A/N – So this is a brand new joint fic written by myself, Katie (DefinitelyProbablyMaybe) and Chesca (celticfighter). Obviously inspired by NXT, we hope to bring you fun, flirting and lots of shenanigans. We're going to bring you a main chapter followed by 3 separate chapters dedicated to each rookie and their respectable pro. Really hope you guys enjoy reading and don't hesitate to leave feedback!
Chapter 1 – Welcome to the Lion's Den
Purple and yellow lights danced around the arena, the atmosphere was thick with excitement. Backstage the atmosphere couldn't be more different, Katie looked around at the girls standing a few feet from her. Saying they were nervous would be an understatement. She elbowed her good friend Lou in the ribs, "Which one do you think will puke first?" She nodded in the direction of the 3 girls nervously fidgeting with their ring attire.
"I put my money on the blonde with air bags for boobs." They both laughed.
"Will you guys shut up, I'm trying to get in the zone." The pair turned to the brunette stood jumping on the spot, mentally preparing herself.
Lou placed a hand on her shoulder, "Chesca, relax. You've been ready for this all your life."
"I know, I'm just nervous." She looked in the direction of the other girls, "Jeez, her boobs are ridiculous. We should put money on which one pops first."
The 3 girls had been in FCW together for little over a year, now they were moving up; NXT being the platform up for them. In minutes they would be stepping out in front of the WWE universe. They would have nothing to hide behind, no excuses. But they would give their all.
Katie locked eyes with Madison, she scanned her eyes over the woman with raven black hair. She couldn't wait to kick her ass in the ring. She mouthed, 'You're going down.' then smirked. They'd had a feud running for a few months in FCW, but they still had some unfinished business. Before Madison could respond, they were told they had 30 seconds until they were going to be introduced.
'Busty Brandi' from Hollywood, Los Angeles was introduced first, followed by Madison from Raleigh, North Carolina then Angelina from Cleveland, Ohio. Lou stood behind the black curtain, her heart racing a mile a minute. She was given the signal to walk out, 'From New York, New York, Liberty.' She didn't hear her name being called, the thumping of her heart and the sounds of the crowed drowned out everything out. She stood at the top of the ramp with her hands on her hips next to Angelina, the sight before her was overwhelming but she couldn't wipe the smile off her face.
'From London, England, Arabella.' Katie shot out of the back, a smirk plastered on her face as she stared down the crowd. Her eyes scanned the crowd lining the sides of the ramp as she moved to stand next to Lou. She sent her a knowing look, and Lou grinned back.
'From North Beach, San Francisco, Titania.' Chesca walked out onto the stage, her head held high. Confidence clearly shining through all of her actions. She pointed out some of the crowd and moved to stand next to Katie. She let out a breath, adrenaline fast running through her veins.
The 6 girls stood, anxiously waiting to see what would happen next. Matt Striker stood in the ring facing the girls, "Ladies, welcome to NXT." The crowd cheered, "Before we can get started, we need to know who your pros are. And that is for you to find out yourselves this season."
Katie and Chesca glanced at each other whilst Lou trash talked to Angelina. "This is also your first challenge. Whoever is the quickest at finding their pro backstage after being given a clue, wins." Lou turned her attention back to the ring, "Brandi, here is your clue. The clock will start when you go through the curtain." All of the girls glanced up at the titantron, eagerly waiting to see the clue. A picture of a playing card flashed onto the screen, the red queen of hearts to be exact.
Brandi rushed backstage; the girls were still a little bit unsure if she had actually figured out the clue. A camera followed her backstage, her 6 inch stripper heels restricting her efforts to run. She glanced around the backstage area, her hair whipping back and forth as she took in her surroundings. Taking a long step forward, the heel of her shoe caught a row of wires stuck to the ground. Her eyes caught sight of Natalya Neidhart stood at the end of the long corridor ahead of her, "NATA.." A scream left her mouth as she landed face first on the floor. She quickly got up, adjusting her giant boobs. Limping slightly she tried her best to run towards Natalya, a smile across her face and waving madly. Natalya looked surprised to say the least, but gave the girl a hug before leading her down to the stage.
