-Main Pairing (s): – Axel x Zexion, Demyx x Roxas
-Secondary Pairing (s): Luxord x Larxene
-Notes: This fanfiction contains yaoi/shounen ai and hetro, which means that it contains boy-boy and boy-girl love, between Axel and Zexion, Demyx and Roxas and Luxord and Larxene from Kingdom Hearts. If you do not agree with Yaoi/Shounen Ai and Hetro then please click that wonderful thing I like to call and back button and leave the page.
- Usual Thing: I don't own any of the characters, nor the games of which they come from, just the plot of my fanfiction.
-Please comment this, otherwise I will just assume it sucks.
If you would have asked me five years ago 'Where do you think you'll be when you leave school?', I would have most probably said dead or at least attempting to end my life in some tragic way. A little extreme? Maybe. But my life at school was hell, I was attacked on several occasions by Marluxia Clark (a gender confused prick) and a mute due to the abuse I had received during my time in a children's home.
I wanted to run away from the life I lived, hide from everybody and keep myself to myself without being pestered by nosey bastards trying to poke their noses in where they weren't fucking wanted. That is, of course, until Axel popped up into my life and continued to be the most irritating person I had ever met in my life. But I loved him with everything I had because of that fact and I would never change my decision to stay with him.
It was our last year of college when Axel got down on one knee and proposed to me in front of Demyx and Roxas, who were pulling overly dramatic faces at the scene. At first I had thought he was joking and therefore…I punched him in the face for humiliating me.
After a trip to the hospital (I had broken Axel's nose by accident), he explained that he wasn't joking and that he probably should have done it in a more romantic way. If you have ever had your trousers fall down in the middle of a shopping center, you'll know the embarrassment I felt. I said yes and we made love several times on the sofa, despite Axel's occasional wincing because of his broken nose.
When we both turned twenty years old Axel suggested to me another proposal, this time a proposal that didn't turn into a hospital trip as well. He had found a flat whilst he was visiting his brother in Midgar and had already made a deposit on it, which pissed me off a little because we had been saving for a wedding that wasn't going to happen for at least a few more years. But I ignored my irritation and agreed to it, one of the best decisions of my life Axel was.
When we had settled down in our small, but cozy flat, Axel decided to invite our friends over, including somebody I never thought I would ever be friends with after my school experience.
Larxene had become one of my closest friends, despite the fact she was practically glued to Marluxia's side during school. I had gotten to know her a little more and although she was extremely opinionated and a little bit of a bitch sometimes, she actually wasn't that bad to hang around with and she could be as charming as the next person.
When our friends had arrived at our flat, we shared drinks as a celebration, the alcoholic kind though I didn't particularly like alcohol all that much because I knew what it did to people after living in a children's home for years.
However, as I looked around at people drinking, I noticed that Larxene was just staring into it with a confused expression on her face and I also saw a hint of fear in her bright green eyes. When I asked her what was the matter, I was a little shocked to see a shy blush appear on her cheeks and she put her glass down before placing two hands on her stomach, telling me instantly what was wrong.
"I'm pregnant," she smiled weakly and my heart raced for a completely different reason before I could catch myself.
Whilst everybody made a fuss over Larxene's announcement (especially Demyx who kept on rubbing Larxene's stomach and cooing at it), I stood in the corner of the room with my hand over my heart gripping my t-shirt as my eyes stayed wide. I couldn't believe what I was thinking…Axel would never…
"Whose the dad?" I heard Roxas ask and I looked over my shoulder in time to see Larxene smile warmly.
"His name is Luxord, he's been my partner for a few years now," I was happy for her to have found somebody she loved enough to have a child with them, though I knew all too well that pregnancies didn't turn out that great, my faith was reaffirmed that day that there were people in the world who actually wanted their children.
The next day I spent the entire time standing by the window looking out as it rained (typical) heavily, my eyes following the raindrops as they raced to the bottom of the glass, something I used to do as a child…stupid isn't it?
