Chapter 21

Steam rose from the red train as students started to climb inside. Rowena laughed as Ron told her a joke. In-between them, was Ginny who didn't really want to leave there side. Thankfully neither minded. At last they got into the train and hurriedly found a compartment. It had spread around the school that Rowena had defeated the Beast of Slytherin, yet nobody knew what it had been. Still they also now seemed to respect her, or was it hero worshiping again. Who knew. Luckily Ginny's actions during the year had not been revealed and Rowena was thankful for that fact. Sitting in their compartment Rowena grasped Ginny's hand causing the girl to look up at her and smile softly.

"This summer I want you to write okay. No matter what time it is, where you are or who you are with. You write me. I want to help okay." Rowena whispered and Ginny gave a nod of agreement.

"I will I promise." Ginny answered before settling down into her seat for the ride home.

Rowena gave a nod of her head before taking a book out and starting to read it. It was a book she had found in the library in the dorms. Salazar had recommended it after she had informed him of the defeat of his familiar.

The four friends were soon joined by Blaise, Daphne and Draco who swiftly sat down. Rowena and Ron had told them about what had happened with the Chamber, well almost all the details, Rowena wanted to keep Ginny's involvement to a low and the only one to know was Hermione. Of course they hadn't been happy that Rowena had faced off against a Basilisk. They had been quite horrified actually. Thankfully Professor Snape didn't know because she was sure he would have had her in detention for the rest of her time in school.

"Um – Row, you might want to be careful when we arrive at the train station." Blaise remarked causing Rowena to look up from her book.

"Why's that?" She asked curiously.

"Well I know that Snape sends letters to people's families when they get in trouble or in danger." He answered yet Rowena blinked.

"Then he would have sent a letter to my relatives." She stated causing Blaise to groan.

"Rowena Potter, I swear mum is going to have your head. You're living with us now girl, you are family. No way in hell are you going to stay with your relatives again and Snape knows that. He probably sent the letter to my parents and mum is pretty nasty when we get in trouble or dangerous situations." Blaise said causing Rowena to pale and blush at the same time.

"Thank Merlin Snape didn't know about the Basilisk." Rowena moaned causing Blaise and the others to wince.

"I don't think mum would have let you out of her sight all summer if she would have known about the Basilisk." Blaise whispered and both Daphne and Draco gave nods of agreement.

"Apparently my mum is also worried about you. I mean you did sort of anger my father, even though I have no care about that, he is a really bad guy to have on your bad side." Draco said yet Rowena only gave a shrug.

"You dad doesn't scare me Draco, I'm sorry but it's the truth. I have worse people to fear and even then I don't fear them as much as I should." Rowena stated and Ron gave a snort.

"You don't even fear Voldemort, Row. I mean you faced him three times." Ron said causing Rowena to grin.

"Voldemort is just a grown up bully with a pureblood complex and that makes people do his dirty work. He is a nasty piece of work but I'm sure that one day he will get what is coming to him." Rowena stated her voice low as she looked outside at the passing country side. For a moment nobody spoke and just looked out the window as well. "You know I believe, and I think I have the right to believe this, that Voldemort hasn't been defeated permanently. I do believe he will return."

"Well when he does, you will have us by your side no matter what happens we are friends and friends stay with each other." Daphne stated and everybody gave nods even Ginny.

"You guys are great friends you know that right?" She asked causing them to grin.

"Oh we know, we just don't get told enough." Draco stated causing everybody to laugh at his cooky attitude.

As the hours started to pass, the group spoke and even began a game of cards. Yet when they arrived at King's Cross they gathered there things and walked out. Rowena held onto her owl and her trunk, making sure Ginny was beside her before they hurried out into the muggle world. The moment they arrived the cage was taken from her hands and she was pulled into a fierce hug. For a moment Rowena did not know what to say but she soon recognized the woman as Cassandra.

"You silly, silly girl. Going into danger like you do, I should ground you until your 25 but I can't. I am so very proud of you Rowena. What you did was so brave and showed that you're loyal to your friends." Cassandra whispered to her.

"I'm sorry for worrying you Mrs. Zabini." Rowena whispered and Cassandra held her close before letting go and looking down at her.

"You do another stunt like that and you will be in for a grounding." She said and Rowena gave a nod of agreement before the woman greeted her son. The next one to greet her was Mrs. Malfoy who gave her a hug.

"You are very brave child but you have to remember that sometimes people can be bad, my husband being one of them." Narcissia stated and Rowena gave her a smile.

"I know Mrs. Malfoy, and I'm sorry that I lost you your House elf." She whispered while looking down.

"You have nothing to worry about darling, Dobby was truly badly treated by Lucius, and although I tried to stop it, I never succeed. You saved harm to happen to Dobby and now he is in a better position, or at least I hope he will." Narcissia stated causing Rowena to smile.

"I hope so as well." Rowena agreed.

After a few more greetings they left and Rowena fallowed the Zabini's very glad that she wouldn't be returning to the Dursley's once more.

Author note:

Well people, that was the end of The Guardian year 2. I hope you guys liked it. I am going to continue with the next story but for now I wish to concentrate on the others I really want to finish more stories until I start another one. Still I will be continuing this story with year 3.