Disclaimer: If you haven't been paying attention for the last eighteen chapters (plus another eighteen for New Home) I don't own this. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter, MGM owns Stargate. I wait for the day men in black suits come bursting through the door to reclaim what I've been using, and I end up in a dark cell thousands of feet under the Earth's surface. When that day comes, remember me well. But until then, I'm going to keep on pushing out the HP/SG X-Over that you guys love (remember, you love it enough to write lots of reviews). And so, without further ado:

Growing Up

Quidditch is exciting. It is good to be at the World Cup. The air is nice and fresh. Long games are better. My father was nice to-

The Haze lifted, and for a moment his mind cleared. Quidditch was a pointless game for so long as the muggle lovers were in power. Games were irrelevant until he could find his Lord and restore him to power. Bartimus vowed to kill his father slowly if he ever got the chance, for the twelve years that he had been kept prisoner while his Lord needed him. He had to-

It is very important to stay still and seated. Quidditch is nice. The Irish chaser had the Quaffle. He's going to-

Bartimus struggled to keep his mind clear; he took in as much of his surroundings as he could, used as much brainpower as he could to analyze and plan. He was in the back right corner of the top Quidditch box, surrounded by politicians and teenagers. He needed a wand if he was to have any chance of breaking the spell on him permanently. He cast his eyes around at the spectators around him, being careful not to alert the house elf next to him to the fact that he was himself once more. There, a wand poking out of the breast pocket of one of the red headed boys in front of him. Carefully, Bartimus reached over the boy's shoulder with an invisible hand and gently fished it out. In the excitement of the game, the boy did not notice, but the frightened elf next to him did, having noticed the still visible wand through the crack in the fingers covering her face.

Before Winky could react, Bartimus cast the Imperious curse on her, before finally removing the one on himself. It felt as though a great weight had come off from his shoulders. Then he gave Winky her commands: act as though nothing had happened; when we return home, inform father that the game was uneventful; when you go shopping, purchase asphodel root and Acromantula venom; make an intinction of them and place ten drops of it in a drink for my father; it is a medicine he needs, but will not take on his own. Anyone who had bothered to find out knew that a house elf could almost always break the curse if ordered to murder their master, but that didn't mean they couldn't be tricked.

Bartimus leaned back in his seat. They couldn't leave early without arousing suspicion, and he truly did love Quidditch. Soon though, his father would be dead, and he would be on his way to finding his master.


'Adolescence sucks,' Harry thought as he stared at his fuzzy face in the bathroom mirror. The thought was rich, coming from him; Harry experienced no acne, no growing pains, as his body slowly but inexorably transformed to adulthood. Mood swings were virtually, if not entirely, non-existent. Too, Harry knew exactly what to expect better than any teen; nothing surprised him. It was all thanks to what he had taken from Isis, the healing abilities and the knowledge. Of course, the projected growth simulation he'd created had helped as well. Sirius had called that cheating; Harry had called it a tactical advantage and hexed Sirius's socks.

It wasn't as though Harry was in a hurry to grow up, though. He had enough of a reputation that he could be taken seriously almost anywhere he went. On the other hand, having your voice break three times in one conversation with a beautiful princess made you look ridiculous. And it sucked. Harry also wasn't sure how he felt about matching his name's homonym. In a way, it was as though Harry had become a man the day he had freed himself from Isis. A part of Harry felt as though he should have stopped growing then.

Still, after a quick look around to see if anyone was watching (though the ship was empty), Harry couldn't resist flexing in the mirror. After a couple of poses, he admonished himself for being silly and continued his morning ablutions. He was interrupted by a mental message from his hand device, which told him that someone from Earth was trying to contact him. A wave of Harry's hand sent magic to wash away the fuzz on his face, before Harry splashed himself with water from the sink. He was already on his way to the bridge when another wave of his hand dried him off. After a quick mental command, he felt comfortable clothes settle on his body with a slight hum.

The bridge was a close walk from Harry's quarters, everything was. Though his ship was far from small, the living and working areas were compact. Harry had done his best to be original in his designs of his ships livable areas. He had rejected the opulence of the goa'uld, the rigid functionality of the Air Force, and the surgical neatness of the Tollans. Harry had opted for something warmer; something that would be a home. Sirius had helped a lot, transfiguring strong and functional materials into something softer. Polished wood featured heavily around the ship, and many rooms and hallways had either wooden or carpeted floors. Even the bridge more closely resembled a living room than anything else.

