Originally posted: Dec 16th, 2010

Revised and Re-Posted: Jan 6th, 2011

Please see Author's profile for links to additional notes for this and other chapters.

*Author's note revised Feb 9th, 2011*

For those of you just starting on this story, I'd like to take a moment to say a few things. First off, thank you for choosing to read SFA. What started as a one shot some two months ago has grown into a story far beyond the scope of its original vision and without readers like you (and hopefully more then a few reviewers as well) I'm not sure my inspiration alone would have been enough to accomplish that. Knowing that the occasionally awkward collection of words I've spent hours putting together are being read by someone else has helped me get through those bouts of writers block that all author's are prey to, those of you who've taken the time to let me know what you think have helped even more. Feedback is like a gift from the gods themselves and always appreciate, good or bad.

Secondly, while this story is at its heart a Faberry tale, it comes with a few caveats. As much as I'd love for it to happen, as far as this story is concerned Quinn and Rachel are friends at best. The love-y fun fun couple time happens in my other story "Why" (for which this story serves as a prequel). I hope you still take the time to read this story first but understand if you don't and in all honesty skipping this story shouldn't adversely affect your enjoyment of "Why". Also this story has a very slow build to that friendship. The better part of the first dozen chapters are chock full of Brittana, wobble back and forth between Finchel and Fuinn (Hubray? Fabson?) but are pretty thin on Faberry (unless you read between the lines).That said, this chapter is fairly self contained so even if you read no further (and you might as well read this far, you are here after all) I still think those of you that ship Faberry will enjoy this story in the end.

Than again, I might be just the littlest bit biased.

Thank you again. :D

Disclaimer Time, Disclaimer Time!

Glee, the characters of Glee along with associated events, locations and miscellaneous extras are not mine. They belong to the fine folks at Fox and I have no affiliation with Fox beyond being a fan (of some) of their programming. My use of the characters, locations, events and miscellaneous extras of Glee are in no way authorized by Fox and I make no income at all from these works. They are intended only as a sign of appreciation and are presented for public consumption only to spread the Gleek love.

Enjoy :D

Chapter 1

Know Thy Frienemy

September 30th, 2010 (Beth +114)

McKinley High, Cafeteria, 12:37pm


"Berry." The recently reinstated Head Bitch In Charge replied without lifting her eyes from the glossy pages of the magazine laid across her lap.

"You lost Manhands?"

"I'm well aware of where I am Santana but thank you for your concern."

"I wasn-" The Latina cut herself short when Quinn lifted a hand from the magazine between flipping pages.

"What do you want Berry." The blonde asked with generous disinterest dripping from her words.

"I was hoping to ask a favour... in private."

"I always knew you were a giant lesbo treasure trail but aren't you setting you sights a little high not to mention clearly delusional. My girl doesn't bend that way."

"And we should know. We tried hard enough"

"B!" Santana censored the blonde on her other side.

"What? We did. Remember that time, just before coach Sylvester found out Q-bear was preggers, she had us try to learn that new routine and Quinn was all baby fat and couldn't stretch far enough no matter how hard we tried to help her?"

"Yes, well..." Rachel interrupted, her eyes taking in the seemingly unperturbed visage Quinn continued to present throughout Brittany's little sojourn through through double meaning-ville. "While the favour I wish to ask for is private it is not sexual in nature so thankfully Quinn's preferred gender choice for intimate partnership will not be an issue." a sound of a soft breath being taken filled the brief gap between the brunette's soliloquy. "Neither will my own as, for the record, I am decidedly heterosexual not that I would have anything to be ashamed of if I was homosexual. My Fathers ar-"

"San, why don't you take Brit to get us some waters while I deal with our little guest here."

The dark haired McKinley high cheerleader raised an eyebrow in silent question at her squad captain.

"The sooner you go the sooner she can can tell me what she wants and the sooner I can send her annoying flat ass packing."

Santana nodded, not entirely satisfied with the explanation. That didn't stop the cruel grin that spread across her lips as she caught the diva's hands reach back to smooth the cloth of the short pleated skirt covering the backside under discussion. "C'mon B, Drink run."

Brittany looked up from her hands which had happily rubbing her tummy for the last few moments "I thought you said we weren't allowed to drink at school."

The grin Santana had shot Rachel quavered as her eye's dropped to her girlfriend' pushed out stomach. "Water run B, Water run." she clarified, grabbing the blonde by both hands as she pulled Brittany to her feet.

"Oh. Okay then. Hey can we-"

Whatever else the third cheerleader said was lost as the duo disappeared into the milling crowd of nearby students.

