Spoiler Alert: Hmm. This Is The Start of A Prank WAR! LM and JS are in for it.

Disclaimer: Stephanie Meyer is the sole owner to these wonderful characters. I don't own a thing.

Chapter 3.

"Well…" Angela trailed off.

She had my fixed attention as she started to explain the events of last night.

"Before we left, we ate, we had some drinks and then Lauren and Jessica came by blessing us with their usual pain-in-the-ass visit. You went in to your room, leaving me to deal with them before you ended up clawing Laurens make-up-coated clown face."

I nodded, little flashes coming back to memory now I was more sober than I was last night.

"Then I finally got rid of them, though they snooped around like they normally do, looking for something probably to get us into trouble with. We finished our dinner and headed out to the taxi we'd booked in advance that would take us to the concert."

Again she paused, taking a breath.

"We got to the concert and we ended up at a bar in the VIP lounge, as we'd been lucky to get VIP tickets, thanks to me winning the competition I entered and us looking older than we are. We got served alcohol after the bartender guy flirting with you bought us our drinks. You had your usual coke and I had my usual J2o.

"The guys from the band then came out to greet and meet us, and Jasper basically made a bee line for you. It was amazing watching the two of you. As soon as he saw you it was like he only had eyes for you and no one else, and the same for you."

Angela chuckled.

"You made some of the girl-fans extremely jealous as you won the god of rock's attention and are not even a fan of his music. I still can't believe you said you weren't a fan to his face."

I shrugged.

"He asked me again when we woke up at the hotel room and said he was glad I wasn't one of his crazy-ass stalker of a fan and is okay with me not being a fan of his music. I don't dislike it and I don't hate it. They're good live, from what I can vaguely remember."

Angela's eyes bugged out.

"Well there blows my chances. Perhaps Riley is single…" A dreamy expression crossed her face. I snickered and raised my eyebrow.

"So what happened throughout the concert? I remember he invited us to stand backstage instead of in with the crowd."

"Yeah, then they invited us to the after-party, too, and we accepted the invitation. Well, I kinda begged you to, and Jasper persuaded you to go, too. This was the band's first concert out of the five they are playing in Port Angeles whilts they are on tour hear."

"Ok," I mumbled, a little confused. This wasn't what I was expecting or had visions of happening.

"What next?"

"Well... you and Jasper disappeared and left me with the guys. I got home to find you not here, so I just assumed and correctly thought you'd be with Jasper." A hint of jealousy in her tone of voice.

I knew she'd fancied him since she'd found out about the band a couple summers ago, but it wasn't my fault how things turned out last night. She was hoping to catch his eye, but he ended up making a bee-line for me and I apparently had just eyes for him too. I didn't understand it, it just happened.

Something just didn't add up.

"Okay, but I got a funny feeling about the whole Jessica and Lauren thing and I don't like it."

"Me too. I got a bad vibe from them when they came in."

I rose from the chair.

"We have an hour before lesson begins, I think we should do a room sweep to see if we can find any clues or something that's out of place," I suggested.

"Good thinking, B."

So we both did a sweep of the flat. As we were doing so, I sent my reply back to Jasper, and he sent one back almost instantly.

I'm coming over. I don't like this!

Uh oh.

Jasper, don't worry. I'll tell you if we find anything, B x

Maybe it was a bad idea, telling him what I'd found out…

There was a knock on the door and so I ended my search and went to answer it. Angela came too.

I opened the door and came face to face with Dumb Bitch One and Dumb Bitch Two. They both had looks on their faces, looks I didn't like the look of.

"What do you assholes want?" I asked out of sheer boredom.

Lauren smirked, that nasty little smirk of hers, her eyes glittering dangerously. Oh shit. I wasn't gonna like this, not one bit, by the look on her chubby cake-face.

My phone buzzed in my back jean pocket, but I ignored it, completely focused on the bitches in front of me. I asked them again.

"What do you want Lauren." I said her name like it was dog shit that I stepped in.

Lauren grinned an evil grin that I wanted to slap of her cake-baked face.

"Well, we saw you at the Furnace bar last night, looking very cosy with a certain rock star."

"Spit it out, Lauren, you look like a fucking toad about to burst from puffing your cheeks out and holding your breath for too long."

Angela had to hold back a choke and turned it into a cough; Jessica looked torn, struggling not to laugh at my words and keeping her bitch-façade up. Lauren glared daggers at me.

"I'd watch what you say Queenie." She held up her phone and waved it threateningly in my face.

"I've got photographic evidence on my phone and I'm not afraid to mail the photos of you and him to magazine companies. The media will be on to you like sharks tearing their meal apart and I'll just sit back and enjoy the fucking show…" She looked so fucking smug. I really wanted to get the baseball bat from my room and smash her cake-like gone wrong face in.

"WOW cake-face… Photographic is such a long and big word to use, I'm surprised you even knew it existed in that pathetic pea-sized brain of yours." I completely ignored what she said about the photos and shit. She was either being honest or saying shit to get a rise out of me, but I had a feeling she had photos and I was gonna get them off her before she had a chance to do any damage.

I wasn't even one hundred percent sure what me and Jasper were.

"Lauren…" I said in a deadly calm voice that most people knew was a warning sign, but not this dumb ass bitch cake-face.

"What?" She asked in a bitchy-snobbish tone.

"Did you or did you not spike mine and Angela's food or drinks last night when you and your pussy standing next to you came in to our dorm."

Laurens eyes widened in shock for a split second but long enough for me and Angela to notice. It was a long shot, but I had to give it a go. I heard a gasp from behind me and knew it was Angela. She had seen Lauren's reaction as well. Good.

"You are one fucked-up whore Lauren. What did you put in our food?" I advanced slowly towards her in a calm but threatening manner.

Lauren, the stupid bitch, shrugged it off and said, "It was getting boring around here and you two are always Miss Perfects, so I thought I'd have a little fun myself and watch what happened when little Miss Perfects get high."

Right, that's it.

"You've no idea what you've just started, bitch." With that I slammed the door in her face.

PELASE READ: Thanks to lanna missunshine pointing something out to me.
I've changed the bit about Weed and it's not gonna be weed, that Lauren spiked there drinks and food with but something else I haven't figured out what yet...
ANY IDEAS? On what I could use? That isn't drug related.

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