Harry opened a connection to the SG-C as he stepped through the sliding doors before sinking into the comfortable command chair. To the sides of him, faux windows showed a sunny mountain view.

"Hey Daniel, hey Sam," Harry greeted.

"Hello Harry," said Daniel with a very satisfied look on his face. Sam echoed him.

"I know why you're going to Atlantis," said Daniel.

Harry smiled. "I've told you," he said. "I want to go to Atlantis. I will, one day, go to Atlantis. But when I do, I doubt you'd be able to drag me away again. I'm just too busy here."

"I think it's great that you're chasing down Arthurian legend through the galaxy Harry," said Daniel, "but you don't know what the Sangraal even is, or what it's for."

"Just because I don't know what it's for, doesn't mean that it isn't important."

"First of all," said Daniel-

"The Ancients were trying to draw zero-point energy from our own universe for a near limitless power source," Sam interrupted.

Harry paused. "I'll get my stuff together."

"I know you so well," said Daniel, letting the "I told you so" hang in the air. And it was true. Harry and Daniel had gotten to know each other very well working with together to uncover the secrets of the galaxy left behind by the Ancients. Harry had learned written Ancient from Daniel, and a smattering of conversational Ancient.

"We have some preliminary data for you to review," said Sam, "you want to swing by before you head out?"

"Earth's in the opposite direction," Harry pointed out.

"You just upgraded your engines," said Sam. "It'll take you all of... what?" she asked, not knowing where Harry actually was in the galaxy.

"Ten minutes," said Harry, "which turns into twenty. I'll gate over and send my ship ahead to the edge of the galaxy."

Sam rolled her eyes. "See you soon," she said

Harry ended the transmission and opened another one to Tollana. His signal was was routed through the Tollan communications system, and a moment later, Harry was looking at Sirius.

"Harry," the man said with a smile, "to what do I owe the pleasure?"

"I've got to say goodbye for a while, Sirius" said Harry.

"Oh," said Sirius, "why's that?"

"Science is happening in another galaxy," said Harry, "and I'm not about to miss out on it."

"Atlantis?" asked Sirius.

"Yes," said Harry.

"Isn't there always science going on there?" asked Sirius.

"Yes," said Harry, "but this is really, really cool science."

"Alright," said Sirius, "have fun, stay safe, and stay in touch."

"I will," said Harry, "I'll come back for a visit in a while if things are going slowly."

They said their goodbyes, and Harry jumped down to the dusty, and nearly lifeless planet below. A hand on the DHD set the gate spinning, though he pressed no buttons. The vortex flushed out in seconds, and Harry stepped through.

The Gate Room of the SG-C had changed little over the years. Outwardly, anyways. Harry knew that many hidden defenses had been added over the years. There were automated mini-guns hiding in the walls, which could be set to hail fire on anything that came through the Stargate. The personnel that defended the room could make use of a few foot-thick, three-foot-high walls that rose from the ground for defense. Harry didn't know all of the base's new defenses, but a foothold situation from less than a year ago had been cause for much innovation.

Sam and Daniel were waiting at the bottom of the gate ramp, standing on either side of General Landry. After years of threatening to, General Hammond had finally retired a couple of years ago when he had felt the galaxy was stable enough. Colonel O'Neill, a General now, had taken his place for a while, but he now worked out of the Pentagon, coordinating all off-world activity.

"So," said Harry with a grin, "show me what you've got."


As it turned out, they didn't have much for him. The bulk of the data was in the Pegasus galaxy, but there was enough to leave him intrigued. He wound up pondering the problem for all of the weeklong journey. He very nearly went stir-crazy.

Harry was beaming when he finally jumped down to the Atlantis gate room. As though to mirror the SG-C, Dr. Weir stood sandwiched between Doctors Zelenka and McKay in front of the Stargate to greet him. From the landing above, Major Sheppard came down to join them.

Harry looked around in wonder. Atlantis was everything he had expected and more. He could immediately identify Ancient architectural themes in the gate room and the towers visible out the windows from his own travels. But here, everything was pristine, perfect, beautiful.

"Captain Potter," said Doctor Weir warmly, "I believe I speak for everyone in the city when I say 'welcome'."

"Thank you, Doctor Weir," said Harry, and damn the crack in his voice, "but you can call me Harry. It's been a while since I thought of myself by that title."

"Well then I insist you call me Elizabeth. I know that you know Doctor McKay, have you met Colonel Sheppard and Doctor Zelenka?"

