First off I am really really sorry for not updating in like 6 months. You can scream at me or flame or whatever you want. I will take it. I was really busy these past 4 months doing school work and working in my part time job. But that shouldn't be an excuse. So sorry. But now that it's summer I will write more frequently.
But I love you guys. Even while I was gone you still supported me and stayed with me. I love you all! You guys are what left me feeling guilty and made me write this chapter. As long as I make people happy with my writing I will keep on writing.
Anyway sorry for the long author's note and I will let you read the chapter.
Poll: In & Out =4 Wendy's= 3 Chick Fil-A= 2 Mcdonalds= 1
I myself like Subway and Chick- Fil- A
Chapter 4
Katie's Pov
"Who's there?" I heard Travis say.
"It's me, Katie. Travis where are you?" I said
He got out of his hiding spot and walked over to me.
"What are you doing here?" Travis asked me.
"What am I doing here? What are you doing here? Why are you in the middle of the woods?" I asked, angry that he would ask such a question.
"This is where I go to think about things," he said gesturing to the area around us.
"And what would you be thinking about today?" I said even though I think I knew the answer.
"Nothing, I'm just here to relax today," he said with an innocent face. Gosh he's good at lying.
"Well I know you're lying Travis. I know what you're thinking. No, I don't like Connor like that. I was dared, and I did the dare. Is that bad?" I told him not even wanting to play that game. I just told him point blank?
"Yea it's bad! You were making out like you wanna go at it!" Travis said, his voice rising.
"You're the one who wanted to go with Connor to the game!" I said. My voice was rising too.
"Stop changing the subject. Why did you enjoy that!"
"I never said I ENJOYED IT!" I said. We were both basically yelling at the top of our lungs at each other now.
"But I know that you enjoyed! I can tell!" He said with pure anger.
"So what are you now, a mind reader? And why do you even care so much!" I said.
With that he stopped. Just looked at me and I was looking right back. He then looked away. He turned to go but I wouldn't let him go off that easy.
I ran off and grabbed him by the arm.
"Travis, I'm sorr- "
"Katie, just stop."
He turned to look at me with eyes of determination but yet with also sadness.
"You know why I care so much? It's cause, it's cause, I-I love you…"
I was in utter shock. He loved me? But before I could say anything back, he turned and ran away from me.I tried running after him but I couldn't catch him. That's when I realized. I had chased him, now I can't find him. Where am I supposed to go?
I was in the middle of the forest at night with no one with me. Anything could come and attack me at any second and I would only have the protection of my knife that I kept by at my side at all times.
I walked around the forest, looking for a way to get out. I didn't have any maps with me and I don't visit the forest often. So I was basically stuck. I considered the idea of making camp, but I thought of all the bad things that could happen overnight.
So I kept that idea as a last resort idea.
That's when I saw something. It was just a slight movement, but it was definitely there. I quickly took out my knife and got in ready position.
I observed everything around me. The sounds, movements, smells, everything. That's when I saw it…
It had huge red eyes staring right into me. The monster was huge period. His feet were as large as a doorway, his body was about the size of my cabin, and the other part that was the most disturbing. He was fat. Really fat.
He tried to grab me but I quickly dodged it. Knowing I was outmatched, I ran. Ran as fast as I ever had in my life. But he was faster. He quickly lurched for me and grabbed with his large, fat hands. I did the only thing I could've done at that instant.
Travis POV
I was strolling out of the forest now after my confrontation. I didn't know what was happening to me and Katie. I was just really mad and let my emotions go. But I said I loved her. And It was true. I truly did love her.
I had feelings for her. The day I saw her, my heart skipped a beat. And once I got to know her, I started truly having feelings for her. She was not just another crush to me. The other girls I just hit on was because they were hot. But Katie… She was hot and had a good personality. I knew I probably shouldn't have yelled at her and ditched her.
She was now in the forest alone with no guidance. I ran back into the forest to look for her. When I heard something. I heard Katie's voice. Calling for me.
Now she needed me.
End of Chapter 4
YES I KNOW I KNOW. Terrible chapter. And for that I'm sorry. I rushed the pace way to much, and I didn't detail the story enough. But it was all I can muster up for now. I will try and update again later in about 2-5 days. Cause I basically know what's going to happen with the rest of the story.
Now you can flame this chapter if you want to, it's a flameable chapter, but also don't forget to mention in those flames what I can do to fix my writing. Of course some of you may like the chapter (hopefully). So review review review and you may just get another chapter later.
Time for the poll. If you had 1 day to spend 1million dollars on something/somethings, what would you spend it on? Leave it in the reviews and I'll read each and every one of them.
Well, cya.