A/N: I couldn't sleep this morning so figured I would do something useful.

Did some Xmas shopping this morning and off out to the Panto with my friend tonight, so just feel like spreading a little christmassyness, even if slightly randomness :P

Secret Santa

Chapter 1: The Idea

Imogen Drill looked around the staffroom at the sceptical faces of her colleagues.

"Sorry Imogen dear, can you just explain it again? I'm not sure I totally follow" Amelia asked as she reached over for the biscuit tin praying that no one had been counting just how many she had had. "What exactly is this Santa Secret?"

"Secret Santa" Imogen corrected her, racking her brains to try and find the most simple way of explaining, for the fifth time, the concept of what she proposing.

Setting her cup down on the slightly chipped saucer, she cleared her throat.

"Its perfectly simple: we each write our names on a small piece of paper, fold it up, place them in a bowl or something similar and mix them up and then we each draw a piece of paper and whoever's name is written on it, that's who we give a little gift to."

Surveying their faces she noted: Amelia was giving the idea some serious thought, Davina looked ready to burst from excitement and was kicking her legs up and down in the same way a small child who had been placed in a toyshop and told they could choose anything they wanted would, and Constance – well she was just Constance: totally unreadable as usual, but Imogen took a guess that it was more than likely she wasn't very amused with the idea.

And she was right.

"Witches don't celebrate Christmas Miss Drill" Constance stated in matter of fact tone, which Imogen could have sworn was dripping with disdain. "Aside from that one vital fact there are a whole host of reasons I could think of as to why this frivolity is preposterous."

"I know Constance but its just a little bit of fun, you know get into the festive spirit, spread a little joy, season of goodwill and everything …" she trailed off under the intensity of the glare she was receiving from the tall witch and prepared to mentally switch off from the tirade she was no doubt about to launch into.

However before she could even begin, Amelia had spoken, Constance was sure she too was going to dismiss the idea.

"It sounds like it might be fun" she meekly admitted.

"WHAT?" Constance practically screeched before mentally scolding herself for her use of colloquial language. "I mean are you sure this is a good idea Headmistress?"

"I think it's a wonderful idea, Amelia exclaimed, it'll be lovely to bring some joy into the castle."

"Believe me Miss Cackle, there was more than enough joy in this castle last week", here she shot a glare at Davina.

"It wasn't my fault that some of the girls snuck into the staffroom and stole some of my special magic punch!" Davina pouted. Why did Constance Hardbroom always make her feel like a child about to be told off for doing something wrong?"

"Oh really?" Constance remarked sarcastically: "Who left the bowl lying on the desk for every witch and their cat to see? Hmm? Who left the staffroom door wide open? and who-

Sensing she would soon have a full blown argument on her hands that would lead to Form Two being short of a Chanting Teacher after lunch break, as Davina would have locked herself in the stationery cupboard and refused to come out until she was given copious amounts of fruit salad and cream, Amelia decided to intervene "Ladies please" she said camly, upon them taking no notice she tried again, once again to be drowned out by the bickering in front of her.

Deciding enough was enough Amelia banged her hands on the table, wincing a little as the pain reverberated through them "WILL YOU TWO PLEASE STOP ARGUING!"

Almost at once they stopped. – Amelia rarely ever raised her voice, though they continued to shoot evil daggers at one another. Well Constance did, Davina was trying, unsuccessfully, to imitate Constance's glare.

"Thank you, Now as I was saying Imogen I think its wonderful idea" Imogen beamed at this news, looking like all her Christmases had come at once, whereas Constance looked like she had just been told it had been cancelled, in fact if it had she might have looked more pleased. Well as pleased as Constance Hardbroom could look.

"So are we all agreed?"

Imogen and Davina nodded, and looked towards Constance who was pursing her lips wearing the don't mess with me look "very well … if I must" she muttered.

"Oooh goodie" Davina shot from her chair like a rocket and headed to the stationery cupboard to retrieve some paper and some pens, and her own special pen which had a witches hat pen topper ( a free gift from Hags & Horrocks: if you saved up 6 tokens from their Cauldron Noodle Soup range and paid for the postage costs) and raced back over to the table for fear of missing something important.

They each wrote their name down on the pieces of paper, folded them up and looked for something to draw them from.

"What about this?" Imogen asked, picking up the empty biscuit tin. "Where did all the biscuits go? There was nearly a full packet in there this morning.

Amelia's cheeks had a tinge of pink to them as she brushed the crumbs off her jumper as nonchalantly as possible and attempted to change the subject.

"Now …"

With all the papers now in the tin, Imogen shook it about to mix them up, before offering the tin to her colleagues to pick one out.

"Now has" – Imogen was cut off by Davina's squeal of delight.- "as I was saying has any one ended up with their own name or do we all have an other?"

"Well I have – NO! Davina that's the point of secret santa; you don't tell her" Imogen kindly said.

"How do you know it's a her", Davina eyed Imogen suspiciously,"it might be a him."

No one said anything but Imogen could have sworn she saw Constance smirk even behind the cup of tea she was drinking and mutter something along the lines of ' its like 'Guess Who' all over again'. Imogen smiled fondly at the memory of the incident involving the children's game.

Just with that the bell, signalling the end of lunch break and the beginning of afternoon classes went, the sounds of hob nailed boots clumping along the corridor brought the discussion to an end.

The four women each stared at the slip of paper in front of them wondering where to start.

A/N:Thanks for reading, oooh and I have no idea who has who and who will get what, as I've not decided yet tee hee :)