"I met both in passing the day you all embarked," said Harry as he stepped forward to shake the Colonel's hand. "Hello again, Colonel," he said, before turning to Doctor Zelenka. "Ahoj , Doktor Zelenka. Jak se máš?"

"Now when did you learn to speak Czech?" asked Elizabeth as Doctor Zelenka answered, "Dobře, díky."

"Oh, I didn't," said Harry, "I've just learned to say 'Hi, how are you,' in as many languages as I could."

"Of course you did," said Doctor McKay.

"What else is a guy to do when he's spending days at a time in hyperspace?" asked Harry.

"I try to catch up on my reading," said the Colonel.

"Well," said Doctor McKay, "I think we have something to keep your interest for a while."

"I don't doubt it," said Harry.

"Well," said Elizabeth, "you'll want to settle in. We've prepared a room for you; I know John will be happy to show you the way."

"Thank you," said Harry warmly. The two of them left the gate room.

Harry felt like a tourist. He couldn't stop staring at the things around him and asking questions. The Colonel answered patiently as they made their way to a closet that turned out to be a transport room, taking them instantly to another section of the city. The Ancients, it seemed, had done away with ring platforms. Indeed, they had done away with much of the design that had predominated the ruins left in the Milky Way galaxy. Gone were the stone structures, to be replaced by what Harry could only describe as more nature based architecture, though the city was conspicuously lacking in foliage. In a way, Harry thought it was like a forest, rising up from the ocean.

The room that the Colonel showed him to was a sizable suite, with a balcony that looked out to the horizon.

"...and that's how we discovered the under water drilling platform," he was saying as they came to a stop.

"Fascinating," said Harry.

"Well, as you can see, you have everything you need in here. Bed room's there," he pointed, "bath room, kitchenette. Everything's stocked and loaded."

"It looks fine," said Harry.

"Good," said the Colonel. "I'll let you settle in. There's a meeting about the project at o-four-hundred hours SG-C time, that's thirteen hundred hours, local time, which is in two hours. Will you be able to find your way back to the control tower."

"Yup," said Harry.

"Rodney left you a tablet with all of the data we've compiled. I hope it's not too short notice for you."

"I'm sure I'll do okay," said Harry. "When will we be going to the project site?"

"I'll be flying you and the rest of the science team over there tomorrow," said the Colonel.

"Alright," said Harry. "I better get busy then."

"I'll leave you to it," said Colonel Sheppard.

"Thank, but um..."


"You think I might be able to take a spin on your jumper tomorrow?" asked Harry.

"Well I don't know," said the Colonel, "do you have the Ancient gene?"

"Quite strongly, actually," said Harry.

"I know you have your own ship," said the Major, "but flying a jumper isn't quite like-"

"I haven't met a bird I couldn't fly," said Harry.

"Oh really," said Sheppard. "F-302."

"Check," said Harry.



"Hm, goa'uld fighter?"

"Death glider, check." Sirius thought it might be some kind of magical ability, like Parceltongue. There was some kind of intuition in Harry that let him fly anything.

"Impressive," said the Colonel, "sure, why not? I'll see you later."

Alone, Harry walked over to the table where the tablet lay. He sat down and placed a hand on the tablet as he closed his eyes and entered the device.

Data flit past Harry's consciousness for his perusal, and Harry basked in it. Fascinated, Harry looked at the data from every angle; amazing ideas, troubling problems, and inventive solutions were examined. After about half an hour, Harry pulled back to mull things over. 'Yes,' he thought, 'this should be very possible.'


It had taken Bartimus too long to find his master. Far too long. Now there was so much to do, and so little time to do it in. Still, Bartimus could be proud of himself; not many wizards could have used the Dark Mark to find Voldemort. That pride could only go so far though, if he had only thought to do it thirteen years ago, he would have found his master then, and not spent the intervening years in captivity.

Bartimus looked around himself in disgust, he hated the muggle world. He walked forward, feeling out of sorts in his muggle clothing. He had a mission though, one that had to be completed quietly and swiftly. There was so little time before he was to subdue Alastor Moody. With a notice-me-not charm on, he walked into the elementary school without anyone paying him any mind; the bustle of lunchtime helped him in that regard. He walked down the school corridors, reading the nameplates on the doors. After a few minutes search, he found what he was looking for.