I had been so wrapped up in my own thoughts that moment that I didn't even noticed Axel walking over to me, I only reacted when I jumped at the feeling of his arms snaking around my waist and his head resting on my shoulder with that annoyingly seductive curve of a smirk upon his lips.
"What are you doing over here by yourself, Zeku?" he asked placing small kiss on the side of my neck and I blushed slightly, my hands staring down to where Axel's were sitting on my stomach.
"Axel," I breathed and slowly turned in his arms so I could look up at him in the eyes, "it's great about Larxene huh?" I said laughing forcibly as I said something completely different as to what I actually wanted to say to him.
"Yeah, it's nice she got her happy ending," Axel chuckled tilting his head as I stayed silent and I saw his red eyebrows knit together in a frown, "is everything alright?" he brushed my long fringe out of my eyes and placed a kiss on my lips to try and sooth me.
I sighed as he pulled away too quickly and licked my lips, "I'm not sure," I replied quietly and placed my hands flat on his chest.
If you've ever had to sing in front of five thousand people by yourself, you will know that nerves will just burn inside your stomach until you get it over and done with, that's how nervous and scared I was at that moment looking into Axel's emerald eyes.
"I want to be a dad,"
Least to say that we spent the rest of the day looking up baby adoption and how to do etcetera, Axel had told me that he also had been thinking about being a dad as well, he was just too worried to tell me in case I wouldn't want the same thing which sent me into a fit of laughter because I would have never imagine Axel to be one for nerves taking over what he wanted.
A few weeks later we wrote up our application and sent it into the Adoption agency, it was possibly one of the most terrifying things I had ever done in my life because I knew that once I had sent in that small piece of paper, I could become a father a few months later. And that's why I spent the next few days sitting by the phone like an eager puppy wanting to go out for a walk, I could wait for that phone call telling us that we had a baby.
Sighing heavily, I gazed at the phone for what seemed like the longest, few minuets of my life with my fingers digging into the soft sofa arm. Axel was beside me with his arm wrapped around my waist as if he was secretly telling me to calm down.
"Zexion," I blinked and flinched as I noticed how sore my eyes were, I hadn't even realized that I hadn't blinked for the passed hour and a half. When I looked up I blushed slightly as Axel quickly moved his face up to mine and his lips pressed against my slightly parted ones.
His kisses still gave me to inferno in my stomach, people say that when you settle down with someone that magic goes away inside of you…every single one of them are liars and clearly have never found the right person if the magic has disappeared from their relationship. Axel made everything spin whenever he kissed, touched or made love to me.
"That phone will never ring if you keep on staring at it like that," Axel laughed when he pulled away and I whined at the lack on contact before running my fingers over his tattoos, frowning as Axel smirked cruelly at me.
"What?" I nearly snapped feeling a little annoyed that he did that whenever I was trying to be close to him.
"You always do that," Axel replied softly and grabbed my hand gently as my fingers continued to stroke his tattoos, "I never thought I'd like something so…romantic," we both cringed slightly, "but I really do," he continued and although I would never admit it, I secretly loved the romance that happened between us.
"Good," I mumbled as I avoided his eye contact, trying not to blush like a woman more than I already was, but failed miserably as Axel nuzzled his face into my neck placing kisses there which made me moan lightly.
"Oh come on," the voice startled me so much that I almost head-butted Axel as I jerked my head backwards to look up at Roxas and Demyx who were just shaking there heads at the display.
Why on earth Axel thought it had been a good idea to give them a spare key to our house…I'll never know, but I wanted to kill him for doing such a stupid thing. 'But it'll be useful when he go on holidays, they can check on the house for us', stupid man, I remember telling him that a house was in fact something that didn't live, therefore didn't have veins or a heart like a human did and I explained that it would only be useful to give them the damn key if we had a pet dog or something.
