Hey there, folks! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Shadowfang14. I wrote this fic a while back, over the summer, and (after the encouragement of some friends), decided to post it onto . WARNING: This is a gory story, so if you're scared by the thought of blood and gore, I suggest you don't read. Well, anyway, I hope you like! Please read and review!

Disclaimer: I don't own Danny Phantom. I do, however, own a DP shirt, so I'm SOMEWHAT satisfied.

Chapter One

"What's that?" The ten-year-old boy poked his head into the room, curious as to what his parents were working on.

"Oh, hey there son!" Jack Fenton beamed at the sight of his son inside his laboratory.

"This is a portal to the Ghost Zone, Danny!" Maddie, Jack's wife and Danny's mother, answered.

"Ghost Zone?" Danny asked, curiosity growing by the second.

"That's right, Danny-boy!" Jack said enthusiastically. "An entire world full of ghosts! Your mother and I are hoping that, if we can perfect this portal, we'll be able to venture in, capture as many ghosts as we can grab, and rip them apart molecule by molecule!" Danny just yawned, and Jack looked disappointed.

"Hey, I thought you'd be excited at the thought!" he whined.

"No Jack, he's just tired." Maddie said, pulling the hood of her blue jumpsuit off. "And no surprise, it's past your bedtime, Mister!" she remarked, looking at the clock next to her on the desk. A warm smile on her face, she walked over to Danny and picked him up.

"Come on sweetie, let's get you to bed." Maddie cooed.

"Night Dad," Danny called sleepily, waving to his dad.

"Sleep tight!" Jack called back. "Don't let the ghosts bite!"

About 15 minutes later, Danny had gotten changed into his pajamas, and settled in under his covers as his mom tucked him in.

"Hey, Mom?" Danny asked.

"What is it, sweetie?" Maddie asked.

"Do-Do you really think it's a good idea building that portal?" Danny asked. "I mean, if it allows us to get into the Ghost Zone, then won't it also allow ghosts into our world? And then they can come out and hurt us…" Maddie silenced Danny by kissing him softly on top of the head.

"Don't you worry, Danny." His mom assured him. "Your father and I are professional ghost hunters. We'll never let those ghosts harm you or your sister." She gave Danny one final comforting smile.

"Good night." She said. Danny smiled, relieved.

"Night, Mom." He said. After leaving Danny's room, and checking to see that her daughter, Jazzmine was asleep too, Maddie went back down to the lab with Jack, and they continued work on the portal.

At about 10:30, Maddie let out a tired yawn.

"I'm beat, Jack." She said. "What do you say we call it a night?"

"Sounds good to me, baby." Jack answered sleepily.

"Be sure to close the portal behind you." Maddie said. Jack nodded but unfortunately, he was too tired to even pay attention to her words. He just trudged up the stairs behind his wife, leaving the portal wide open. Then, unnoticed by the couple, a ghost slipped out of the portal, and phased up through the ceiling.

Upstairs in his bedroom, Danny was sleeping soundly, having pleasant dreams of being a spaceman. Suddenly, his eyes snapped open. Something was wrong. He didn't know how he could tell, but something was very wrong. Danny, who had been sleeping on his stomach, turned over onto his back and gasped. There it was. There was a ghost in his bedroom, floating right in front of him. The horrified ten-year-old didn't even say a word as the ghost flew straight for him.

Back in their room, Jack and Maddie were well into slumberland. Both of them had been so tired that they had immediately fallen asleep as soon as their heads had hit their pillows. The horrified scream of their son quickly jerked them awake, though.

"A ghost!" Jack shouted automatically.

"Danny!" Maddie shouted. They immediately sprang out of bed and ran to Danny's room, running into their twelve-year-old daughter Jazz on the way.

"What's going on?" Jazz demanded, clearly not happy at haven been woken up.

"Something's wrong with Danny!" Jack shouted urgently. Jazz, who had still been half-asleep, woke all the way up at this news.

"Danny?" she asked. Confused and worried, she followed her parents to her little brother's room, and stood back as Jack threw the door open. All three family members simultaneously gasped at the sight that awaited them.

Danny was surrounded by black ghostly energy, and was floating eerily in front of his bed. Or at least, they THOUGHT it was Danny. The boy in front of them had snow-white hair, blood-red eyes, moss-green pajamas, and an evil smile on his face. His smile grew even wider as he saw the three horrified humans in front of him.

"Hello, worms." He said. His voice sounded exactly like Danny's, however, there was such an evil, sinister tone to it that Jack, Maddie, and Jazz didn't want to believe that it was really him.