Bartimus walked into the classroom of Maria Teeple. He walked up to her and cleared his throat, breaking the charm and drawing her attention. She looked up from a sandwich and started.

"Goodness, you surprised me. Can I help you?"

Bartimus didn't say anything, he just pulled out a large and wicked knife; his wand would have been more natural, but she wouldn't react as well to that. Teeple stood abruptly and took a step back.

"I don't know what you want," she said, fear clear in her voice, "but I'm sure-"

He was on her in an instant, she was too scared to scream, and then he had the blade against her throat.

"You once had a student named Harry Potter. Did you not?"

Teeple nodded jerkily, tears escaping from her eyes.

"I happen to need something, anything, that he's written his name on. Do you still have something like that?" She stood there, stock still. "Sometimes, teachers keep their students' old work. Give me one of his, and I won't hurt any of your students."

"I- I have some..."



"They're not here, are they?" She shook her head. "Then they're at your home. Once I have his name, then I can leave." He whispered in her ear. "Come along, Miss Teeple. Let's go home." He pulled on her arm, lowering his knife and leading her to the door. "Nice and easy, does it. Wipe those tears, and act naturally. We wouldn't want any of your students getting in my way, would we?"

Teeple shook her head, scrubbing at the tears on her face.

Bartimus walked behind her on the way to her car. He wanted to kill her, this muggle who had nurtured the boy who had brought down his master; she had loved him enough to keep his work. But he couldn't today. He couldn't bring any notice. Maybe when the year was done, and his master was reborn he could come back. Maybe he could make her scream.


Harry had a lot more names to remember as he sat at the large table in the conference room. Colonel Sheppard's team was all there, as was Colonel Caldwell, and a number of scientists.

"Now that we're all here," started Doctor Weir at the head of the conference table, "I would like to welcome Captain Harry Potter. Technically a US and British citizen, I believe he currently calls Tollana his home." Harry nodded. "He is also one of the foremost experts in both Goa'uld and Ancient technology in any galaxy. However, it is his expertise in zero-point energy that has brought him here."

There were polite nods and greetings from around the table. A tan woman with long brown hair spoke up.

"Captain Potter, forgive me for asking, but is your appearance deceiving?"

Harry smiled, he wasn't the only one, "No, Ms..."

"Teyla Emmagan," she supplied, "of the Athosian people. You may call me Teyla."

"Teyla," said Harry, "you may call me Harry. I'm only slightly older than I appear. On Earth, I'll be fourteen in a little under a month. I assure you though, in spite of my age, I am more than capable."

"Yes," said Doctor Weir, "as I understand it, Harry here played a large part in helping to neutralize the threat of the goa'uld in our own galaxy."

Harry nodded modestly. "However," he said, "I'm not here to fight, I'm here to talk science."

"Yes," said Elizabeth, "and since yours are the freshest eyes to look at this problem, why don't we hear from you first?"

"Um, alright," said Harry. "I'd like to start by asking about the incident from the first time you tried to operate the device. The sensor readings were nearly incomprehensible when things started to go wrong."

Doctor McKay began to describe what had happened to nearly destroy the research base.

"Hold on," Harry interrupted him, manually checking his tablet, having learned that doing so mentally while talking to other people was rude. Just before the incident, it had been mentioned that the containment field had been adjusted manually. "Didn't you have a man in that access way?"

"Yes," said Doctor McKay.

There was no way that anyone in that area to have survived the intense radiation. "I'm so sorry for your loss."

"Thank you," said Doctor McKay stonily.

"You must know, there was no way to foresee or reasonably prevent-"

"I do," said Doctor McKay, with finality.

"I'm surprised that Colonel Carter and Doctor Jackson didn't inform you of the incident themselves," said Doctor Weir after a moment.

"Oh, they know how important I find my work in the Milky Way galaxy. I suspect they didn't want me to feel obligated to come. Now um, as to my thoughts on the project, I suppose you're planning to dial back the power and manipulate the shielding around the core manually?"

"That's right," said Doctor McKay.

"It won't work," said Harry.

"What? You can't know that," said Rodney.

"Yes," said Harry, "I can. You see, the thing about zero-point energy is, the more energy you draw, the more exotic particles you generate. The more exotic particles you create, the less that that area of space conforms to the laws of physics in our own space-time. It would be nearly impossible to control that."

"But the laws of physics are-"

"The best we have to go by, but that doesn't mean that our understanding is perfect. Trust me, exotic particles are game changers," said Harry.