"Well done Brandi, you've set the time to beat which is 39 seconds." Matt Striker looked on at Brandi jumping up and down clapping her hands. Lou pulled a face and scoffed at her, hoping she would give herself black eyes with all that jumping. "Liberty, you are up next. Here's your clue." Lou turned to look at the titantron, geared up to leg it backstage as fast as she could. A huge picture of a jar of mayonnaise with a gold crown settled on top flashed up. She covered her mouth to hold back laughter before running backstage in search of the Celtic Warrior. She glanced at the names on the doors, everything slowly becoming a blur. She looked to her right, a very big Sheamus stood. His fists clenched at his sides, a smirk upon his face. She ran full force at him, unable to contain her emotions and only just able to control her actions. She jumped on him and found herself hanging from his neck. His arms moved around her waist to stop her from falling, and a smile crept onto his face for a moment. She let go of him, her feet hitting the concrete floor. He pointed in the direction of where she had just come, telling her to go back onto the stage. She set off and he followed close behind her, eventually making it onto the stage.
"Liberty, you are now in the lead with a time of 28 seconds." Lou grinned and looked at the huge man behind her. He looked down at her and smirked back, she had a feeling they were going to get along.
"Titania, step forward and let's have a look at your clue." NXT's host's words sounded like a far away echo in Chesca's head: the half-Italian woman internally took a deep breath and shot a look at Lou, the giant Irish wrestler towering over her. The blonde New Yorker sent her a huge, encouraging smile, and Katie winked at her; pointing out at the crowd once again, wearing one of her most convincing smirks, the brunette turned to face the titantron with her hands resting on her hips. The girl widened her eyes and felt her heartbeat stop: a sledgehammer had just appeared on the tron. Sledgehammer. There was only one man who could be recalled by that vicious, devastating foreign weapon.
She walked backstage like a zombie, the direction set on her mind: the furthest locker room in the hallway, which seemed to be endless under her steps; the door was open, and the rookie stepped inside, looking around: D-Generation X logos and crowned skulls drawn on some of the shirts hanging on the hallstands, the sledgehammer, his sledgehammer lying in a corner, but no trace of the man, himself.
"Looking for someone, girl?" The voice appeared from behind her: deep, mysterious, and oh so well known to her ears; she slowly turned to face the wrestler who was to be her protector, her trainer during that reality show's season: the wet, long blond hair reaching down to his collar bone, the tanned skin under it, the hazel eyes emanating that familiar light, and the unmistakable facial hair framing his strong features.
"T - Tripl.." the only words, or better, letters Chesca was able to let out of her mouth: then, she fell on her knees, losing her senses, but luckily Triple H managed to catch her before she hit her head on the floor.
"I got this, Striker. Coming in a minute." the King of Kings talked to the camera, shaking his head and smiling at the fainted girl in his arms.
Back on stage, Sheamus looked at his feud enemy and the scene he just had with his rookie, a smirk on his features, while Katie and Lou exchanged a look. 'At least she's in her fave's arms' the British girl mouthed to the other, who had a little laugh hiding it behind a hand.
"Angelina, it's your turn!" Striker invited the girl with the ash blonde, slightly wavy hair to step forward and she raised a hand, waving at the crowd with a fake smile plastered on her tanned face; they had already learned the routine, so all the girls just fixed their eyes on the titantron: one half of the old Women's Championship belt appeared, some of the girls were smirking at each other, realising who the pro behind the clue could be. The blonde girl tapped a finger on her fleshy lips, and slowly walked backstage her high heeled boots clicking against the steel of the stage.
The camera showed her as she walked down the hallway, concentration set on her features; passing by a couple of backstage workers she spoke to herself, "A belt split in half..." she stopped her loud voice thinking as she bumped into a WWE Superstar: Zack Ryder.
