PLEASE READ! I had to write this essay for a literature class, just a little ditty so I re-formulated it to form this...
So I propose a challenge, if you can guess either the secret Isabella tells them, or ten of the twenty-five words I had to use, I will write a short story on your request, either a drabble or one like my other one-shots, pretty much any paring.
You can send it as either a message or a review (p.s. I love reviews), and I think I will write at least a drabble for all the people who answer correctly, I will write the answer in about a month.
Oh Disclaimer, I do not own Twilight, but I can bring Caius to his knees in my stories.
Isabella has been discovered by the Volturi, as a human knowing of their existence, and she is found to be Caius' mate, she is taken before the women after showing no connection to Caius, despite his deep love for her.
When Edward had left her, she found out a secret about herself, one no one would have suspected...
Tears ran down her face as she stood there, in the middle of the room, the women's teacups held in their dainty hands as they looked at her, she felt the wound to her pride as she admitted to this dark secret. The girl waited amongst the women to be admonished, for her surprising confession, for her to be called a charlatan of Isabella.
It was a moment before the two women regained their bearings, Sulpicia first.
"Child," she said but then paused, "Isabella, you must know of the arrangements between you and our brother in law," circuitously avoiding the true meaning of her adverse statement, her voice blithe, masking the severity of the situation.
She still stood, chagrin coloring her cheeks, "Well, all women know, that marriage is not about feelings on either part, rather the appearance of an heir," circumspect in her answer.
"What you say, is true," Didyme said, but she advocated for her sister still, "but in this case, all the marriages will devoid of that aspect, surely you may maintain an affable relationship, if nothing else?"
"I may emulate you as you are with your husbands," Isabella bit her lips for a moment, rolling the flesh in a desultory fashion, "What will that do, though, but give him hope for what may never be?"
"True," Olivia interjected, "but you act as if this endemic behavior does not yield any results, as if your problem is not chronic in all but a few lucky matches." She smiled viciously, but the other women stared at her, angered she offended a woman they held in high regard. She was bitter from the battle that left her husband and estate in ruins, though she only had a fondness for him, she enjoyed spreading her malcontent like a murderer enjoys tormenting their victims.
"Be gone, harlot!" Sulpicia scowled, "you have long fallen from court, be gone! The women's enclave has ordered it!" even gentle Didyme jutting her chin out in anger to the woman, the aesthetic detail so out of line for gentle Didyme. Olivia glared, fleeing the room when Jane hissed at her. Still, the debate continued.
"Ignore her, Isabella," Sulpicia said, her voice hiding the weary feeling her body held, the girl nodded, and then she continued, "But you know that he will treat you better than any other, he will be neither boorish nor bombastic to you, Caius is as much of a gentlemen as Aro and Marcus."
"But he will be disappointed when his devout emotions cause him to have to ignore the boisterous parade of those I chose over him, for fear I should suddenly deviate from my proffered inclinations and chose a man over him, " she said, her voice hard, seeing no empathy in those listening, she was showing them the bourgeois answer as they ignored the long set traditions in front of her.
"You, Isabella, shall have to solve this enigma as you encounter it," Sulpicia said, finally stopping the dexterous dance they had tried to use to woo her to their side, "for nothing shall stop the three once they have an idea."