"So do you have an idea of your own, or are you just here to shoot down the only plan we have?" asked Rodney.

"We use magic," said Harry.

There was another moment of silence. Harry was used to those.

"I do not understand," said Teyla.

"He's talking about the zero-point energy that his body generates," said Rodney. "Apparently there are people on Earth that call it magic."

"That's right," said Harry.

"It's a ridiculous notion," Rodney went on, "calling it 'magic'. I mean, any sufficiently advanced science, in this case, a biological process that performs advanced-"

"I know, Doctor," Harry said, derailing the man's tirade. "There's nothing supernatural about it. Still, not only does it seem that that's what most of it's users call it, it also amuses me to refer to it as such," said Harry, thinking of his relatives and their hate of magic.

"So, you want to shield the experiment yourself?" asked Doctor Zelenka, sounding dubious, and bringing them back on subject

"Oh, no," said Harry. "I'd say there's a good chance that would be suicide."

"The Tollans," said Rodney, snapping his fingers, "they created a mechanical analogue of you."

"Exactly," said Harry.

"I do not understand," said Teyla, "if the technology already exists to do this safely, then why are we here?"

"What I can do is very versatile," said Harry, "but it isn't very powerful. You never get much more back than what you put in, relatively speaking. It is that versatility that I propose we put to use."

"Fight fire with fire," said Rodney.

"Exactly," said Harry.

"I don't understand," said Colonel Sheppard, "how would a magical shield be superior to a regular one?"

"When I say that magic is versatile," said Harry, "I don't just mean as a whole. A single spell can accomplish a goal in spite of unforeseen obstacles. It can adapt itself to aspects of its surroundings that the caster isn't even aware of."

"And how quickly could we have one of these devices at the project site?" asked Colonel Caldwell.

"Well," said Harry, "I guess as soon as you can build one and move it there."

More silence.

"Of course," said Rodney, "the Tollans don't share their technology."

"And I don't share their technology either," said Harry. "I may not have accepted citizenship there, but that is one rule of theirs that I do respect."

The Tollans had offered him citizenship a couple of years back, with the stipulation that he accept Tollan laws. The offer had been tempting to Harry; Tollana had become his home. However, Harry could never accept the Tollan level of noninterference, which had come back full force after the war, so he hadn't accepted. It wasn't long after Harry's discovery that there was an Ancient outpost somewhere on Earth that the Tollans had put a cap on his education. Until Harry could leave lesser-developed races to themselves, they wouldn't help him do it. Still, Harry called Tollana his home, and at least so long as he did, he would respect their right to keep their technology to themselves.

"If you can't get us the technology we need," said Colonel Caldwell, "then why bring it up?"

"Do you mean we get to design one from scratch?" asked Rodney with a little excitement.

"What he said," said Harry, pointing at Rodney.

"We already know a lot about your physiology," said Rodney. "If we could just get you under a scanner or five, I don't see why we couldn't develop this for ourselves."

"I give you a month," said Harry, "probably less."

"Well good," said Elizabeth, "Rodney, I'll expect your proposal with what you will need in a few hours. I'm giving this project a green light."

"Will we still be going to the project site tomorrow?" asked Harry.

"Yes," said Doctor Weir, "I want you as familiar with that base as you are with your own ship." A tall order, considering Harry had designed his ship.

"Yes, Ma'am," said Harry.


Albus Dumbledore sighed wearily. He had more than enough on his plate right then, with both the beginning of another school year, and the up coming tri-wizard tournament. Yet Fudge still insisted on coming to him for all problems that turned up for the World Cup. It had almost skipped his mind entirely that, in a little over two weeks, Harry Potter would be fourteen. If he was still alive that was. There were times when Albus nearly lost hope of finding the boy.

Still, Albus wasn't going to give up. He still didn't know how much faith he put into prophecies, but he couldn't imagine that Harry would be done in by anything but Voldemort, unless Voldemort was killed first. He knew that Riddle was still alive, as he had long believed. Riddle had given himself away two and a half years ago when Albus had pretended to hide the Philosopher's stone under the Shrieking Shack.

Unfortunately, that had not been the last time that Hogwarts had been troubled by him. Only one year later, one of Riddle's Horcruxes had run amok in his school. Many of his students had been petrified, and one had been possessed and traumatized by the ordeal. Thankfully, her brother and his friend had figured things out and gone to Professor McGonagall, who had stunned the poor Weasley girl in the back. It was not before a student was bitten by a basilisk though, a poor young Hufflepuff second year.