"Need some help, baby?" a cocky smirk appeared on the blonde wrestler's face as he took her hand in his and gave it a kiss. "Zack Ryder. Woo woo woo, you know it."
"Angelina." She replied, flapping her long, black eyelashes. "Where's the Divas locker room, Zack?"
"I know where my locker room is, if you want to stop by later..." he lifted his eyebrow at her as she bit down on her lower lip.
"Angelina? May I remind you that time is clocking up?" Matt Striker spoke from the arena, snorting; with a frown. Ryder and the girl parted, after he had pointed out a door just down the corridor. She swung the door open and looked around: there was only Layla there, and no Michelle McCool around, so she supposed that the broken belt stood for her.
"Layla, Layla! My pro is Layla!" she jumped on her heels and clapped her hands as the older, brunette woman approached her, shaking her hand with a smug look on her face. A time of 29 seconds appeared on the screen, Liberty was still in the running to win the challenge.
Madison was next up, her face completely focused on the huge screen, waiting for her clue to pop up so she could find her pro. She flipped her raven hair over one shoulder, forgetting about the other rookies beside her. A French flag flashed up on the titantron and the Raleigh native shouted out "Maryse!" before legging it through the curtain in search of the cocky Diva. The clock had started when she reached the other side, opting to turn left and down the corridor towards the Divas' locker room. Her toned legs began to pulse with every movement as she ran faster and faster; her head whipping from side to side just in case Maryse was hiding somewhere else. Sure enough, Madison spotted her pro once she swung the door open at the end of the corridor. The clock stopped at a respectable time of 21 seconds and the equally smug women sauntered towards the stage, their arms linked. They were going to get along just fine. Most of the rookies groaned when Striker called out Madison's time but not Katie; she was more than ready. It fired her up even more when the leader of the contest reached the main stage and dryly challenged her as she stepped towards her.
"Beat that, bitch."
Oh man, she was fucking ready. Her fists clenched tightly when the words were slung her way in a sly undertone; Madison had been grinding on Katie's last nerve for months now; interfering in her matches, calling her out all the time, fucking with her belongings backstage – the list went on and on. She'd had enough and she wasn't going to stoop to her level by any means. Oh no, she was going to beat Madison the old fashioned way: in the ring and in all the lame challenges they were going to be given throughout the competition. Her eyes snapped from the devious wannabe to the titantron, her legs positioned ready to run.
"Arabella, you're the final rookie to get your clue. The time to beat is 21 seconds, here we go." Striker's enthusiastic tone drummed out of the microphone and in the arena. A picture of an English red rose appeared on the screen and the British rookie knew exactly where she was heading. The young woman disappeared backstage before anyone had a second thought. The Nexus locker room was her definitive destination; she was going to be under the wing of the leader of the most egotistical and arguably most powerful group in the WWE. The run seemed to go on forever but Katie was determined to beat the bitch that was undoubtedly glaring at the titantron, staring at the ticking clock. He walked out of the locker room down the hall and stood watching her run to him with his arms folded over his chest. Athleticism was one of her strong points, proven when she leaped over a crate obstructing her pathway and landed at Stu Bennett's (better known as Wade Barrett) feet. Katie smirked up at him as he stared her down. He didn't even look impressed – a part of her thought he'd a least throw a smile her way. The burly man grabbed her by the elbow and practically dragged her out to the stage; his grip less than friendly.
"And the winner of the 'Find the Pro' challenge is Arabella with a time of 19 seconds!" Katie couldn't believe she was actually getting cheered despite being the rookie of the most hated man in the WWE. He hadn't even said a word to her, no shake of the hand or nod of acknowledgement; nothing. Getting through to Wade Barrett would be a challenge in itself.