"Wh-What's wrong with him?" Jazz asked horrified, as tears started pouring down her cheeks.

"He's being possessed!" Maddie said, equally as horrified. "Jack, I'll go down to the lab and get some equipment! You stay here and protect Jazz!" And without another word, she left. Jack didn't know what to do. Usually, when it came to ghosts, he attacked first, asked questions never. But this particular ghost just so happened to be controlling his son's body, and Jack didn't want to risk hurting Danny. So instead, he decided to try another tack. Gulping, he took a step towards the floating boy.

"D-Danny?" he asked hesitantly. "Danny, it's us, Dad and Jazz. I know you're in there somewhere." The boy laughed evilly, a sound that neither Jack nor Jazz thought Danny was capable of making. The boy floated down to Jack, and got right in his face.

"I'm afraid that 'Danny' can't hear you." He smirked. Before Jack had a chance to react, the boy shot a deadly green ray right through him from his hand.

"DADDY!" Jazz screamed in horror, as she saw her father fall to the ground, a big smoking hole through his gut. "DADDY!"

"Why so somber, girl?" Jazz looked up, blinking through her tears as the ghost boy that looked like her brother hovered above her. "You'll be joining him soon enough." His hand started to glow green again, and Jazz screamed in fear.

"No!" she screamed. "No, stay back!" She turned and started to run, and the ghostly boy flew after her. Jazz ran downstairs, scared for her life, and wondering why it was taking her mom so long. The terrified girl ran into the living room, not knowing or caring where she went, as long as it got her away from the sadistic specter that had once been her brother. She started to run towards the door, but just when she was just a few inches away, the ghost boy phased through the door, still smiling cruelly, and Jazz screamed again as he caught the collar of her shirt and lifted her into the air. Jazz sobbed in pure terror as she looked into the ghost's eyes, and saw nothing there but viciousness and bloodlust. There was nothing of her little brother left in there. Just as she started preparing for the worst, Maddie came rushing into the living room, holding fistfuls of what looked like marbles.

"Let her go!" she shouted.

"Mom!" Jazz sobbed. Never losing his evil smirk, the boy tossed Jazz aside, and phased completely through the door. Maddie then started tossing the devices, one after the other, at him. Laughing, the boy dodged them easily, one after the other, flying, ducking out of the way, or phasing into the wall. However, as he turned intangible to avoid getting hit by one, instead of flying through him, as he had hoped, it opened up, and four grappling parts came out of it, wrapping themselves around him.

"What?" the boy shouted, then suddenly screamed in pain as he started being zapped.

"What is that?" Jazz asked. "What's it doing to him?"

"Ecto-Electrites." Maddie explained. "Don't worry, it won't hurt Danny. However, if it stays on him long enough, it'll force the ghost right out of his body! As the two females watched, a ghostly entity started to be ejected from Danny's body.

"No!" it screamed in an unearthly voice. "I won't be defeated that easily!" As it's arm started to emerge, it grabbed the Ecto-Electrite and started fiddling with it, trying to pull it off. The ghost let out a scream of pain and anger, there was a bright explosion of light, and then everything went black.

Danny groaned and opened his eyes slowly as he regained consciousness. He felt different. A bad kind of different. Suddenly, he heard crying.

"Huh?" he asked. "Jazz?" He ran upstairs anxiously, and found Jazz and his mom stooped over his dad. Maddie looked sad and Jazz was crying over Jack who, Danny suddenly noticed, had a big gaping hole in his stomach.

"Dad!" Danny cried out in alarm. He started to run inside, but Jazz looked up, and screamed as she saw him.

"Stay back!" she shouted, throwing her arms around Jack's neck.

"What?" Danny asked, confused.

"Stay away from us!" Jazz shouted. Danny felt confused and hurt. He was her brother, why was Jazz talking to him like he was an escaped convict? Why was she looking at him with such fear? A realization came to Danny. Feeling a growing sense of dread, he walked over to the mirror next to his door and looked at his reflection, fearing what he might see. He looked normal for the most part-except that his eyes were now glowing green. Danny gasped in surprise. Suddenly, he remembered it-the ghost floating in front of him, flying right towards him, into him.

"That ghost took over my body." Danny whispered to himself in realization. He looked back at his father. He wasn't moving, and Danny didn't know if he was dead or alive.

"Did I do that to Dad?" he asked, more to himself than to his mom and sister. He looked at both of them, seeing identical expressions of terror on their faces. He looked back at his reflection in the mirror, and his now-green eyes started to fill up with tears at the thoughts of what he had done.

"What am I?" he sobbed, clenching his little hands into fists. "What am I?"