Disclaimer: Not mine

Chapter 11

"Hello Dean." He greeted and the hunter turned, hand going for his gun before his eyes widened in horror and shock. "No need for weapons, I am simply here to talk."

"Lucifer. I won't let you take Sam!"

"I have no intention of taking him. Sam is useless for what was planned, as I told him. He is one of mine now."

"So what do you want?" Dean asked warily, thankful no civilians were around.

"Sam said I could have anything, that he would do anything as long as I saved you. I have come for my payment." Lucifer smirked, he loved toying with humans.

"And that is?"

"You." Dean actually froze in shock for a second before aiming his gun.

"Never." He snarled and Lucifer laughed.

"Oh Dean, you came so close in Hell to being one of mine and while Castiel did an admirable job patching your soul back together it will never fully heal while you live. In fact, it would be far easier to simply re-brake it. I don't know why you are saying never."


"You are human, mortal. Easy to kill. How long until you leave Samuel alone for eternity?"

Dean swallowed, it was something he worried about all of the time. "So you want to what? Make me a demon so we can be together? What's in it for you?"

"I claim you as one of mine and Heaven, therefore Michael, loses you. Something they do not want." Lucifer circled him, reminding Dean of a shark or wolf.


"You are Michael's True Vessel and a strong soul. A champion of humanity." He sneered.

"So you turn me and what? What then?"

"You do as you please."

"Even hunt other demons?"

"If they are dumb enough to gain your attention why would I want them?"

"There has to be something else."

"Perhaps. But you have my word you and Samuel will be together for as long as you exist. And it isn't like you have a say in this, Samuel already agreed when he called on my aide."

Dean's gun lowered and then dropped from shaking hands as he stared at Lucifer. A demon, him? He was terrified and yet to stay with Sam…. "I…"

"Just relax Dean." And then Lucifer had an arm around his back, pinning him in place even as a hand came to rest over his chest. And then Dean screamed.

Sam smiled when he got back to the room and found Dean asleep in their bed. He kicked his boots off and threw his jacket aside before sitting on the edge of the bed and putting a hand on Dean's shoulder only to frown. "Dean?" He called and gently rolled him onto his back. Dean was sweating heavily, skin flushed with fever even as his eyes moved restlessly beneath the lids. "Dean!" He shook him and Dean simply flopped limply. He gently pushed an eyelid up only to recoil in shock before taking a deep breath and doing it again. Normally green eyes were covered in a darkening film. He went to Dean's bag and shakily pulled out a bottle he usually avoided before carefully putting a single drop on Dean's bare arm. It sat harmlessly for a few seconds before the skin began to gradually redden so he quickly wiped it off. "Dean please wake up. Come on." He urged, slapping his cheek lightly and Dean moaned. "That's it, come on please." Ever so slowly his eyes fluttered open. "Dean?"

"S…" His head lolled on the pillow.

"Hey! Come on, stay with me. What happened?" Sam urged, terrified. Was Dean possessed? But the tattoo should stop that. And this wasn't like any possession he'd seen.

Dean was burning but the sound of Sam's terrified voice reached him and he struggled to focus, Sam's face finally coming into focus above him. "S…amm…y." He slurred. It hurt so much, like the rack but even worse. His soul was burning. He convulsed in pain and Sam held him down, whispering reassurances. "L…. luci…pay…ment." Then everything went black.

Sam fumbled to check his pulse, relieved to find it. He stared at Dean's unconscious form even as he began to shiver, fever turning to ice cold chills. He remembered feeling like that…when he had changed. And what Dean had said, Lucifer and payment… was this his fault? All because he asked for help? "I'm sorry, so sorry. I never meant for this to happen." He reached for his phone and shakily dialled. "Cas? We need you please, it's Dean." He begged and a second later the angel was there and moving to Dean's side only to recoil in horror.

"Sam? What happened?" He demanded.

"I don't know! I got back and Dean was here but burning up and now he's freezing. I managed to get him to wake up and he knew me but…. he managed to say Lucifer and payment. He…. his eyes Cas."