Madison had little time to get to know her pro before her match with Brandi, she had lost the challenge. Now she had to take out her frustration on the blonde airhead. Maryse gave her a few pointers before they went out, trying to get the best out of her rookie. Maryse strutted down to the ring, stealing the attention from her rookie but that wasn't a hard feat. Madison jumped up and down to the ring, trying to hype up the crowd. Maryse was already stood at the back of ring as she slipped under the ropes. The pair stood chatting, discussing the approach of attack. Natalya's music hit, Brandi looked a treat as she skipped down the ramp. Maryse was already as the side of the ring, throwing attitude to Natalya and Brandi at any opportunity. Natalya's perfect smile didn't leave her lips as she entered the ring with her rookie; so she might need a bit of work, but she wouldn't have got this far if she didn't have potential.
Brandi high fived her pro before Natalya left the ring to cheer her on. Madison stood stretching out her arms, smirking at her opponent. The ref signalled the start of the match and the bell rung. Brandi ran at Madison only to be knocked flat to the mat with a clothesline. She picked her up by her platinum blonde hair, only to throw her back down onto the mat with a loud thud. Natalya grimaced at her rookie being thrown around like a rag doll. Maryse on the other hand stood clapping and cheering at the destruction her rookie was effortlessly causing.
Madison stalked around the ring, eyeing up her prey and getting ready for the kill. Brandi crawled to the ropes, trying to pull her body off the mat. Natalya rushed to speak to her, warning her of what was about to come. Brandi turned around quickly to try and run at Madison but was caught in a devastating Madistun. She hooked her leg and the ref hit the mat 3 times before signalling for the bell. Madison rolled out of the ring to join her pro; both with smug looks upon their faces leaven a broken and battered Brandi in the ring.
Lou stood backstage with Stephen, better known to the wrestling world as Sheamus. He had just put on his King of The Ring cape, his crown clutched tightly in his hand.
"Would yeh mind giving me a hand, lass?" Lou looked up at him and smiled, she took the crown from his hand as he crouched down slightly so she could reach. She placed the crown on his fiery red hair, gently playing with it at the back as she made sure it was secure. He looked up at her and presented her with a kind smile. "Nervous?"
"Me?" She gave him a questioning glance, pointing her index finger to herself. "Katie's my friend but I want to win this thing more than anything. I'm ready for this." When Sheamus' music hit, the huge man offered Lou his arm for her to take. It was time to show the world her wrestling skills.
Coming back from a quick break, 'We are one' blasted throughout the arena and out strutted Wade Barrett, his rookie Katie walking close behind, pumped from her challenge win. Her eyes focused on the ring ahead of her, she was getting into the zone – getting into Arabella mode. The crowd booed deafeningly, obviously for the leader of the Nexus. She had a feeling that the boos would rub off onto her at some point. When Stu reached the ring, he stared back at Katie, pointed to the ring and shouted for her to get in there; like she even needed telling twice. She stormed past him without a second look and stamped up the steel steps. She really wanted to tell him where he could go and she'd only known him for half an hour. The surly look plastered on his face was priceless; he was already losing his patience for the girl. He climbed onto the apron, standing in their corner as the camera balanced shots between the mismatched Wade and Arabella, and the immediately sound pairing of Sheamus and Liberty. The contrast was incredible; Sheamus spoke strategy, his hand covering his mouth that was whispering in Liberty's ear; whereas, Wade said nothing to Arabella – the hefty slap he gave to her between her shoulder blades spoke volumes. Impress me.
The two women were to start the match, slapping hands with each other in the centre of the ring for good sportsmanship. Katie could hear Stu behind her, scoffing at her attempt to settle the score fairly with her good friend. She glanced at him over her shoulder; he eyed her, shaking his head. She turned back to Lou and rolled her eyes dramatically, causing her opponent to smirk at her actions and quickly recover with a poker face when the bell rang, signalling the beginning of the match. They locked up, Katie pushing Lou into the right-hand corner away from both Sheamus and Wade, her hands gripped securely around Lou's shoulder and neck area. The referee began the five count, Katie backing away at the count of four, kicking Lou in the mid-section. She looked over to her corner; Stu's face didn't give anything away. Her attention was split between her opponent and her 'mentor' who didn't seem the slightest bit interested in what she was doing in the ring. Lou took advantage of the situation, whipping Katie into the same corner and pummelling her with left and right hooks, standing on the third rope. Once again, the referee counted to five before pulling the woman off of her and giving her a few words of warning. Lou looked to Stephen who smirked at her and praised her spirit.