"Shut up," Axel chuckled placing a kiss on my forehead before pushing himself away from me which pissed me off incredibly as he had aroused me and now I was going to be fidgeting in my seat for hours on end until bedtime.
"Oh that's nice," Demyx pouted playfully as he and Roxas sat down on the couch, Roxas in between Demyx's long legs as they cuddled a little like me and Axel were except Axel was stretched out completely on the sofa and I was laying down in between his legs after finally being able to control myself… a little.
My eyes fell to whatever Roxas was holding in his hands and I tilted my head a bit as I pressed my head against Axel's chest.
"What's that?" I asked feeling awkward when everybody turned towards me and I shuffled backwards a little more into Axel who just chuckled deeply into my ear and hugged my waist tightly.
"Well you kept talking about how your Manga got published and I hadn't read it yet, so I went out and bought it," Roxas explained holding up a copy of my Manga Dragon Eyes and I blushed darkly, I hadn't wanted any of them to read it as I didn't think the storyline was particularly great and my drawings could have turned out a little better than they did.
"Roxas," I whined and I jumped slightly when the phone rang out in the hall, which made Axel move away from me, and I pouted as he left the room but not before winking at me, dickhead, "why did you buy it?" I sighed and rubbed my forehead in frustration as Roxas continued to grin at me whilst waving my book around so I couldn't escape him.
"Because I wanted to see what kept my buddy locked up in his room for months on end," Roxas replied with a smile that made me blush even more, "it's great Zexion you really shouldn't doubt your abilities as an author and a mangaka," Roxas pointed out and Demyx nodded in agreement.
"You've clearly obtained your mum's talent," Demyx's words made my heart flutter a little and I smiled slightly as I thought of my mother Aqua, I had always wanted to know whether or not she would have been proud of me for what I had achieved and what I had gotten through in the passed ten odd years of my life.
"Thanks," I murmured, I still wasn't very used to accepting compliments and it still irritated me when I was given them because I just couldn't see whatever the hell they apparently see in me.
"My…god," I jumped a little as Axel returned with the phone tightly gripped in his hands, his knuckles white and his eyes were extremely wide as if something had frightened him and I immediately stood up, my hands cupping his face.
"Are you alright?" Demyx asked from behind me as I continued to search Axel's angelic eyes and I nearly shrieked out in surprise as Axel's lips came down hard upon my own, startling both myself and Demyx and Roxas.
"Axel!" I shouted as I managed to pull away from him and I sucked in a deep breath before snatching the phone away from him, "what the hell/ was that?" I snapped and blushed slightly as Axel put his arm around my waist and made me face Demyx and Roxas who were looking a mixture of both confusion and amusement at my obvious flushed state.
"That was the adoption agency," Axel said in a shaky voice and my heart skipped several beats, Axel's lips pressed against my cheek tenderly catching a tear that had magically appeared on my cheek, "we're getting a baby,"
I had to hold my hands over my ears and steady myself as Demyx and Roxas shrieked and threw themselves at both myself and Axel, I could hear my fiancé yelling in a muffled voice as Demyx squeezed him to death in his arms whilst I stayed completely still and silent in Roxas's as he hugged me close.
"I'm…going to be a dad," I whispered as my eyes met Roxas's and he nodded causing his blonde locks to fall into his eyes and I felt a surge of excitement suddenly shoot through me, "I'm going to be a dad!" for the first time I actually made the effort to be the one throwing their arms around my friend's necks and grinning wider than I had before.
It was only when I turned towards Axel and saw him smiling at me as I stood before him that I knew that I was going to be alright with our child as long as he was right beside me helping me along the way.
Out of everything in my life.
Axel was the greatest gift I'd ever received.
Sorry that the epilogue took so long, I couldn't upload on here but now I have a laptop everything works *dances* I hope you all enjoy this as I adored writing this fanfiction with everything I had, it's extremely personal and took a lot for me to upload it. But I love the response it has gotten. I love you guys :)