Albus was feeling his age. He had promised long ago that no student would die at Hogwarts while he was headmaster, and he had failed. Of course, it had been a worthless promise to begin with; no one could assure the future. It didn't mean that he wouldn't do his damnedest to try. He would see Harry Potter safe, and Voldemort defeated. He only hoped that it wasn't the last thing he did.

And yet, what if Harry was not on Earth? As ridiculous as it seemed, that was what it all seemed to come back to, from the very beginning. Albus's own tracking charms had shown Harry leaving the planet. Then there were references to 'Sky Chariots' that Remus had found. Later, an attempt to translate certain hieroglyphics had led them to the writings of a man who many said believed that the ancient pyramids had been landing pads for aliens. At first glance it was all very absurd, but when one rules out the impossible, sometimes you had to accept the absurd. If it were true, then Albus had hit a wall as to what he could do to find Harry. The most powerful of Portkeys reached just past the moon, the most talented of scryers had never seen anything past Mercury. There seemed to be no recourse for finding someone who was off of the planet; at least, there was no safe one.

Thus, Albus was left with nothing to do but search on Earth, as he completed his many other duties. There was, Albus reflected, no rest for the weary.


After a day of being poked, prodded, and scanned, it was nice to take some time to star gaze, which wasn't to say that Harry knew any of the stars that were visible from Atlantis, or from anywhere in the Pegasus galaxy, for that matter. He was still content to lie out atop the slightly warm roof of the control tower.

Harry hoped that he had made the right decision in coming to Atlantis. Obviously, the Arcturus project was possibly the most important discovery in known history, but Harry still felt that he had left important work left undone. He still didn't know why the Sangraal was so important but he did. It was as though someone whispered the words to him every night as he slept. The idea was there, but he couldn't quite process it. It would come to him, some day.

"You know you're laying on top of a retracting roof, right?" asked a voice his perimeter alert had let him know was coming.

"Sure," said Harry, "but I'd know if it were about to open up. Plus, I'm thinking it has sensors for just this reason, being that you knew how to find me Colonel Shepherd."

"Fair enough," said the Colonel.

"And you, Doctor McKay, you're not here to poke more holes into me, are you?"

"Can't a guy just come to be social?" asked the scientist. Harry hadn't thought that social was in the man's repertoire. "Actually, I was hoping you could go over some of the data from the scanners with me."

Harry smiled. "Do you guys know any of the local constellations?" More than one person had complained about his tendency to change subjects suddenly.

"Um, Doctor Samuel found a catalogue of constellations in the hologram room," said Rodney, "but they aren't quite the same since the Ancients had left."

Colonel Shepherd got down a couple feet next to him. "The Athosians started coming up with some almost as soon as they got here," he said. "Jinto, he's a little younger than you named my favorite, the Puddle Jumper constellation," he said, pointing. Harry had to agree that it did look like the Ancient transport craft. "That one there is the warrior."

"I think the Nox are the only people I've come across that haven't named a warrior in the sky," said Harry.

"The Nox?" asked the Colonel.

"A highly advanced species in the Milky Way," said Rodney, who'd taken a seat on the low wall of the tower, "mostly isolationist and very pacifistic."

"I spent a few weeks with them after the war against Anubis," said Harry.

"They teach you any of their technology?" asked the Colonel.

"Nah," said Harry with a laugh. "They're worse than the Tollans. One of them, Lya, took me hiking in the forest though."

"Hiking?" asked Rodney, dubiously.

"It was an amazing experience," said Harry. "There are still times when I wish I were back there."

"Yeah, Rodney," said the Colonel, "there's nothing wrong with a good hike."

"Oh, I've had plenty of hiking experience, thank you very much," said Rodney, who must have been referring to his off world missions.

"So I've got to ask," said the Colonel.

"Yeah?" asked Harry.

"I get that you've got the whole goa'uld mind sucking thing going for you," the Colonel started.


"But still, how do you wind up out here?"

"Well," said Harry, trying to organize his thoughts, "when Sam and Daniel told me about-"

"Nah, nah, I get it; greatest scientific discovery of all time; power source of all power sources. But from what I understand, if you weren't out here, specifically, you'd be out there finding Ancient artifacts."

"He wants to know why you're not hitting on girls at parties," Rodney supplied. "Or going to football games."

"Among other..." the Colonel searched for the right word.

"Normal," Harry offered.

