Disclaimer: Jeremy, Bonnie, Anna, and Vampire Diaries belongs to the CW, LJ Smith, Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec, and all other parties. Not making a profit off this. Soley for creative purposes.
Author's Note: This has actually been done for a while, but I had very little time during the summer to proof-read it and put the finishing touches on it. Eh, better late than never. Anyway, this is Part 2 in the Necessary series. I'll try to get to another one soon, though the next one may not be from Jeremy's point of view. I've also noticed the emails I've gotten about if Anna will be brought back or not. You'll just have to wait and see. ;) And I should just get this out of the way, don't expect Jeremy/Bonnie from this, unlike what they're doing on the show, but I'm not getting into that. Anyway, here it is. Enjoy!
"You shouldn't be here." She's calm, but her eyes reveal the tension she tries so hard to hide.
"But I am."
"I know what you've done." His head tilts at that.
"You say that like I didn't want you to know."
"This isn't right." Judgy little thing she is.
"What you did wasn't right. Or what you didn't do. I'm giving into my nature. What's your excuse?"
"It had to be done-" He'd seen that coming. So predictable. He's tired of it.
"That's what the deputy said. Didn't change my mind about killing him."
"What I did saved lives." Yet another response he saw coming. She wasn't even trying.
"Yes, and it also put Caroline in the hospital, got Mayor Lockwood killed, nearly killed Stefan and Damon, and..."
She knows what's coming, and finally snaps, "Who kidnapped me and Elena." Her tongue carries such venom for Anna, and he wants to reach through the barrier and tear it from her mouth.
"To free her mother. If you could have Grams back, wouldn't you do the same?"
"Don't bring her into this." Her tone is getting angry, eyes dark, matching her voice as she holds her ground.
"There's the bitter little witch."
"Like you're one to talk about bitter. Do you think she'd want this from you?" He falters at that, but for only a moment before his gaze hardens again.
"Because of you, she's not here to tell me either way."
This time she's the one who falters briefly, softening. "Jeremy...I don't want it to be like this. But if it comes down to it, saving innocent lives is more important than my friendship with Elena."
He snorts briefly. "Like anyone I've killed was innocent."
"I know you want me dead-"
"You're wrong." She wasn't expecting that. He smiles. She wasn't expecting that either.
"I want you to find love." And then he's gone.
She doesn't realize until closing the door that she's trembling.