A row boat had been prepared after they had all changed into clean clothes. Caspian and Edmund rowed the boat through the lilies in the water as the others all looked around, unable to wait to see Aslan's country. Reepicheep stood up front in excitement.

"So what was it like? When Aslan changed you back?" James asked Eustace.

"No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't do it myself. Then he came towards me. It sort of hurt, but it was a good pain. You know, like…when you pull a sword from your foot."

Karen laughed and nudged him.

"You do have a sense of humor!"

He smiled and continued

"Being a dragon, it wasn't all bad. I mean, I think I was a better dragon than I was a boy, really. I'm so sorry for being such a sot."

"It's okay Eustace, "Edmund said, as they all smiled at him," You were a pretty good dragon."

"My friends, we have arrived," Reepicheep told them.

The two rowing turned and everyone watched the island before them. It was a sandy beach mostly. There was also a huge wall of water, apparently hiding more land behind it. The clouds showed a little bit of grassy mountains. Reaching the beach, they all climbed out of the boat. They began walking toward the wall of water, but stopped and watched it. Eustace was the first one to notice Aslan had come up behind them.

"Aslan," he said.

The others turned immediately and saw the huge lion that they were familiar with.

"Welcome, children. You have done well. Very well indeed. You have come far and now your journey it at its end."

"Is this your country?" Lucy asked, somewhat surprised.

"No," he replied," My country lies beyond."

Caspian looked over the water at the land behind before the water rose a little higher, blocking the view.

"Is my father in your country?"

"You can only find that out for yourself, my son," Aslan told him," But know that if you continue, there is no return."

The others watched as Caspian stepped forward and moved over to the wall of water. He reached a hand out and touched the water before retracting it and looking back at them. He walked back to their surprise.

"You're not going?" Karen asked.

"I can't imagine my father would be very proud that I gave up what he died for. I've spent too long wanting what was taken from me and not what was given. I was given a kingdom and people."

He walked over to Aslan.

"I promise to be a better king."

Aslan smiled at him.

"You already are."

Aslan turned to the others and looked at them seriously.


Lucy smiled, excited and ready to go to Aslan's country. But James laid a hand on her shoulder. She looked back and saw that the others had a different look from hers on their face.

"I think perhaps it's time we went home actually, Lu," Edmund said for them all.

"But I thought you all loved it here," she replied, confused.

Edmund looked back at Karen and took her hand. She smiled at him encouragingly.

"I do, but I love home and our family as well."

James took Lucy's hand.

"Our families…they need us."

Reepicheep suddenly cleared his throat and bounded forward to stand before Aslan. Taking off his feather, he bowed.

"Your Eminence, ever since I can remember I have dreamt of seeing your country. I've had many great adventures in this world, but nothing had dampened that yearning. I know I am hardly worthy, but with your permission I would lay down my sword for the joy of seeing your country with my own eyes."

It was suddenly somewhat sad to think about parting with Reepicheep, but the saddest of all was Eustace, who had gained a close friend out of the mouse. Tears were threatening to fall from his eyes. Karen reached over and put a friendly arm around the younger boy's shoulders.

"My country was made for noble hearts such as yours," Aslan smiled," No matter how small their bearers be."

Reepicheep smiled and bowed again.

"Your Majesty."

"No one could be more deserving," Caspian grinned.

"Well, I-"

"It's true," Edmund added, with a small bow to the mouse.

"We'll miss you," Karen smiled.

"You're the bravest mouse I think I'll ever meet," James added as well.

Lucy was choked up as she went over to the mouse. Kneeling down she gave him a sad smile.

"May I?"

"Well…I suppose just this one-OH!"

She picked him up in a tight hug, which he laughed and returned.

"Goodbye, Lucy."

Placing him down, she moved back to the others as Eustace came forward slowly. He knelt down as well, tears wanting to fall badly.

"Don't cry," Reepicheep told him.

"I don't understand," Eustace said," I won't see you again. Ever."

Reepicheep smiled up at his friend.