"...teenaged activities."

"First of all," said Harry, "I'm only thirteen, so, barely a teenager." The Colonel waved his hand dismissively. "Plus, I mean, there's just so much out there. It's more than even I could fit into a lifetime."

"Oh please," said Rodney, "even I went to parties." The Colonel scoffed. "What? You don't think I'm capable of going to a party?"

"No, I'm sure you are," said the Colonel unconvincingly. "But see, even Rodney McKay went to parties."

"Well then," said Harry, "I guess it's more than that really. Even now after I've defeated Anubis, I still feel like there's something we need to get ready for, another storm to weather, and it's not the goa'uld, and it's not the Wraith." He rubbed at his forehead.

"I'd say it's kind of narcissistic to put the fate of the universe on your own shoulders," said the Colonel, "but we're kind of the worst offenders."

"I wouldn't say-" Rodney started.

"Especially you," said the Colonel, somewhat forcefully.

"I can hardly help it if I happen to be the smartest person here," said Rodney.

"There, see?" said the Colonel.

"Still," said Harry, "I do a lot of normal person things."

"Oh please," said Rodney, "I don't think that word can describe you in any context."

"I wouldn't say-"

"Case in point," said Rodney, "you are the only person, probably in existence, who's clothing can literally and completely fail from a single glitch in programming."

"Hey, that only happened once," Harry protested. "Every new technology has its early stages where things like that are worked out."

"Say what now?" asked the Colonel.

"His clothes are half illusion, half advanced nanotechnology. If that anklet he's wearing runs out of juice, he's left with nothing."

"Why?" asked the Colonel.

"A lot of reasons," said Harry defensively. "It gives me whatever I need, so I can go from scorching desert to winter wonderland without missing a beat. Also, when I jump from place to place, if I'm particularly distracted, I can leave some or all of my clothes behind. This keeps that from happening."

What Harry didn't mention was that when Sirius had realized this, he had started setting up elaborate practical jokes that had the goal of causing Harry to jump away in surprise. Sirius had found it hilarious. Harry disagreed and had wound up threatening him with banishment to a world primarily inhabited with large cats. That had been the primary driving drive for Harry to develop the technology.

"Yeah," said the Colonel, "Rodney's got a point."

Harry sighed. "I know."


As Harry sat at the control chair of his ship above Atlantis, he felt an anxiety that he had thought left behind in his war against Anubis. It had been a long three months.

The Arcturus project had gone well; after the magical generators had been constructed, Harry had consulted with Sirius concerning the best shield spell to use. They had studied every shield that Sirius could remember, and found none that did what they wanted. Eventually, they had to combine aspects from various energy matrices to form a shield that had all of the aspects needed to change instantly at need, and stand up to any exotic particle. The experiment had been a success, and they were able to channel unprecedented levels of energy through it at its highest capacity.

On the other hand, Harry estimated that they were three years away from actually replicating the technology, say on Atlantis or Earth. Shipboard generators would be even further out. Still, Rodney was working on a way to power Atlantis from the Arcturus device, through the Stargate. It would be a way to power the shield and chair at full capacity in an emergency, and Rodney was always saying he was inches from finishing it.

It was an interesting project, but Harry had bigger fish to fry. He had expected to be in and out; take part in the greatest experiment of all time and cut. Harry had other priorities now though. It had started out small, Harry had seen a survivor of a Wraith feeding, and began working with Doctor Becket on finding a weakness in Wraith physiology in his spare time. Then he had been invited to accompany Colonel Shepherd's team to go to investigate an Ancient warship where, wonder of wonders, they had found actual live ancients in suspended animation. Living Ancients who wound up sacrificing themselves in order to avoid falling into Wraith hands. That's when the Wraith really became Harry's enemy, his priority. The situation in the Pegasus galaxy was so wrong, and Harry just couldn't turn his back on it. Harry began going on other missions, and lending the use of his ship.

Now, things had come to a head. At least some of the Wraith knew about Atlantis, and now intended to finally destroy it. Harry didn't mean to let that happen, and so with the Daedalus right alongside him, he sat ready to defend the city. In only thirty minutes, according Doctor Zelenka's estimates, the enemy ships would arrive. However, at that moment, two-point-three million light years away, Harry's name came out of the Goblet of Fire. Harry disappeared.

A/N: There you have it, the first chapter to the next leg of Harry's journey. I hope you enjoyed it, please tell me what you thought about it.