"So," Quinn prompted a silent Rachel after several seconds of awkward silence followed the departure of the other cheerios, "you gonna ask me this favour or what?"

"Yes." Rachel's hands moved back around front as she spoke, the fingers of the left scratching the palm of the right self consciously." As you may know the drama club, which you may also remember I am a member of, is planning to perform Romeo and Juliet this season and while not a musical, despite my many suggestions to the rest of the drama society on multiple occasions since the school year began, it is still an excellent play which should provide ample opportunity for me to practice my general stage cra-"

"Point Berry." an exasperated Quinn said, lifting her eyes to meet the other girl's for the first time since her intrusive arrival.

"Yes... sorry." Rachel flashed a brittle grin before taking a quick breath. "The thing is, as sure as I am that I will be cast as Juliet there is one minor issue I must address before I feel I could give the role my very best."

"Let me guess. Your face? No, your voice right?"

Quinn's eyes dropped back to the magazine still splayed across thighs freed of pregnancy weight by a summer's worth of single minded dedication to the task, apparently missing the flicker of hurt that stained the other teen's dark brown eyes.

"Perhaps I should find someone else to ask." said Rachel as she turned to leave."

"Berry, You've already wasted my time. The least you can do is tell me why."

"Very well." Rachel replied in a voice so calm it had to be artificial as she took a step closer then leaned as close to Quinn's personal space as she dared, dropping her volume to a surprisingly low whisper for someone infamous for never keeping their mouth shut longer then five seconds. "I... I'm afraid of heights."

"So?" Quinn demanded, making no effort to match the Brunette's decibel level "That's all? That's why you've been talking my ear off for the last 20 minutes?"

Rachel's back straightened as she retreated back to a safer distance. "It was hardly 20 mins Quinn. In point of fact it has only been 3 minutes and 47 seconds precisely since I started speaking with you."

"Whatever." Quinn dismissed Rachel's correction. "What does your phobia have to do with me?"

"As I'm sure you're aware, there is a rather famous scene in Romeo and Juliet-"

"You mean when she poisons herself. Relax Berry, I'm sure half the school will come just to watch you do that scene alone."

The stain set a little deeper. "... I was, of course, referring to the balcony scene."

"Whatever." Quinn turned flipped the page to the sound of tearing paper which hung in the air between them until the blonde added, "That still doesn't explain what you expect me to do about it."

"I was hoping for some advice. I've seen you and the other cheerios perform a-"

"Really?" Quinn asked in genuine surprise, her head snapping up involuntarily so she could study the other teen.

"Yes." Rachel replied, her eyes dropping down to examine her argyle top. "As I was saying," She continued while brushing a stow-away from the garment, "I have seen you perform and you seem to have no difficulty with heights. It was my hope that you could offer me some advice on the matter."

"I'd love to."

"Really?" This time is was the smaller girl who head jumped in shock.

"But I can't." Quinn said, ignoring the way the poorly suppressed blend of hope and incredulity dropped from Rachel's features. "Heights never bothered me Berry so I never had to get over them. Quinn explained with every intent of ending the conversation then and there so she was startled when she heard a voice suspiciously like her own add, "When I'm up there I'm not afraid I'm... free. It's like the whole world melts away until there's just me and the wind in my hair and the moment and... What?"

The last was in reaction to the broad, brilliantly white smile beaming at her.

"Nothing." Rachel replied, belatedly trying to hide her grin with little success. "I just never realized how much we had in common."

"Have you been smoking something Berry?"

"No of course not." Rachel defended, the remains of the grin replaced instantly by an admonishing frown. "You should remember from my lectures that smoking is not only unhealthy in general but damages one's vocal cords and I would never do anything to risk my voice."

"Then what makes you think we have anything in common. You're nothing like me." Quinn's eyes narrowed as she spoke, the last few words frosted with her habitual superiority.

Impervious to the chill, Rachel riposted. "But I am Quinn, what you just said about how you feel, about being free. That's how I feel when I'm on stage. The whole world melts away, no worries, no fears, nothing but warmth of the stage lights on my face, the pulse of the music rising up from the floorboards, filling me up from the inside until it's just me and the moment."

The blonde held Rachel's gaze for several seconds before turning back to her magazine.

"Whatever Berry. Can't help you."


"That means you can go now. Preferably before someone thinks we're talking, or worse, that I'm actually friends with you."

Quinn's disparaging comments stormed the battlements of the grin repainted across Rachel's lips only to be utterly defeated. The diva dipped her head in both nod and farewell before turning to leave.


"Yes Quinn?" Rachel paused in her elated retreat.

"...Good luck."