"Dean is changing Sam. I can't stop it this time."

"This time?" Sam demanded.

"He broke in hell Sam. I was able to put him back together mostly but now his soul is breaking and changing."

"He's becoming a demon? This is my fault, if I hadn't begged him for help finding you guys…."

"Then Dean would most likely have been broken by Heaven to say yes to Michael. You did what you did to save us, Dean knows that. Sam you have to stay with him, talk to him. You have to give him something to hold onto. He hasn't had demon blood in him all his life like you."

Sam stared at him in horror, realising what he meant and then he was pulling Dean into his arms, rocking him gently before kissing his forehead. "I'm here Dean, I've got you. You just have to hold on, please Dean." He begged. Dean stayed limp in his arms but Sam knew if this was anything like what he had gone through then Dean could probably hear something, even if it was just his voice and no words. "If…if Dean isn't like me…"

"You won't have to kill him Sam, Dean wouldn't want you to have to carry that." The angel assured him and Sam nodded, tears slipping down his face.

"You kill me too Cas. I…without Dean, I can't…please." He pleaded and Castiel stared at him before slowly nodding. He didn't want to kill either of them but he knew Sam could not live without Dean, not now. Sam still held some humanity but without Dean how long would it last?

"I will leave for now; it is you Dean needs. Call me once he wakes." Cas offered and Sam nodded so he left.

Sam tightened his grip on Dean and leant down to kiss his lips softly. "I know you can do this Dean, you're a fighter. You can't leave me, not now. I love you Dean. Please."

Dean groaned, trembling in Sam's arms. He was barely aware of anything, the pain consuming him but Sam's voice was a low, comforting buzz in his ears and he tried to hold on to it. Ever so slowly his eyes fluttered open, revealing more black than green, unfocused and rolling as he fought to keep them open. "S…...a…."

"It's okay Dean, I've got you. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere. Just like you stayed with me through this. You need to try and focus Dean, you have to remember. Please don't give in, don't be like them." Sam kissed him and felt Dean try to respond but barely. And then Dean began to seize and Sam held him tightly, continually talking to him, reminding him of all the good things in their lives. Finally the seizures stopped and Dean lay in his arms, eyes half open and totally black. Sam kissed his lips, his cheeks and forehead, fighting tears. "I've got you Dean, not much longer now." He whispered, hoping that was true. "Please Dean, please be alright. I love you, I can't live without you." He curled around him and pulled the blanket over them, burying his face in the back of Dean's neck as he cried before slowly falling asleep, emotionally exhausted.

Awareness came slowly and he stiffened as he felt the more powerful demon holding him down. He whimpered, curling smaller, not wanting it to notice him. Powerful demons were bad, he had to get away, he had to…Dean's body jerked in Sam's arms, startling him awake and he instantly tightened his grip even as Dean shook.

"It's okay Dean, just ride it out. Please." Sam whispered as he held Dean until it stopped and Dean sagged in his hold. "Dean?" He called hesitantly and black eyes slowly blinked up at him. "Can you hear me?"

Dean swallowed, everything hurt. He felt so strange but he knew it was Sam holding him, calling to him and he lifted a hand to place it over Sam's, why did he feel so weak. "Sammy?"

Sam nearly sobbed in relief as Dean moved to touch him and then finally spoke his name. "I'm here, I've got you." He ran his fingers through Dean's hair and he sighed, leaning into his touch.

"Wha….what happened?" He asked, trying to remember but everything was foggy.

"It's alright, just gotta call Cas and let him know you're awake." He grabbed his phone.

Dean frowned in confusion. "Cas?" Who and then he cried out in pain, curling to shield his eyes and then he felt Sam's hands covering them.

"Cas!" Sam snapped and then the blinding light was gone and Dean blinked, trying to see. "It's okay Dean, just close your eyes till they feel better." Sam soothed and Dean leant blindly into his touch.

