For those of you that don't have me on your alert's I've gotten a Twitter to keep up with everything and everyone so come find me (at) PandorasFF
I also got a blog because one of my stories was deleted without any warning making me extremely sad and more than a little paranoid. My blog will consist of all of my stories once they are Beta'd as well as a few incomplete projects in hopes that some positivity will give me the oomph I need to complete them
I also just got an account at AO3 and will start posting over there as well once I figure out the logistics.
My account is under PandorasBoxIsHeavy so come find me over there too :D
And last but not least if you haven't checked out my new story Southern Comfort it's already 25 chapters in and on my blog as well
See yah soon lovelies
XOXO Ashley
I will delete this message in a couple of days I just wanted to give everyone a heads up with what's going on