"What a magnificent puzzle you are and a true hero. It has been my honor to fight beside such a brave warrior and a great friend."

With a last bow, Reepicheep ran over to the water wall as Eustace stood up and moved back to the others. He ran to a waiting boat, which was on the water ready to take him to Aslan's country. Reepicheep unsheathed his sword and stuck it in the ground.

"I won't be needing this."

He pushed the mouse-sized boat out into the water before jumping in and rowing it up the water. He looked back one more time as tears freefell from Eustace's eyes as he stood once again with Karen's arm around his shoulders. Lucy was being comforted by James in the same way. He was soon gone from their sight and Lucy turned to look at Aslan.

"This is our last time here, isn't it?" she asked him.

Edmund put a hand on Karen's shoulder as she looked up at him, sadly.

"Yes, it is," Aslan answered truthfully," You have grown up, my dear ones. Just like Peter and Susan."

All those from England, except from Eustace, moved over to Aslan.

"Will you visit us in our world?" James asked as Lucy put a hand on Aslan's face.

"I shall be watching you always."

"How?" Lucy asked, crying a little harder.

"In your world, I have another name. You must learn to know me by it. That is the very reason you were brought to Narnia. That by knowing me here for a little, you may know me better there."

"Will we meet again?" Karen asked.

"Yes, dear one," he replied, looking over at her," One day."

Aslan turned to the wall of water and roared. The water suddenly created a tunnel for them. They all moved over to Caspian.

"You're the closest thing I have to family," he told them," And that includes you, Eustace."

The two smiled at each other.

"Thank you," Eustace said.

Caspian hugged Edmund first, then James, and Lucy. He hugged Karen last, which cause tears to finally fall down her face.

"You won't forget us now," she told him, letting him go.

"I could never do that."

"I wish I had talked to you more the last time I was here. We could have talked more, but you were only interested in Susan of course. You really are one of the best friends I've ever had, Caspian. Promise me you'll marry Lilliandial? Since you already like her?"

He smiled at her and gave her a kiss on the cheek.


She finally turned away from him to see Lucy giving Aslan a hug before James bowed to him. Karen went over and gave Aslan a hug herself. The four went and stood by the tunnel as Eustace lagged behind.

"Will I come back?" he asked Aslan.

"Narnia may yet have need of you," was the reply.

Eustace nodded his thanks and went over to the others. Aslan went and stood beside Caspian to watch them go. They all walked into the tunnel before looking back at the two they were leaving behind, most of them for good. The water moved together again before their eyes and before they knew it they were swimming upwards in water again, searching for the surface. They were suddenly back in the room that Edmund, Lucy, and Eustace had left from. Their clothes were dry and the water slowly decreased until it was all sucked back into a painting that lay on the floor of the room. Eustace's mom suddenly called up from downstairs.

"Eustace! Eustace! What are you doing up there? Jill Pole has dropped in for a visit."

They all looked around at each other. Edmund's hair was gelled back like he'd taken to wearing it recently, Lucy's and Karen's were both loose and everyone was back in their non-Narnian clothing. Looking around, Karen looked over at her brother with a smile.

"I guess Aslan gave us only one way back. I wonder what your parents will say when we leave, Eustace. And how cousin Eleanor will react when she sees us come through the front door from being home."

James smiled and the others laughed.

"Don't worry, my mom only just got home, I guess, and my dad doesn't notice anything if he's reading his paper," Eustace reassured her.

They all got off the floor as Eustace placed the painting back on the wall. As they left the room, Edmund kissed Karen goodbye, as she and James needed to head home. James also gave Lucy a kiss goodbye.

"I'll get to see you soon, though, right?" Lucy asked, hugging James.

"Of course. Every day if you wish."

"I'd like that," Edmund said, hugging Karen.

The three watched as the two left knowing full well that four years later, Edmund and Karen would get married and that three years after that, so would Lucy and James. And with that, the families would be forever merged by their love of one another and their desperate wish to protect the one they love till the day they die.