
Author's Note: I haven't written this story since the 8th grade, now I'm in 11th. That's three years and I actually enjoyed this story so I'm gonna try to finish it. Enjoy. I split it into two POV so it'd be Ulquiorra's and Orihime's. Short poem written by me to get a preview of how Orihime is in this story.


Sometimes when I'm alone

I pretend I'm with the one.

I want to be with the most

But I always wake up to the reality that they are lost.

I cannot bear the unbearable, incomprehensible, and endearing pain the sears in my heart

I am left with scars all over, tearing me apart.

Sometimes I feel so numb, that I tear into my flesh

Craving for a new start that's fresh.

The red hugs onto my wrists, hugging them to remind me that I do feel pain

When I go show my self to the world I feign

And fake what I truly feel.

But, there's a voice

Telling me that I have a choice.

To not feel this way, and turn away.

I rejoice! To have someone by my side and remind me that everything will be okay.

To have someone be by my side fills me up with a warm, radiant, and happy sensation inside of me

That spreads throughout my body, making me feel free.

And free shall I be.