Sorry about the long time between updates this chapter has just been written and rewritten three times and I am still very unsure about it. Thanks so much for the reviews and support.

I do not own Glee

"Hey Bethie Boo bear!" Puck smiled as he saw his beautiful baby girl in her mother's arms. She was so cute in her hot pink sweatshirt and matching sweatpants, her crazy blonde hair tied into little pigtails. As Shelby placed the little girl in his arms he kissed her cheeks. "I missed you Bethie and so did Rachie."

Rachel looked on in awe as Puck held his girl tightly against his chest. "Hi beth!" She waved happily before wrapping her arms around her mother's waist and into a hug. "I hope you have a good time with your sister and girlfriends this weekend Mom. I want your mind to be at ease that Beth will be perfectly fine. If Noah or I need anything my fathers will be here and they have raised one little girl before so..."

"I know she will be perfect Rachel she's with you and her daddy." Shelby told her oldest daughter kissing her cheek "I want you to know that I'll be at the doctor's on Monday so I'll be home around three."

Rachel sighed in relief, so grateful that her mother was taking her advice to get everything checked out to make sure her body was in working order. Whether what happened while she was in the coma was a dream or reality Rachel wanted to make sure that if her mother did in fact have cancer they could catch it in time. "I love you Mom have a great time."

"I will you have a good time too and behave." She winked at her daughter and her daughter's boyfriend. Turning to Beth she kissed her baby's forehead "Be good for your sister and your daddy."


"Alright Daddy it's just you and your baby." Rachel smiled making to go up the stairs and into her bedroom to read when Puck stopped her. "Noah spend some quality time with Beth. I will be fine. I promise."

Puck sighed as he shifted the bouncing one year old to his left hip and wrapped his right arm around his girlfriend's shoulder. "Baby I want to spend time with the both of you and if we're going to be together forever we're both going to get used to this." Puck knew for certain that he wanted Rachel to be in his life for a very long time and if that meant her being a step mother to his daughter that was the way it would be.

Rachel smiled "It'll be weird for Beth you know ;her Dad and somewhat sister being together."

Puck shook his head as he sat down on the floor to let Beth squiggle and run around a bit. " She'll love you when she's older and our situation is very different than most." Puck stopped as Rachel sat down next to her and pulled her in close "All I know is I can't imagine my life without you...I want to be with you Rachel.

"I want to be with you too."

"Beth!" Rachel giggled as the little girl pulled on her ponytail and giggled in her face " You cannot pull on my hair you silly little baby."

Puck smirked at Rachel and took a very rambunctious Beth out of her arms "Are you being a funny little baby?" He asked blowing air on her belly." You have to be a nice little baby to Rachie sweetie."

Beth giggled and reached out for her sister wanting to pull on her beautiful long and shiny hair.

Rachel shook her head as her Daddy walked in and gave him a hug "I am not ready to be a mother Daddy."

Leroy smiled as he rubbed his flustered daughters back softly "Do you know how happy that makes your Daddy?" He asked truly ecstatic to hear that his daughter was not ready to be a parent and hoping she would hold back from exploring with Noah. "I am so glad to hear that my baby girl is not ready for a baby of her own." If Leroy had known that having a baby in the house was a great form of birth control he would have volunteered to babysit his coworkers babies much sooner.

"Daddy are you and Dad going to be here tonight?" Rachel asked looking into her father's eyes and pouting slightly.

Leroy was confused for an instant before he gave his baby girl a nod. "Dad and I will be here all evening but why are you asking sweetie pie?"

"She invited my Mom and little sister over for dinner to meet my little boo bear, or in my mother's case meet her again." Puck spoke up from his place on the floor where he was crawling alongside his baby.

"Are you going to cook sweetie or do you want me to call Dad and ask him to pick something up on his way home?"

"I think you should call Dad." She smiled as she nudged her father slightly "No one ever taught me how to cook."

Leroy playfully ruffled his daughters' hair and pulled her into his side " Well come on I'll teach you how to make some spaghetti sauce and meatballs right now." Leroy thought this would be a great opportunity to spend some quality time with his daughter and could not pass it up.

Rachel squealed in excitement before turning to her boyfriend and asking with her eyes if it was okay to leave him alone with his daughter.

Knowing that Rachel loved to spend time with her fathers Noah nodded and got up picking up Beth " You go and have some father daughter time while I do the same thing."

Smirking Rachel leaned up to kiss his cheek "I think that time needs to start with a diaper change." Rachel grabbed her father's hand and pulled him into the kitchen as Noah yelled for her to come back and help him change the very stinky diaper.

"So Ray of sunshine how are you doing lately?" Leroy asked as he stood with his daughter washing their hands, both wearing checkered green aprons.

"I'm fine Daddy. How are you doing?"

Leroy laughed and pulled a clean hand towel out of the drawer "Since when did we became distant acquaintances darling daughter?" Leroy asked pulling out tomato paste, tomato sauce, and all the other necessary supplies.

Rachel frowned and jumped up onto the island of their kitchen to help her father prepare dinner. "I am really sorry Daddy. I guess I have just been so busy with actually having friends and a new boyfriend, not to mention school and Glee. I mean the accident has really pushed me behind in my studies."

