Meeting with Bella


Today is my first day in school. So I'm now in my Volvo with Rose talking about fashion non-stop. My CK attire has been chosen by her. Forks is green, squashy, omnipresent green and very humid. I found it a bit depressing. God knows how long I'd last here. I parked in the school parking lot, exchanged wishes with Rosalie who seemed as unsure and skeptic as I felt.

I headed to the office, a lady with dirty blond hair to her shoulder, Mrs. Smith according to her nameplate, greeted me welcome, "Hello young man, how can I help you?"

I smirked internally at her efforts at flirting, however kept a straight face and replied politely, "Hello, I'm a new student here and I's wondering if you could help me with my schedule?"

"Oh sure, here goes your schedule, a map and this is the slip you need to get signature from the teacher at each class."

I paid a glance at the papers she handed me, "Thanks" I muttered.

"Anytime dear, have a nice day. I wish you luck"

"Thanks again" I looked through the map to find my way to the first class, Calculus with Mr. Ford.

I walking in and introduced myself to the balding man with a wisp of grey hair at the back.

He sent me to an empty table saying my partner should arrive momentarily, though I had to strain to catch him mumble, "I hope… It's Bella Swan after all."

So I'm partnered with Bella… I hope she wouldn't be boring.

But she didn't arrive until the bell rang. In fact she came running and skidded to a halt at the door.

She was tall, lean and pale. Her short brown hair in a nice disarray (if you could believe me). She came in and halted again seeing me in her table. I looked up at her sparkling brown eyes and said, "Hey, remember me?"

A/N: Sorry guys for the long gap. Lacked some inspiration I guess. Don't abandon me though. I'm back. Hey, do you like my new penname?