What happened when Daine and Numair get cell phones….

I own only the plot and not Tammy's awesome books.

One day Daine and Numair were eating at McDonalds and Daine said, " Why don't we get cell phones at that Sprint PCS place?"

" Great idea!!! HEY EVERYONE, MY LITTLE DAINY IS A GENIOUS!!!!!" Numair yelled. " Lets. But let me finish my Big Mac first." Numair said,

" Ooh! We can buy each other cell phones for engagement presents!!! HEY PEOPLE, ME AND MY NUMY-POO ARE GETTING EACH OTHER CELL PHONES 'CAUSE WERE ENGAGED!!!" Daine said, holding up her hand and showing everyone her HUGE diamond ring in a platinum setting.

So they both finished their lunches, and then went to get cell phones!!! " Nuuuuuumy- Poo!!! I like this one!!!!!!" Daine held up the cell plate for her phone. Big surprise, it had animals on it.

"Come here, my little Dainy. Ill buy it if you want it."

So Daine had her animal plate and Numair got one with lightning on it. Then Daine went to the forest and Numair went to the palace, so they could test their phones. Daine dialed Numair's number and he picked up." Hello Numy poo. "

"Hello Dainy."

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"I love you"

"I love you too"

And it went on for hours until they said good bye.

"Good bye Dainy!!"

"Good bye Numy Poo."

"You hang up first"

" No, you"

" No, you"

" No, you"

" No, you"

" No, you"

" No, you"

" No, you"

" No, you"

" No, you"

" No, you"

"Ok, I love you bye"

"Love you too, bye."


"Good bye Numy Poo."

"You hang up first"

" No, you"

" No, you"

" No, you"

" No, you"

" No, you"

" No, you"

" No, you"

" No, you"

" No, you"

" No, you"

And so on until the animals and the palace peeps got really annoyed and took the phones away.

A/n: I wrote this in 10 minutes. Don't sue me.