A/N: Yo! Lady Heling here! I noticed there is a lack of Touma/Rowen and Kayura stories out there so I'm jumping out of my comfort zone and writting a bunch of one-shots for them. Yes I ship this pairing, it's rather cute. Lengths of all kinds, rating may change depending on how adventurous I get. Please R&R! I'd really like feedback here since I'm kinda new to the one-shot aspect.

Onto the first story!


If anyone had told him four years ago, that Lady Kayura-former first lady of the Neater Realm-would be standing in his kitchen. Touma would have laughed. Had they told him she'd be his girlfriend too, he would have died laughing.

Yet there she was, wearing one of his shirts and glaring daggers at the coffee maker. Hands placed on her slender hips and foot tapping impatiently.

"Would you like some help with that?" He asked while trying to hide his amusement.

Apparently that didn't work well, "I don't see how you find this so funny," She snapped.

"I'm not laughing at your lack of know-how," walking across the room he gave the top of the coffee maker one good pound, over its top, before the light turned on. "This thing is a pain and I've been meaning to replace it." Midnight eyes gazed down at her petite form.

"You better do it soon or I'll really break it," she waved a finger in his face.

"Kayura, you have a job, you could go buy yourself some coffee while on your out."

"It's not the same," crossing her arms over her chest she continued, "I can at least manage what gets put in my coffee here."

Raising an eyebrow he asked, "You're using my coffee pot because you're worried about how much sugar you'll consume in a day? Sweetie, you could stand to gain a few pound."

"Wow, that's the pot calling the kettle black. And it has nothing to do with how much sugar goes in my coffee."

"It's the milk? That's your issue?"

Blue orbs glared at him while the coffee pot rumbled, "Just buy a new one."

Rolling his eyes, Touma mumbled, "Whatever."

Her expression softened as she took a deep breath, "Please Touma, this is really getting annoying."

"I can tell," he opened the fridge to pull out the milk, "But being a Samurai Trooper doesn't exactly pay the bills. You want a new coffee pot, then you'll have to wait until next month when I have some spending money again."

"A whole month?" Pouting her lip she tip-toed right up to his side.

Sighing the taller of the two shook his head, And the guys think I'm spoiled? "Just drink the coffee."