"Dean." Another voice called and Dean curled even tighter into Sam. Who…he didn't know them, did he? Something…something was familiar. He whimpered in distress and Sam gently shifted him, holding him close.

"Shh Dean, just relax." He kissed Dean's eyelids and Dean sighed, slumping against him.

"Dean do you know me?" The voice called again and Dean slowly turned in Sam's arms to face it, blinking away the spots of light from his vision. Castiel fought the urge to flinch away from the black eyes Dean now bore as the new demon stared at him. "I won't hurt you Dean." He whispered, Grace concealed, he should have thought of that before, instead of hurting Dean when he was already vulnerable.

Dean licked dry lips and swallowed and then the stranger was holding out a water bottle. Sam took it and placed it to his lips so Dean drank thirstily. He then looked at the man again, he had glowed before…why…Grace…. angel…Castiel…. "Cas." He whispered and Cas smiled.

"Yes Dean. It is good to see you awake."

"Awake? What…I don't…Sammy?" Dean stared at Sam, confusion evident even with black eyes.

"It's okay, don't force it. How do you feel?"

"Confused, tired." He admitted and Sam went back to stroking his hair.

"You were…. attacked Dean. May I check you are alright?" Castiel asked and Dean glanced at Sam before nodding nervously. The angel slowly approached and then sat on the edge of the bed, he touched Dean's forehead and he went limp, unconscious. Sam tightened his grip even as Castiel gently searched Dean's soul. Finally he sat back and looked up at Sam.


"He is still Dean although more changed than you. His demonic instincts are stronger and many of his early memories are hazy, some gone fully. He still loves you." The angel answered and Sam slumped in relief, rocking Dean.

"Thank you, thank you." He whispered and Castiel smiled.

"Let him sleep Sam. He is still in pain from the forced transformation."

Dean got out of the car and looked around nervously, moving to Sam's side even as the front door opened and a man emerged. It was Bobby and Dean tensed slightly, worried. Sam took his hand and squeezed gently. "It's okay Dean, he accepted me remember?" Sam whispered and Dean nodded.

"Dean?" Bobby called, walking towards them and Dean nodded again.

"Hey Bobby."

"You alright boy?" That got a small shrug and finally Bobby was in front of them. He stared into currently green eyes and then Dean was being pulled into a hug and he clung to the hunter.

"I'm sorry." Dean whispered.

"It's not your fault boy. It's not yours either Sam." Bobby said before Sam could speak up. "You did what you had to. Come on. Stocked your place with food."

"Thanks." They took their things into their addition and Dean relaxed. Bobby watched them, seeing how Dean stayed close to Sam. Castiel had explained what had happened to Dean and it hurt to know both boys were now demons but he would never turn them away. They were his boys.

They tag teamed the demon and it fought back viscously but it was no match for them and was soon pinned down telekinetically by Dean even as Sam reached out to kill it. "You won't get away with this." She snarled and Dean chuckled darkly.

"Yeah we will, see Lucifer doesn't care. If you're dumb enough to get caught, he washes his hands of you. You got caught." He smirked and she shrieked before convulsing. Dean released the girl and they called an ambulance before leaving. They simply vanished from the warehouse and reappeared in their bedroom, falling onto the bed together. "That was fun." Dean grinned, eyes green again and Sam laughed before kissing him.

"Very fun." He purred, hand stroking Dean's side under his shirt and Dean shivered. "Love you."

"Love you." Dean answered, relaxing back on the bed. Sam moved to straddle him, pushing Dean's shirt up and off before yanking his own off. After nearly a decade of them living there Bobby knew better than to come over without calling first after seeing way more than he wanted several times. He had finally fully retired from hunting and only researched for others, sometimes with help from Castiel who still stopped by. Michael and Lucifer had never appeared to them again which they were very happy about and seemed content to just annoy each other without dragging the earth into their arguments. Life was good and they had no complaints. They got to do what they wanted and loved doing and now they could do it forever.

The End.