Meanwhile, Stu was becoming impatient with Katie's lack of initiative; he wouldn't tell her but he'd seen her matches in FCW and the way she was acting right now was not her normal self.
"Take her down!" He boomed from across the ring, slamming his hand on the turnbuckle he was situated at. Katie kicked Lou again so she doubled over in order to catch her in a headlock. Her fist bunched underneath Lou's chin, knuckles digging into her skin to make the move even more painful. She may have been her friend but this was a competition after all – if she treated her friends this way, imagine how much suffering she'd cause Madison when they locked up. Katie increased the pressure on Lou's neck; the hurt on her face was evident, she squeezed her eyes shut, grabbing at Katie's strong arm. She battled out of her grasp, pushing her into the ropes and clotheslining her to the mat.
"Get up right now!" Stu shouted at Katie who was rolling on the floor, clutching her neck. Lou had made it to her corner, tagging in the ever-ready Sheamus. Katie got to her feet and tagged Stu in with a tap on his shoulder; the man would never go for a clean tag. He turned to face her quickly, mouthing at her to 'watch and learn' before grappling with Stephen with a battle of strength. Lou watched on as Stephen whipped Stu into the rope and caught him with the Irish Curse, the back-breaking sound made her shudder but applaud her able pro. Katie laughed really hard at Stu getting hit with such a powerful move – he fucking deserved that for acting like a complete dick to her all the way through the show so far. He regained his composure, sending a sadistic glare in her direction before flooring Stephen with a big boot. He stomped over to her and tagged her in by her upper arm.
"Finish off this match," he said as he exited through the ropes and down onto the mats at ringside, "And don't fuck it up."
"What? You're just going to leave me?" She asked in disbelief, her London accent completely apparent.
"I'm observing. Finish it before you're done yourself." He pointed to the ring, Katie turned to see a very ready and replenished Lou jumping up and down on the spot, giving Stephen a great view of her backside. She narrowed her eyes at her, getting back into the zone. They grappled once more, Katie gaining the upper hand and whipping her front-first into one of the turnbuckles. She grabbed Lou's left arm and lifted her over her shoulder in a fireman's carry, slamming her to the floor. Again, her pro didn't bat an eyelid; his hands were palm-down on the apron, his long fingers tapping the canvas intolerantly. She pulled Lou to the centre of the ring and covered to get a two count – close call. She turned the woman lying on the mat over, digging a knee into her back and stretching her upwards. Katie may have been a grappler but she knew how to make an opponent submit just as well. Stephen stood in his corner, slamming his hand down on the turnbuckle numerous times, not only encouraging the crowd for rare support but to encourage Lou to break the hold.
"Put more pressure on her!" Stu demanded rudely, becoming more irate by the second. Speaking of irate, Katie wasn't best pleased with his ordering around. She was fast losing her composure with Wade Barrett. He sent a tut in her direction when she ignored him. "Do as I say!"
"SHUT UP!" She yelled, completely fed up with his inability to coach properly and encourage like Lou's pro. Why couldn't she have gotten Sheamus as a pro instead of Wade? He and Lou had already seemed to hit it off straight away and Katie was already arguing with her nightmare.
