A/N: Hey guys I apologize for the late late late update. Life has not been very kind to me. My grandma passed and then I got stuck in NY during the blizzard and ugh. It is fluffy, mainly because I need fluff in my life right now. It is loosely proofed so please don't look too hard for mistakes. Also, this is it for this fic. I'll keep on writing though. In my universe, Sam exists but only as a filler character. In my opinion he's just on the show to make out with Quinn so I don't see much development there. Suinn, Quam or any other combination is non-existent in my imagination. XD As always, R&R but most of all, enjoy.
"I heard your voice, you know? All I had to do was follow it." The brunette's voice was raspy and barely above a whisper. She reached out and touched her girlfriend's porcelain-like cheek.
Those words coupled with the cherished touch, which Quinn had missed terribly over these last days, made the blonde break down in tears. "Oh my god, look at me! I'm a mess and I'm supposed to be the strong one this time."
"It's okay baby. It's okay." Rachel just soothed waiting for the sobbing to subside. Once it did, she tugged on the blonde's hand until the cheerleader got the hint and leaned down for a tender kiss. It was as though Quinn was afraid to break the tiny performer.
As much as the girls wanted to be left alone and rejoice after being united again, they both knew that phone calls had to be made. People were genuinely worried for the diva's health. Leroy was paged immediately and Hiram was already on his way from work. To say that both Berry men were positively ecstatic was a huge understatement. Thanks to both of them, Quinn hadn't felt so bad at her own father's rejection. Leroy and Hiram were much more of a father figure than Russell had ever been.
Next on the list were Santana and Brittany. The Latina had actually cried and the ditzy blonde had been there to witness it all. Much to the feisty brunette's chagrin, there was no denying it anymore. Santana Lopez cared for Rachel Berry a lot! The Latina only responded with a very 'Lopez' comment: "Don't tell her or I'll beat both your and smurfette's ass Juno!"
"Santana, I don't appreciate you mocking my short stature, you know it's a sensitive subject. Furthermore, I think you should start being more cautious when you speak over the phone as you can completely ridicule yourself while being on speaker. However, I did find your reaction to the news of my being awake now rather endearing."
After a second of stunned silence, the blondes on both sides of the phone broke out in roaring laughter.
"That was super funny San. Don't be mad, I still can't understand some words she says. It's a good sign that's she's doing okay."
"I'm not gonna take offense to that Brit. But thanks to both of you."
Quinn grabbed the phone and said her goodbyes to both cheerleaders. Just as she hung up, both Berry's entered and almost unhinged the door in their frenzy to get to their daughter. At this, the blonde quietly slipped through the door. She wanted them to have a moment of privacy, a family moment so to speak. She used the time to call her mother and inform her of the wonderful development.
"Oh baby girl! We're so glad you finally woke up." Hiram exclaimed since Leroy was just crying and holding Rachel's hand.
"Yeah, though I do regret having missed graduation."
Hiram thought that, under the circumstances, graduation had been the least of her problems. Though it was very like his daughter to worry about such things so he took it as a good sign of her recovery.
"Don't worry. Burt taped the whole thing and we can reenact it for you. Your fellow glee clubbers said they would be willing to do that."
Rachel actually snorted at the idea. It was a bit much but it would no doubt be amazing to be able to live that moment with them. After all, you only graduate from high school once, right?
"I love you dad, and you too daddy." The girl turned to her sobbing father.
"I am so deeply sorry sweetheart. I should have been more careful while driving. This whole thing could've been avoided. Just…to think that I might have lost you and all because of my recklessness…"
"Daddy, please don't do this. I really don't recall everything as clearly as I would like to but I'm positive that it was the other car that ran the red light. I love you and I'm okay now, this is not your fault." The brunette held her father's gaze until she felt assured that he understood how she felt about the whole thing. He'd never fully stop blaming himself, that was just who he was, but at least Rachel would make sure that he knew that she didn't blame him at all.
"I love you princess. We absolutely love you, right honey?" Leroy said turning to his husband who beamed and nodded his answer.
Suddenly Leroy started fishing in his lab coat pockets. "Oh I almost forgot. When they…when they brought you in they gave me your stuff. Here, I believe this is yours to give away." He produced a little box wrapped in red paper with a white ribbon. The colors of the Cheerios. That had been what Rachel had left at home. She was adamant that it had to be given to Quinn at school so it had to be absolutely perfect. Just one little glimpse of the famous 'Rachel Berry pout' settled any possible argument over the subject. Leroy was driving his stubborn daughter home to get the gift.
Rachel smiled and took the little box. It had been really a product of luck to find that little gold star necklace. Everyone else thought that stars were the brunette diva's thing, a metaphor for her Broadway future. However, she had a whole new perception of the subject now. She hurried to hide the box beneath the covers as the blonde slipped back into the room.
Quinn immediately went to her girlfriend's bedside and held her hand with an adoring look in her eyes. "Sorry, I was talking to my mom. She said to give you a big hug and that she'll be here after work."
"Well, go on…"
Quinn smirked and enveloped her in said hug gripping the tiny body as hard as she dared without hurting the diva.
"Ugh, you guys are so sweet it's not even funny, you know that? And don't even mention anything related to work right now because I'll just feel guilty. I have to get back but I don't want to." Hiram said annoyed. "I want to stay here with my baby girl."
Rachel scoffed. "Dad! I am not a baby. Besides you both should go back to work. Daddy, your patients need you."
Leroy snapped his eyes to his husband's and, after some weird married people communication happening, agreed. "Okay, Quinn if you girls need anything, and I mean anything at all, you just ask Tess to page me 911, ok?"
Hiram was apparently satisfied with the idea that his husband was going to be in the same building as her daughter while he headed back to work to finish up his day. Yes, it was huge that the brunette had woken up but the world was not gonna stop turning because of it no matter how much he wanted it to. The blonde cheerleader's presence also gave him enough confidence to agree to it too.
"Okay you two, behave. We'll see you later." With those words both Berry's departed satisfied with knowing that their daughter was going to be fine.
Once they were alone the tiny diva scooted aside to make space for Quinn on the bed. It took her some time and she even winced lightly in pain but she managed it. She patted the bed and gave her girlfriend a smile.
The blonde caved so slowly and extremely carefully she climbed beside the brunette making sure that she didn't put any of her weight on her. Not even by accident. "I was so scared Rach."
"You know, at first I was too. I was also very disoriented because I wanted to call 911 but instead I called you. What would Freud say about that?"
The blonde pretended to think for a second. "Uhm that you're crazy perhaps?"
Rachel swatted Quinn's arm playfully before taking her hand and intertwining their fingers. "Well, I was gonna say that you make me feel safer than anyone else but we could go with crazy as well."
Leaning down, the cheerleader pressed a kiss to the starlet's temple. "Nah, I think I like your explanation better."
"I have something for you. It was supposed to be your graduation present but you know…I'm so sorry for making you miss that. And, oh my god, your speech too! I know you worked really hard on it…And then the performance…I'm so the worst girlfriend ever…"
"Baby, you're rambling. But there's nothing to be sorry about okay? So you were saying you had something for me?" Rachel produced the little box and handed it to Quinn rapidly lowering her gaze and finding something interesting in the hem of her hospital gown. "Awwww…Shy Rachel is cute."
Contrary to what Rachel would have done, Quinn ripped the paper quickly. "I appreciate the reference to the colors of my Cheerios uniform." Then she opened the box and stared at the tiny star hanging from a thin golden chain. The blonde glanced at Rachel and then back at her gift before bursting out into laughter yet again in that same day.
The brunette diva put on her best 'offended look' as she took in her girlfriend's reaction disbelievingly. Was it really that pathetic of a gift? Rachel certainly didn't think so, thus, she had no idea what could've prompted this particular reaction from Quinn.
"Excuse me Fabray? Would you mind telling me what exactly is it that you find funny about my gift? Do you not like it?"
After the laughter had settled down the blonde turned to Rachel. "No baby of course not…I mean it's not that. It's just that…uhm…I got you something too. Wanna see it?"
"Oh, okay." The brunette was hesitant at best.
Quinn got a box similar in size out of her pocket and handed it to Rachel.
"I love the paper." Then, the brunette proceeded to carefully unwrap the gift unlike Quinn had done previously. Once she finally opened it she stared dumbfounded at an identical gold star necklace. "So this is the other one…"
"The man in the store told me that it was a pair but someone had already bought the other one. I just loved it and thought it would be a good present for you. You know gold stars are kind of my thing right?"
"Yes, because you are a star."
Rachel smiled. "Well, that was before." Suddenly the brunette turned pensive. "You know how sailors often use the stars to guide them while at sea?"
"Y…yeah I might've heard something about it."
Brown orbs met hazel ones dead on. Rachel wanted to say this to Quinn and have the blonde know that it was serious. "You're my star. As long as you're beside me I can't get lost. That's why I bought it."
Quinn felt as if the air had been knocked out from her lungs. The warmth she felt at the sincerity of Rachel's words was overwhelming. She knew that she felt the same way about the diva and was elated that her feelings were returned in kind. She held the brunette's gaze putting as much feeling as she could into it. There was something shifting between them right in that moment, both girls would feel it.
Slowly and tenderly the blonde claimed the starlet's lips in a kiss that lingered with the promise of tomorrow. It was magical. It couldn't have been more perfect if they tried even though they were lying on a hospital bed with Rachel just recovering from a serious accident. All that mattered was the two of them; there was nothing besides the connection they shared.
Pulling back and sighing contentedly the blonde smiled. "It's an extremely good metaphor."
Rachel knew where Quinn was going so she just supplied. "And metaphors are important."