When Jeanne walks- no, glides, into the room everyone turns around to see her. It's like she's a princess, the queen, whatever. Even though the Shaman King has yet to be crowned (in fact, it's too premature for me to write my speeches to the world and to plan their imminent doom) it's as though they automatically respect her like the queen she is.

Perhaps I was mistaken when I called her a queen. No, she is an angel. She probably has wings hidden somewhere (because when I snuck into their base and searched her casket, there were none. I sat there until I saw Marco's priceless face, before ran away, ha!) but doesn't want to show it, for some stupid reason.

A heart of pure goodness; of light and all those goody stuff that make me even more depressed if I continue the list (yes, perhaps I am depressed, and a little delusional, but I still say that I am the toughest Shaman around, and the Patch tribes have already begun preparations for me, such as putting on my favourite pillow preserved from the last time I was alive) and well, she's walking towards my other half.

Perhaps if she weren't so stubborn and persistent in her quest to kill me, I would've married her. Yes, maybe I should ask her out now; it's never too late for a man to love…right?

Okay, maybe not now. My followers are staring at her too, and they're giving hostile looks at the X-Laws. At this rate I would have to burn those small ants (especially the ant with the glasses) and run again without having food.

Marco walks by my table and glares at me. I nearly choke on my water (not that it's possible, because I'm perfect) seeing his scrunched up face. "You had better not mess this Christmas up for Lady Jeanne!" he warned, and I give a casual smile.

Apparently, my smile disgusts him, and so he marches off, trying to look as cool as ever, when everyone know that I'm much cooler. I shrug while Opacho thinks 'That evil blondie- oh, yum, tuna!'

Now Jeanne has gracefully sat in her chair, looking around and looking absolutely pleasant. Her white hair seemed to shine in the artificial light (the Patch say that it's environmentally friendly, but I don't think so) and her eyes sparkle at the sight of Marco handing her a tray of food.

When she smiles and gets up, I feel this sudden urge to kiss her smile but I push it away. If I kiss her now I may have to wait 500 more years for another chance at her descendant.

Sighing, I decide to stalk- no, follow her. "Hao-sama," my followers say but I give them a reassuring smile. They don't stop me.

"Hello, dear Lady Jeanne." I greet and she looks at me like I'm a devil…which I sort of am.

"Hello, Hao." Her tone is icy, but I like it. I know if I push her buttons a little too hard the ice would break.

"How's the buffet?"


"I see you look different."

"I'm wearing red and green ribbons instead of white ones. Oh, yes, one more thing - I hate you." She tugs at her ribbon shyly (or was it anger that I detect from this pure angel?) and I grin at her. I don't think she got my friendliness, for she glared at me with those pretty rubies of hers.

"Oh, and I love you too, Jeanne dar- YEOW!" I have just ruined my perfection as Jeanne, my dear, dear Jeanne smacks me across my face. I am in too much pain and too heartbroken and smitten by her to retaliate as she walks away from me.

She glides across the room as I smile goofily back at her. "Nice meeting you too." I think I felt Marco boil, but it could've been just me. Silly man, he doesn't know, and wouldn't know, love when it hits. He also wouldn't know how highly I think of that sweet white-haired girl and how perfect she is.

I saw that she lingered a little back there; perhaps I should try again tomorrow…

My shortest fanfic. Ever.