The anger coursed through Stu's veins at Katie's outburst; his jade eyes widening as she stared him down from inside the ring. Focused solely on the stare down, she got up and leaned over the ropes ready to kill him when a hand dragged her back and rolled her up in a pin. 1...2...3...it was all over. Lou jumped up in celebration, Stephen wrapping his arms around her before pulling away and raising her hand in victory. Katie wasn't even shocked at what just occurred; she was way too busy hating on Stu. Her body rolled out of the ring and stormed up the ramp, leaving Wade hot on her heels. She wouldn't hear the end of this; but she was damn ready to give as good as she got.
"Trips? You're out after the break." A backstage worker appeared on The Game's locker room's doorframe, warning him and his rookie about their match that was up next. Since the moment she had fainted in front of him, Chesca hadn't let a single word out: she still felt so embarrassed she hadn't even introduced herself to her pro, but it would have been ten times more difficult, because he was probably her greatest wrestling hero ever; she was sit on a steel chair, her eyes fixed on the television monitor showing Sheamus' and Lou's celebration after the match they had just won, and she was trying her best not to look at Hunter.
"How are you feeling?" he asked her, standing up from the bench he was sitting and went to turn off the television "Sure you want to fight?" He curved a corner of his lips, smiling. She shook her head from the trance she had gotten into, finding the will to look him in the eyes.
"I'm okay, I can do this." the half Italian girl replied, brushing a hand through her hair; the dark blond wrestler held a hand out at her, she shyly placed her small hand in his and got lifted up.
"I'm Paul, by the way." he held her hand for a few seconds, firmly shaking it, and she tried to smile back. "But the cool guys call me Hunter."
"Francesca" she pronounced her name, "But the cool guys call me Chesca." The Game chuckled, and let her hand go, widening his arm in the door's direction.
"Then, after you, Chesca." she would have probably melted or fainted once again, but that wasn't the right time, so she just went out the locker room, waiting for him to pick up his leather jacket.
The King of Kings on her back, she walked towards the stage entrance, just in time to see her friend Katie storm backstage: she had seen her like that just a few times, and she knew it was better to stay away from her. Chesca stepped aside to let her angry British friend pass, Trips lifting his eyebrow at the sight.
"Katie? Are you alright?" The girl asked to the other wrestler, increasing the loudness in her voice so she could hear her.
"ASK THAT FUCKER BEHIND ME!" From down the corridor came the angry English girl's response, just in time to see Wade Barrett going after his rookie: he had almost teared Chesca down if Trips hadn't grabbed her by her shoulders pulling her back, avoiding the contact with the huge Englishman. The look on his face was just mirroring Katie's, appearing even scarier due to his size.
"That Barrett guys scares the hell out of me, sometimes." Paul had shot a look at the couple, placing a hand on her back and gently pushing his rookie in the entrance's direction; Chesca chuckled shyly.
"You scared the hell out of me when I was younger," she admitted to him, "Especially when you growled your catchphrase." Hunter smirked, proudly: he felt the girl's admiration for him, and he was certainly pleased with it.
The lights in the arena went out, Motorhead's Lemmy roared out 'Time To Play The Game': a flashback of her childhood, when she used to take a sip of water and spit it out over her head before entering the bathtub playing Triple H's entrance obviously ran to her mind, making her smile at the thought she was now side by side with her wrestler, ready to take down that useless blonde Angelina.
The crowd exploded as The Cerebral Assassin came on stage, pointing at the crowd and then pointing at Chesca, who was slowly approaching the ring in front of him: she did her best to hide her agitation, acting cocky and self confident, though the way to the squared circle looked endless in that dark atmosphere, lightened up by green spotlights over the audience and the white one following the couple as they made their way.
She often shot looks over her shoulder, as if she wanted to make sure that Trips was still there. And there he was, sending her encouraging looks and inviting her to step on the apron with him, as he made his signature entrance.
The Game stood at her side as they both watched Angelina and Layla making their way to the ring: the English half of Laycool sent cocky and arrogant smiles all around, clapping her hands at her blonde rookie, who was jumping around and slapping the hands of people at the sides of the ramp.
