Author's Note: It's come to undivided attention that I still do need to make things clear on this story. :/ Sadly, I didn't think I'd have to anymore. Especially since I'd put these Author's Notes before in earlier chapters. There's nothing, but maybe a little grammar, wrong with my story. Yes, I did research on Eton. I know what the school is like. But no, I have no idea what England's like, since appaarently I don't live there. I've lived in other places, but not there. Okay, I understand I should have went into more extensive research on my other findings, but I made Eton a girls and boys school. Why? Because it's called fanfiction for a reason. (:

I know people want to give constructive reviews, I understand that. I love each and everyone's reviews, maybe not all the same, but I do. So, when you direct me into the RIGHT direction, I'm gladly happy for your help. For the other's who just want to hurt someone's feelings, I do not accept you. Fanfiction is meant to be fun, meant to be what you create. It's so creative writers can spring to bloom with their writing- to ever see if it can go anywhere. Writing is not my number one thing, that's why I don't focus solely on it. But when I do write, I do it to show how passionate I am about a show of mine. Sometimes I go against the rules in a show to prove my point- or in a book even. I don't always go by what's in life or on the show. I am very creative when I want to be, I come up with my own ideas.

No, I'm not taking anyone's review down. I never meant to do that. I don't give construtive reviews that often because sometimes they do hurt. Even when you know for sure you've messed up. I've not looked over this story in quite sometime, I'm sure there is mega mistakes in this, I have no doubt in mind about that. I've improved as a writer since this, by the way. English classes do help. So does spell check and all that good stuff.

So, before you go taking someone's story under mega constructive critism, make sure they're not having fun first. Because obviously I was. (: This particular didn't bother me that much, but before I got another one, I figured I should make this clear once more. For all the other reviewers who love my work, I'll be back soon for you all. I promise the next few ones will be much greater than this, by the way. If you don't like my stories, you don't have to read them or even leave a review. Please, don't take my story that I'm just trying to have fun on.

I love the rest of you w/ every part of my being. I'll be back soon and I'll be looking for all of you.

Thankies for reading this. (:

