Been a while since I submit a story here, I've been too much active at Deviantart and school. Btw, this fic has soooooo much grammar mistakes, so forgive me if it's bothering you.
So here it is! My new series; Change of Souls. England/Liechtenstein romance-fluff! This is my favorite OTP! Though there's not much fic about them...
Please enjoy it!
Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia and all of it's character, and I'm so jealous to death at Himaruya-sensei who owns it all.
Change of Souls
It's twilight.
The meeting hall corridor become orange-colored because of the sky that passed through outside the window, with small voices of crows that glides above. As England walked, he took a peek outside, seeing the beautiful scenery that he rarely sees recently. He sighed, he continue to focus his attention at the papers of work in his hand. He always got a tight schedule everyday. Just today, he's become one of the main speakers at The World Conference. Even though the conference is not going very well (thanks to America's absurd ideas), he's glad that at least he already do his task flawlessly.
As one of the most influenced nation in the world, he mustn't do any failure, for everyone sake. He fastens his pace as he looked at his wristwatch, remembering that the meeting hall will be closed at night. Moreover, he still has many works to do at his home. And for tomorrow, he will attend the G-20 meeting too. He finally arrived at the entrance and slowly walking out, then he realized something important and smacked his forehead.
"Damn! I forgot my documents in the meeting room! Just how absent minded I was just now?"
Groaning, he couldn't do anything but to get back again and take it. He just mumbled his vexation, while running a little on his way so he can go home immediately.
He can do everything at his own. He doesn't need any help. Having someone to be with you it just going to be a burden, and he's gotten hurt enough from it.
They're just going to leave you alone at the end.
He stops at the bottom of staircase to catch his breath, while shifting his papers and checking if there's another things that he has forgotten. He slowly climbed the staircase, and looking at the papers thoroughly. He could hear that was another footsteps above, but he wasn't quite pay attention to it. Until he hear a girl shriek that followed with her falling above him
It's twilight.
She tidies up the chair at the meeting room at today World Conference. Even though it's not her job to do that, Liechtenstein feels satisfied just to become a little helpful for everyone. As she walked out from the meeting room, she could see a brown envelope at one of table.
"Did someone forget it?" She murmured, checking if there's a name or anything written at it.
Founding that there's not a sign about the owner, she's took it and though to just put it at the lounge so the owner can just take it at the front desk.
The wide window around the corridor letting the sunset light enter, making everything look completely orange. She's passing through as she looked the scenery from the window. She's thinking it's simply just beautiful.
The conference is as hard as ever, though she's hardly do anything. America is the same as ever to give an eccentric idea for the world problem, so mostly England taking over the meeting by giving the most logical solution (with Germany help too).
She's look at her wristwatch, smiling and skipping her step a little too. Her brother will come home tonight. It's been a while since he's got a break from work. She feels so happy that she's also thinking to cook a feast for him.
Liechtenstein reading thorough her paper works, checking the things that the conference decided for. As usual, she's not taking much part in it. She's really hope that she will be much more helpful for everyone, not a burden. But there's nothing she can do about it.
Not paying much attention about her surroundings, she's not realized that she's already at the edge of staircase. Her foot slipped, and she's falling. Falling. The staircase is quite high, there's no way she will fall uninjured. She closed eyes, shrieking, knowing that what will happen to her. Before she's going to hit the floor, she took a glance. There's a man below, right at where she's going to fall.
Tsubaki: So how was my first attempt to write Hetalia fanfic?
England: A complete failure. *sipping black tea*
Tsubaki: Ouch! That's hurt England! Though that's one thing I love about you *chuckle*.
Liechtenstein: I-I think it's good enough, Tsubaki-san...
Tsubaki: Aww, no need to cheer me up, Liech-chan! I know it wasn't good at all.
Tsubaki: But thanks for reading it, readers! I'll be more than happy if you could just review me! Even critiques is fine!
Tsubaki: And I will put so much fluff until the readers is going to be choked up by it!
England & Liechtenstein: Uuuh... *blush*