AN: Alice and her family are humans. Bella, Leah and the rest of the pack are werewolves.

Werewolves are supposed to be men, so when a woman turns into one 'man parts' are add to her body. To make it clear, I'm a woman, I'm a werewolf and I have a penis.

It happened two years ago when I was 17 and just before my graduation in high school; I had noticed that I was growing, way too much, I was so fucking tall and I felt so strong. Then one night I felt my body unbereably hot like a had a 45ยบ fever and so it happened; the second later and even before I could think straight I was turned into a big wolf. I freaked out of course and it took me a while to finally calm down, when I did so I returned to my human form and there it was; hanging form between my legs; a huge fucking cock and a damn sac.

I obviously didn't sleep that night, and early in the morning went to talk with Jacob my best friend I was sure he was going to help me somehow. When I told her what happened last night he immediately called Sam and the others and they told me everything about wolves and the whole story. I was surprised to see Bella was one of them too, of course she'd always be hanging out with Jacob and the boys but I would never have guessed. Anyway, I was happy that I wasn't the only girl on the pack, and with a dick.

It wasn't easy for me to acept that I was never going to be the same again but after a few months I got used to and learned to acept my destiny.

I've met Alice a year or so after I've become a wolf when she and her family; Carlisle her father, Esme her mother and Edward her old brother moved to Forks. Her father was the new doctor in our small town and at first I didn't understand what they were doing here because man, that family had money. But later Alice said her father was looking for some peace and didn't do it for the money; well it was pretty clear.

Their house was practically a mansion leave apart their expansive cars. Anyway, I've met my Alice on a beautiful sunny day. Her bother was pretty close to Jacob - and I mean really close, they were dating in secret - who invited them to spend the day with us.

When I first saw her I swear I almost had a heart attack! God she was beautiful, so tiny and delicate. Her long light brown hair shined intenselly in the sun, her slim tiny body seemed to dance at every move she made and her face; oh her face; simply beautiful! Her cute little nose, her big expressive green eyes and those pouty lips that I so wanted to kiss. I was ashamed to feel my member harden as I stared at her.

Then I remembered what Sam said about imprints and how we would love them at first sight and how it would be so strong that we wouldn't control it if we tried and I had no doubt I had imprinted on Alice. She was my soul mate, the girl I would love inconditionally for the rest of my life.

"Hi," She said smiling like and angel. "I'm Alice."

"L-L... L-Leah." I could only say, stammering like a damn idiot. She simply grinned in response. And from that second on I was addicted to that sound.

I was sitting on the sofa she had in her bedroom, eyes closed and head thrown back while she was on her knees taking all of me into her little mouth. Fuck, she was sucking for dear life and it felt so fucking good, I could feel the head of my dick touching her throat. My hands were in her hair, driving her head up and down my shaft.

We are together for a year now and she knows everything I like in the bedroom and it goes both ways I know how to make her scream pretty loud too.

"Fuck baby, that's it suck me!"

And fuck me if she didn't, she started sucking me even harder taking in as much as she could and I was just about to cum when some motherfucker called at the door. I groaned loudly and Alice immediately let go of my cock standing up, looking sorry and telling me she had to go.

"Alice, are you ready or what?" Bella asked from outside the door.

I sighed. "Go where?" I asked kinda upset pulling my pants up and trying to ignore the need to cum.

"I'm going shopping with Bella it was really hard to convince her so I better go before she changes her mind." She gave me a quick kiss and turned to leave.

I grabbed her arm gently just to make her look at me. "It can't wait? I have a problem, a big problem here Alice." I said looking between my legs.

"Alice, you coming or what? Is someone there with you? Is it Leah? Are you busy?" Bella asked impatientely.

"Yes Bella it's me and yes she is busy!" I said before Alice had a chance.

"Fine, I'm leaving then!" She sounded somehow angry. Oh well.

Alice rolled her eyes. "Baby I'm sorry but I'm sure you can take care of your 'problem' by yourself for this time." Yeah right. "I promess I will make it up for you later." She whispered in my ear. You little tease.

She grabbed her purse and rapidly left the room. Fucking fantastic. I'm so gonna kill Bella for this.

Bella's POV

"Fine, I'm leaving then!" I all but shouted before turn into my hells to leave.

Alice practically forced me to go shopping with her and now she's busy? Busy getting fucked by that bitch; oh how I hate Leah! There she was touching my Alice, touching her, kissing her, fucking her, ARGH! It should be me there damn it! Me, me, me! Alice should be mine not hers!

I get into my pick up truck and took a few long breaths trying to calm down. And there was the fucking urge to cry again, great. If only she knew just how much I love her, I doubt Leah can love her the half I do, I doubt anyone in this planet can. It hurts so much to see them together, to hear her telling me how much she loves Leah and how perfect she is because I'm her damn best friend and I'm supposed to listen to it all and be happy for her.

And of course I have to fight the urge to kill Leah whenever Alice tell something like "I couldn't make it last night cuz Leah showed up and well, y'know" or "Oh you won't believe where we did it yesterday". I'm so fucked up, fuck my fucking life!

I was about to pull out her driveway when I saw her running to me.

"Bella, wait!" She opened the passenger's door and get in. "I'm sorry, I didn't know Leah would show up and-"

"It's ok Alice. Let's go, shall we?" She simply nodded and I pulled out her driveway and drove away to Seattle.

Too bad?