Hi! New update! As I'm writing this, the light in my room is flickering. It's really quite creepy.

Lily stood there, listening to his hurried footsteps travel down the stairs.

"Unbearably cute?" she said to herself. And she giggled. Really, who says this sort of stuff?

And she recalled what he's said about hiding under the Cloak.

' "It figures you would have an Invisibility Cloak. That's how you pull all your pranks. And hide from teachers. And from me."

He nodded. "Yeah, it's how I pull pranks with Sirius, Remus and Peter. And we hide from the teachers under it." '

She'd mentioned herself, but he hadn't. He doesn't hide from her because he likes her.

He really does. He even liked her when she was friends with Sev. His loud proclamations of love to her were real. He likes her. He might even love her. At least, he always said so.

Lily might not love him yet, but she was a hell of a lot closer that before.


Julia was sitting on the couch with Remus, waiting for James. Sirius was up in the boys room with the Map.

The Map. She still couldn't believe her cousin was smart enough to make that thing. Not that James was stupid, but... Well, never mind.

Sirius came down the boy's stairs.

"He's coming. He was on the Astronomy Tower with Evans."

Julia grinned. She was glad that James and Lily were getting along. Really, she didn't understand why Lily didn't like James. Everyone said Julia was James in female-form, and she and Lily got along wonderfully.

Remus rubbed his eyes. "I'll miss you tomorrow." He told Julia.

She squeezed his hand. "I'll miss you, too."

Tomorrow night was the full moon, and Julia always felt bad for Remus. Especially after what happened to her own little sister, Lucy. But before she could dwell on that thought anymore, the portrait hole swung open.


James nodded to his friends and cousin when he entered to common room. He didn't stop to talk, but went straight up the steps. After a moment, Sirius, Remus, and Julia came in. Peter was in the library doing mandatory tutoring.

Remus and Julia were standing close, and holding hands, as though it was their last day together. James was okay with this, because usually his cousin and friend didn't act like they were a couple unless they were alone. Just because they were in a relationship didn't mean everyone had to see. James liked this, because Julia was like his younger sister. Even though they were the same age.

"Hey Prongs," Sirius said. "You okay?"

James felt himself shrug. He'd lost the Quidditch Cup again. He'd won it before, but never as team captain.

Even worse, he'd made a fool of himself in front of Lily. Julia was looking at him curiously, and she seemed to guess.

"What'd you say?"

He shifted uncomfortably. "Um..."

James didn't really want to say in front of the boys, but they were his best friends. He'd been through more with them then anyone else. These men were his brothers. His family. He trusted them not to laugh.

This was a mistake. James knew Sirius didn't mean anything by laughing, but this didn't stop him from chucking his pillow at the boy. Sirius caught it in his mouth like a dog, and had Julia wrestle it away. She enjoyed it, being a dog person. But when she tried to return the now slobbered on pillow to James, he make a face and threw it onto Sirius's bed.

"James, I'm sure that Lily thought it was cute. I would've. Really, it was sweet."

He shrugged again. Padfoot's reaction had him worried.

Speaking of the dog, he began jumping on his bed. "Prongs! The Map! Lily! She's coming up the steps to our room!"

Julia jumped up and shouted "That's our cue! Come on, boys!"

She tried to go out the door, but Remus steered her away.

"No! That's where Lily is-"

A knock sounded outside. "James? Can we... talk?"

James grabbed Sirius and Remus, (and Julia, because Remus and her were still holding hands) and shoved them towards the bathroom door. Luckily, they got the hint and ran, locking the door behind them.

"Um, sure, Lily. Come on in." His hand jumped to his hair as usual, but this time, he tried to flatten it, not mess it up.

It was still a hopeless attempt.

She came in, and his breath caught in his throat. Nothing was different about her, but the room always seemed to light up when she walked in. She was biting her lower lip, and he thought about it again.

You're so... Unbearably cute.

He mentally smacked himself. How could he say something so stupid? Sure, he meant what he said, but that didn't make it any better! She probably thought he was an idiot. A stupid, sappy, cheesy, cornball, idiot boy.

"That was really sweet... What you said."

Or maybe there was still hope.


She walked to him, took his hand, and they sat on his bed.

It could've been a perfect moment. He could've said more sappy stuff, and kiss her, and everything would go swimmingly, and the would date for the rest of their Hogwarts days, and they would get married, and live where his family has for generations, in Godric's Hallow and have two kids, and live happily ever after.

But he thought about what he heard her say in her sleep.

"You still like Amos?"
She bit down on her lip again.

"Not... Not really. I mean, I know I used to, but now..."

He nodded his understanding. Teen crushes never lasted long.

Which is how he knew he truly loved Lily. Years, years, of telling her, years of shouting it down the halls, years of notes and cards, years of dressing up first years as cupid on Valentines day and making them sing to her for Sickles, and years of rejections... And he never gave up.

She was watching him think. It was fine with her, the silence. He was cute when he was think about something. And when he looked at her, his eyes seemed to get a shade lighter. Like she was bringing out his soul, and staring right into it.

Hazel eyes. What beautiful hazel eyes. His dark hair was perfect. It stuck up at the back, but he could pull it off. It make him look better.

She couldn't believe it. One time the boy sneaks into her room, and she seeing his soul in his eyes.

"Are you still going out with him on Saturday?"

He was looking so upset about the idea, it made her heart soften.

She thought before answering,

"I think I might have a fever that day."

He smiled.

Sorry about the weird stopping point, but I think that's a good sized chapter, don't you? Let me know what you think about Julia, I've been thinking about doing a story focusing on her. About her raising Harry. To see how his life would've been different if he'd been raised by a TOTALLY AWESOME Potter.

Okay, I know it's called Chapter 5, but... I really can't think of a name for this. If you can think of something, let me know.


Let me know what you all think! REVIEW! I COMMAND YOU! OR... OR I'LL EAT YOUR FAVORITE PILLOW! :D

(that was an empty threat.)