywhere. I knew that the liquid he injected into me was poison. Then, I realized something.
I could no longer feel the poison in my body. What happened to it? Was it gone? Or is it a slow-acting poison? If it is a slow-acting poison, then when will I die from it?
I reached into my pocket and took out the audio diary. It is time for me to use it. I pressed the "Record" button and spoke to it. I introduced myself. Then, I told the diary of my battle with the Executor and the Needled Charger. I told it of the Executor's weakness. I told it of the poison in my body.
Then after all that, I pressed the "Stop" button then pressed the "Play" button. Then upon hearing the first few seconds, I pressed the "Stop" button again. I wanted to check if the recording was working. It was, the recording had lasted for about five minutes. Then as a last thought, I pressed the "Record" button again and told the diary, "And please, put this back where you found this. I want other survivors other then you to hear it. And also, please don't loot my corpse, this is my second dying wish."
I pressed the "Stop" button to stop the recording. Then suddenly, I heard groans and moans coming from outside the barn. The horde has arrived. But, they were calm. Not a roar was coming from them. Guess they didn't know I was here.
Two of the infected came walking in. Then, I felt their glare come upon my body. I had feigned death at the last second. Slowly, their footsteps disappeared. They had left the barn.
Then from the (I think far) southeast, I heard gunshots. And gunshots means other survivors. The roar of the horde pieced the air like a hot knife through butter. While this was going on, I suddenly felt a sting in my stomach. The poison was acting up.
Then, my vision started getting blurry and hazy. I laid the audio diary next to me and I had my Steyr in my hands. I was ready to die. I have no regrets. Then, I saw nothing.
(Several Hours Later)
?'s POV
I had walked into a barn while my friends and/or teammates, Emily and Felix, took out the rest of the zombie horde that was surrounding the barn. My grip on my AK tightened in my hands when I saw a corpse propped against the wall. Normally, a corpse at this time was as common as stray infected, but this corpse was different. In his hands was a Steyr Scout sniper rifle (still clutched hard) and next to him was an audio diary (manufactured by CEDA). "Joseph, found anything?", it was Emily.
"Yes, A working radio, supplies, A corpse with a sniper rifle in his hands, and an audio diary next to the corpse." Emily and Felix walk up next to me.
Joseph's POV
I said, "Well, at least we'll gonna be getting out of this shithole."
Emily replied, "Yeah, but let's listen to the diary first."
"Fine." I groaned.
Felix said nothing. But he was always like that. There were several times where he had talked, but that was only to warn me and Emily of a tank he had heard (All three of us shortly took out the tank a few minutes later). He also told us about the promised evac-center when we started out in a motel that was probably many miles away now. I closed and locked the barn doors as both Emily and Felix walked in.
I picked the audio diary and pressed the "Play" button as both Emily and Felix surrounded me to listen. The voice coming out of it sounded sore and worn-out. It said this:
Hello, I'm John. I speak to you as a warning. I went through hell getting to this Evac-center. On my way here, I encountered a infected unlike any other. It uses a chainsaw as its weapon. He also wears Armor and a bag over where the head is suppose to be.
Aim for any cracks you might see in his armor. That's his weak point. I decided to call this form, "The Executor". After you shoot it for a while, The armor will break off to reveal his true form. This form is more deadlier then his "Executor" form.
In this form, he will have needles coming out of his skin. In the needles are some slow-acting poison. He will charge at you like a charger. But don't get caught by him, you'll end up like me. Which is why I call this form, "The Needled Charger". This is as far as I got with him.
He is still roaming around, Watch out for him. Get revenge for me. And please, put this back where you found this. I want other survivors other then you to hear it. And also, please don't loot my corpse, this is my second dying wish.
That was the end of the recording. Respecting John's wishes, I placed the audio diary back down next to him. "Well...that's that." Emily said
"What? That's all we'll do for John?"
"Yeah, we don't know where this "Executor" is. So therefore, we can't do anything about -"
She never finished her sentence because she was interrupted by a chainsaw revving up. I guess we will be fulfilling John's wishes.
2nd Author's Note: Well, that's the end of Unseen. Hope you enjoyed it.
And yes, Joseph, Emily, and Felix are the survivors that sent the distress signal in Unexpected. They will appear in the sequel. This is just their introduction.
This sequel is the direct sequel to Unexpected called "Unsecured". It will be released Jan.29.
In case your wondering, it was Felix who sent the actual distress signal back in Unexpected.
And also, Joseph has the AK-47, Emily has the MP5 (An actual weapon from the German version of L4D2), and Felix has the Benelli Shotgun.
I will also update my Fan-fiction profile with information about the three new survivors and possibly, John.
Well, See ya at Jan.29.