"Eat lightning and crap thunder, okay?" Hunter winked an eye and softly patted her shoulder, getting out of the ring and placing himself at ringside, his elbows leaning on the apron. Chesca stretched her neck and took a deep breath: it was time to become Titania.
She looked at the blonde so-called wrestler in front of her: her sparkly outfit made her even more hateful for her likings. The bell ringing three times started the match, firing up the half Italian girl: that sound was what turned her on the most in that world. Chesca didn't leave Angelina the time to lock hands with her: she had been quicker, and had given her a kick to the guts, making her bend over in pain, squealing; then she grabbed her hand and loaded a powerful Irish whip, sending the blonde to kiss the turnbuckle with her back. She pointed at her and let a scream out her mouth as she charged and ran onto her, applying a shoulder block onto the thinner woman who was locked at the turn buckle. Angelina managed to put her hands on her head, pulling her up and delivering her a headbutt, making her fall backwards on the mat.
Trips started beating rhythmically on the apron, and she felt her pro's encouragement: she couldn't fail, knowing he was at ringside, cheering for her. She quickly stood up avoiding the blonde's elbow smash and charged an uppercut to her tanned chin. Taking advantage of the ropes and of Angelina's momentary confusion, she ran a little towards the rope, gripped onto the third one and jumped to deliver her opponent a devastating scissor kick to her head: Layla at ringside couldn't help but shake her head at her rookie's bad timing and passiveness. The seventeenth time World Champion smirked at his protégée's skills; they had told her she had the moves, but he had never seen her wrestle live, and her wrestling pleasantly surprised him.
Now Chesca had locked her opponent in a headlock, tightening her arms around Angelina's slim neck: she had tried to pull the girl's arms away, but she didn't succeed at it, so she just stood up from her knees, carrying her on her back, then she let herself fall, squashing Titania on the mat, causing her to let a moan of pain out.
Angelina hooked Chesca's leg, but she didn't even get a two count, the half Italian wrestler escaped from her grip and threw her legs over Angelina's shoulders getting on her side, pulling one of her arms into an armbar. The blonde girl let screams out her fleshy lips, Layla clapping her hands trying to charge her rookie up; Hunter was doing the same thing, beating his hands against the apron harder a couple of times, showing his approval for his rookie's moves. After a couple of minutes, the girl from San Francisco let the blonde's arm go, and she stood up. Seeing as the girl was lying on the mat, she took the occasion to quickly jump on the turnbuckle, but she waited until her opponent stood up, confusedly looking around; Titania dived on her, delivering a clothesline, the crowd roaring and approving her aerial move. But that was the right time for her finisher: the Alcatraz, a standing corkscrew moonsault, an aerial move she had spent years to learn, but that had always captured the talent scouts' attention as she was in the indies.
The girl shot a look at The Game, mouthing 'watch this': then she turned her back at Angelina, lying on the mat behind her, and she loaded her move, jumping and rolling her legs over her head, twisting in the air and falling with her abs on the blonde's, more and more people cheering for her as she hooked her leg and got the three count. Ding ding ding, the bell sealed the match's end, breathing heavily Chesca stood up, a tired but satisfied smile on her face as the referee pulled her arm up and the announcer said her name; Trips had immediately rushed into the ring.
He had been watching the final minutes of the match in total amazement, astonished by that young woman's abilities: at first he didn't even want to take part in that NXT thing, but Chesca had made such a good impression on him he was starting to like everything about his rookie, not only the fact she was a true fan of his. The girl looked at him, searching for his consent: flashing his unmistakable smile, Hunter threw his arms around her knees and lifted her up, making her sit on his broad shoulder, showing her off to the crowd.
She raised her fist in victory, flashing her whites all around and her heart beating at light speed. Not only she had won her first ever WWE match, but Triple H was carrying her on his shoulders; for a minute she wondered if Katie or Lou were watching, backstage: her friends knew how addicted to that man and everything revolving around him she was, and they could probably guess she felt on top of the world in that moment.
Actually, she did feel on top of her world.