Leroy leaned down to press a quick kiss to the top of her daughters' head before handing her tomatoes to chop "I love you cub and I know you're busy...I just miss spending my days off with you sweetheart."

Rachel began to work cutting and dicing as she listened to her father talk about how much he really missed her. "Daddy I want to spend your days off with you too." She paused continuing to dice before she spoke again "Daddy you will always be my favorite person in the world and nothing will change that." Rachel wiped her hands on her apron and wrapped her arms around her father's waist "Lets start this tuesday."

Hugging his daughter Leroy sighed deeply; he doesn't know how he got so lucky as to have her as a daughter but nothing would change how deeply he loved her. "I love you baby girl. I would love to spend this Tuesday with you and nothing will make me happier."

"Great then it's a date." The pint sized diva smiled as she returned to her chopping "Come on Daddy we have to hurry Elaine and Natalie will be here in an hour and we have a meal to cook."

Leroy smiled brightly as he continued to cook with his daughter, he had the best daughter in the world.

Elaine Puckerman was a kind woman; a very liberal and very kind and loving mother. Elaine knew of two things, she loved her children more than anything and that accidents most certainly happened. Elaine herself had become pregnant when she was only sixteen years and while she wanted better for her son she never judged, not once. Elaine knew better than anyone that accidents did in fact happen.

"Hello Elaine." Leroy shook hands with the woman he knew not only from her position at the hospital but also from temple.

"Thank you for having us." Elaine smiled walking into the tastefully decorated home with her little girl latched to her hand. "I really hope it didn't put you out but Rachel invited us and I did want to meet Beth again."

Leroy shook the woman off and smiled at the little girl holding her mothers' hand "Hi Natalie how are you sweetie?"

The little girl smiled brightly showing off her toothless mouth "Hi Mr. Berry where's Rachel?"

"Right here." Rachel smiled walking into the foyer and leaning down to give the little girl a giant hug "Hi Natty you look very beautiful tonight." Standing up Rachel hugged Elaine "Hi Elaine so glad you two could make it for dinner. Noah is just upstairs waking up Beth and my Dad should be home at any moment."

"Rachel Breathe." Elaine giggled as she hugged the girl again rubbing her back softly "Do not worry about doing anything special for us we were going to heat a can of chicken noodle soup and crackers."

"Sadly she's telling the truth." Noah smirked as he walked down the stairs carrying a smiling and mewing Beth in his arms. "Hey Ma you ready to meet your granddaughter."

Elaine couldn't help the tears that prickled behind her eyes and threatened to fall. "She's so beautiful." She choked out as she looked at the little girl with crazy blond hair and deep brown eyes "She's got your nose Noah." She gushed as she took the baby into her arms and rocked her gently "Such a pretty baby." She cooed as she rocked Beth.

"Noah!" Natalie squealed as she jumped into her brother's awaiting arms "I missed you last night a lot." She told him in her cute little voice that made Noah melt on the spot.

Noah sighed and kissed the adorable seven year olds cheek "I love you Nat and you know that. I missed you yesterday too but I had to help Rachel take care of Beth."

"I know Noah but I just don't want you to forget about me." The little girl said sadly as she laid her head on his shoulder and sniffled slightly.

Noah felt his heart break at his baby sisters' words. To Natalie Noah was the closet thing to a father she had and he didn't want her to ever feel unloved or abandoned. That was the way he had felt when his father had left exactly eight years prior. " I love you so much Natty and no one will ever replace you in my life."

"Thanks Noah and you'll never be replicated either." Laughing Noah kissed her cheek and then wrapped a shoulder around Rachel's shoulders who had watched the exchange with wide eyes.

"Hello everyone!" Hiram exclaimed excitedly as he walked into the house. "Elaine and Natalie welcome." He smiled before giving his husband a chaste kiss on the lips and hugging his daughter "Let's eat!"

"Alright Beth's out like a light." Noah grinned walking down the stairs to sit with the others. "I never knew how hard caring for a baby actually was."

Elaine kissed her son's cheek "You are doing a great job Noah." She then turned to her little girl who was talking animatedly to Hiram and Rachel about the Beauty and the Beast "My little june bug it's time to get you home and into bed."

"I don't want to go. I want to stay with Noah and Rachel." The little girl cried as she clung to Rachel.

Elaine sighed heavily not entirely wanting to leave her son and granddaughter "Baby I need to get you in bed because Mommy has the day off tomorrow and that means were going to sleep in and I won't have a crabby little girl on my hands."

"Mommy please let me stay." The little girl cried as she jutted out her lower lip.

"Elaine please feel free to stay for the long weekend. We do have two guest rooms and while Noah and Beth have one you and Natalie should take the other."

Elaine loved the Berry men for this reason they were such open and generous people. "Oh we cannot impose on you two."

"Yes you can we love company." Leroy told her smiling "Hiram will get to make breakfast and you get to spend some time with your granddaughter."

Noah liked the idea of his mom and sister sticking around for the weekend. As much as he hated to admit it he always got a little homesick without his two girls. "Yeah Mom this is great just head home and get some stuff and then you guys can stay the weekend."

"I guess I'll be heading home to get some supplies." Elaine smiled pulling her little girl over to the coat rack to pull on her coat "We'll be right back."

Rachel had a bright smile on her face as she turned to Noah "This is going to be a very exciting weekend."