DW: I don't know why I am starting a new story but, I do plan on finishing Death Note.

This story takes place in the early 1900's leading into the 1920's.

There will be a little groping and lustful talking in this chapter.

This may go to a M rated story later on when we get into some things. K?

Disclamer: I dont own TDI

Courtney wrapped her coat tighter around her thin frame to shield herself from the brisk wind of the Chicago weather. She approached the Theater, that was already crowed with people already. Courtney's cold, black, eyes scanned the area for him. She pursed her lips tightly, "Don't do this" she mumbled to herself.

A tight hand grabbed her waist and pulled Courtney's body closer to them. Warm breath was on the back of Courtney's neck. "I hope I didn't keep you waiting," the deep voice said. The lips that belonged to the voice starting to kiss and nimble on her neck and collar bone. Courtney swooned and sucked in the cold air. His lips were warming her neck, quiet nicely. Courtney turned around in the man's arms and caught his eyes.

She kissed him on the mouth, gingerly.

"Can we get through with this?," she asked.

The man nodded and took Courtney's hand from her coat pocket. He kissed it softly before leading her into the Theater. Once inside the warm building, Courtney unbuttoned her coat to reveal a red sleek and sexy dress. The man eyed her hungrily and pursed his lips. tightly. "You love to torment me, dont you?" he said looking away from her.

Courtney smiled a little, "I thought it would fool the guards more easily".

He pulled her by the waist so that she forced to be just inches from his mouth. "It just makes me want to drag you into a corner and snatch off that little thing."

"All in goood time, darling".

Courtney pulled herself away and walked into the Theater alone.

Her lover had disappeared into the shadows. Courtney took a seat in the fifth row from the back of the Theater. She took off her coat and laid it across the seat next to her. Her eyes scanned the other seats around her to see if their little plan was working. Several lustful eyes were watching her as she sat down and crossed her legs.

As the show was about to start, Courtney smelled the warmful male musk. Her eyes shifted to the seat to the right of her, and her gaze landed on a young man in about his early twenties. His features were dark in the fading light of the Theater. But, Courtney saw his wide, bright, smile. "I heard that this was a wonderful play," he said.

This was the man.

"Yes, Shakespear is one of my most favorite playwrights," Courtney turned slightly in her seat.

The man smiled and extended a hand, "I'm Charlie".

Courtney glanced at the hand, but didn't extend hers out to shake it. She looked Charlie straight in the eyes and gave him a small smile. "No you're not".

"I-I'm sorry?" Charlie was confused.

"You said, 'I'm Charlie'," Courtney explained, "Which is implicating the fact that you are the only Charlie in America. When in fact, you are not. I know a Charlie Winslow from New York city. He was a sleezy old man, who couldn't keep his hand out from under women's skirts. Trust me, you are not the only Charlie".

Charlie's face had shock written all over it, but he quickly regained his smooth composure. "I love a woman who can put a man into his place. I find it rather sexy. And, what is your name, darling?"

"Courtney. Courtney Cross".

Charlie took Courtney's hand and kissed the back of it gently. "Pleasure is all mine."

The lights in the Theater went down then and soon, Charlie became a dark figure next to Courtney. Thoughtout the beginning of the play Charlie would whisper things to Courtney. Thinking that Courtney wouldn't be able to understand Shakespear's complex concepts. When in fact, it was quite the opposite. Courtney understood just fine.

Between acts, there was a call for intermission. The lights came back on and the curtain closed. Courtney grabbed her purse and stood up. Charlie's eyes scanned her body as she stood up to go past him. "Excuse me, Charlie".

Charlie stood up to let Courtney past and she noticed how his hand just "accidentally" swiped her lower back. "Are you running away from me?" Charlie joked. Courtney shook her head, "I'm just going to freshen up a bit".

Courtney started up the aisle, following the crowd. When she got of the Theater, she found herself heading towards a dark hallway to the ladies room. "What idiot designed this?" she questioned out loud. Courtney heard footsteps behind her, she knew that it was Charlie. Things were going as planned.

Courtney finally found the restroom and after she was done and reapplied some makeup, she exited the restroom and started to walk back to the Theater. She rounded a corner, when a pair of hands grabbed her top half of her body and pulled her agaisnt a wall. A strong chest was budding up agaisnt her. Hands were clasping at her sheer dress.

"It took me a moment to figure out who you were," Charlie's voice was low and husky. His hand traveled down to the end of Courtney's dress. He laughed darkly, "Cross? As in Cross Railroads? Your family is something like millionaire's, huh?"

His hands flew up under her dress and started to rub her thighs. Charlie's lips began to kiss and suck on Courtney's flesh. Courtney had to admit that she was a bit caught off gaurd. "You shouldn't be doing this. Not here!" Courtney said, trying to sound desperate.

Charlie's hands slid under her bra and started to caress her breasts. Courtney groaned lightly and she tried to push him away. Where was he? Courtney knew he had to watching the whole thing. He was probably enjoying this himself.

Charlie kissed the nape of her neck while traveling south with his hands.

Courtney sighed in lust and fustration, "I know who you are too" she said breathlessly. He was kissing her lower stomach, while his hands were still moving across her chest. "Charles Mason. In the daytime you work as a architech. At night, you run illegal alcohol scams. I could rat you out to the police".

Charlie ceased all his movement and looked into Courtney's eyes. "You think they'd listen to a smart mouth woman like you. No matter how beautiful you are. I know you pay off cops, so you and your girls can keep carrying on with your illegal business". His mouth left stinging kisses all the way up to her ear, where he whispered, "Whoring".

Courtney's eyes flickered opened at the mention of that. From the corner of the darkness, she could see him watching. "That bastard", she thought. Just as Charlie was about to tear off her panty-hose, Courtney heard him sputtering and choking. Charlie's hand gripped on her tight, as he collasped to the floor.

Courtney kicked him in the shoulder to make sure he was dead.

As she straightened her dress out and fluffled her hair, the killer came out.

"Enjoyed the show?" Courtney asked grimly.

"I was wondering how far he would go". The dark shadow came over towards her and took her waist in his hands. He started to kiss her neck and throat, "You are a wonderful little actress and theif" he said, biting her neck gently.

Courtney rolled her eyes and shrugged him off. Reaching in her clutch purse, she pulled out Charlie's wallet. "What do we say?" she asked, smugly.

"Give me the damn papers, darling". He snacthed the wallet from her and searched through it. When he found the papers he was looking for, he threw the wallet onto Charlie's lifeless chest. "Can't you use his soul?" Courtney asked.

"It's worthless to me."

Courtney shrugged, "Shall we go and watch the rest of the show?" Courtney started to walk out of the dark corner.

"Duncan?" she called.

He was still standing there, his blue eyes burning into hers.

"Phantom?" she tried.

Slowly, Duncan walked over to her and kissed her on the lips.

"I'll see you tonight," he said, before fading into the dark once again.

Courtney sighed, and went to watch the rest of the play alone.

DW: So, what do you think?

Are you guys getting the concept sorta?

Want to hear more?

PS- Please go and review on my story in the Yugioh section. Its called, Breaking the Already Shattered Dragon.